Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan


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Saknar min gamla kompis som jag spelade Gruvhantverks beta med favä. Har inte pratat med honom på typ 5-6 år. Vi hade ett litet "bråk" som var ingenting egentligen, och sen syntes vi aldrig mer.

är för ful för fv

vad för bråk?

Jag med ska vi bli ihop

jvdk kort också för det räckte inte att vara ful och ha autism tydligen

Jag är också olycklig ibland. Då brukar jag leta upp ett nytt av skogens djur att fotografera. Se till exempel detta magnifika exemplar av en renflicka i hennes naturliga habitat lyckligt ovetande om mänskliga påfund såsom restskatt, skoskav och internethat.

Bokstavligen ingenting, typ att jag ville gå och lägga mig istället för att göra något med honom. Hade varit bästa vänner i nästan 10 år men vid den tidpunkten hade vi redan gått skilda vägar lite grann (gick i olika skolor och fick nya vänner)

Wow hon var sööät.

Seriöst mann1 du borde bli naturfotograf!

Utveckla rösterna i huvudet till en tulpa j/n?


Hur många kompisar har ni haft i ert liv? För mig är det 6


Hur definierar du kompisar? Har haft en del bekantskaper som jag nu på efterhand inte skulle kalla för vänskaper.

Promenera är riktigt skönt. Va på en promenix idag och det känns alltid häftigt att se ett helt nytt område samtidigt som man njuter av den strålande solen. Brukar autista mig i skogen också, typ hoppa och svinga mig i en gren. Ja, jag har inga vänner, så då får man göra annat.

Med risk för att låta som en nbög - vem håller koll på det?

var med i ett kompisgäng när jag gick i fyran och hade några på dagis som jag inte minns namnet på

Får du bestämma själv med känsla antar jag. Om det endast är "nära" vänner är det nog snarare fyra för mig

Renflickan i sin fulla prakt med kronan så stor och ståtlig. Visst finns det ett mått av självmedveten stolthet. Men det är en naturlig stolthet som inte baseras på mänskliga urbana påfund såsom flygpoäng och yrkestitel.

fy fan vad lite man åstadkommit i sitt liv

Du, jag ska fan ta en promis jag också.

>gå och lägga sig tidigare blev slutet på en 10 års vänskap


Brukar gå på en eller två halvmilspromenader varje dag. Pratar med mig själv medans jag gör det. De senaste dagarna har varit väldigt sköna.

Vännen du har inte bemött mitt argument eller försvarat din egen poäng.

Det har gjorts väldigt många undersökningar, om ni är intresserade av formalian och de exakta omständigheterna så föreslår jag att ni tar fram de individuella studierna.
Även en begränsad studie kan använda sig av variabler för att få högre validitet. För IQ-studier är det knappt ett problem länge på grund av den enorma mängden studier som gjorts i området.

Med det sagt tackar jag för mig, fullt medveten om att alla utom typ 3 pers ens läser mina inlägg. Hoppas ni lärde er något.

Hm måste tänka. Vad räknas som kompisar i grundskolan var det tydligt, alla var i grupper men gymnasiet blev det mer av en gråzon och alla var med varann. Det är för många för att räkna med efter grundskolan har jag haft noll fritidsvänner.

>bokstavligen detta hände mig fast jag var den som stack
>ser detta
Aha. Trodde jag hade hittat min gamla vän eftersom detta var bokstavligen vad som hände, men det var jag som stack iväg på ett väldigt autistiskt sätt. Det verkar dock inte så. Vet inte varför han ens skulle vistas här.

*krashar tråden utan överlevande

>dkn ens enda intressen är olika sorters konsumption

Hade redan börjat gå isär som sagt

Fullt medveten om att inga förutom 3 pers*** äsch

Hur fan odlar man skägg? Jag är snart 22 och har som mest en taskig jävla moppemusch. Skulle till och med nöja mig med ett fläckigt nackskägg favä

wow snyyyyyyggt. undrar hur många lax hon drar in favä.

jo men vad fan?

1 väldigt nära, 2 nära och typ 10 bekanta

låter kanske väldigt socialt men träffar aldrig de som fortfarande är del av mitt liv

Växte du upp i Solna?

det är simpelt. du låter bli att raka dig.

varför har martina en blank, vit profilbild numera? vet hon att vi har smygtagit bilder från henne och brevat dem här?

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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27 No.75000593

a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america


a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop


Antingen kan du eller så kan du inte. Kan du inte, så ska du raka dig.

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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america


a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

>spammet börjar igen

Eller nja, det regnar rätt rejält märkte jag nu.
Aldrig för sent att börja :D

Det kan ta tid. En del får skägg först vid 30-35 har jag hört.

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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america


a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop


Är troligen rätt autistisk. Har gjort ungefär samma sak med två andra kompisar. Verkar som att jag haft något behov av att lämna gamla saker och ställa om allt till noll. Nu har jag inte träffat någon ny på ungefär 8 år tyvärr.

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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27 No.75000593

a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

>sen middag på konferens
>sitter stora svartvita tavlor med fotografier överallt i matsalen
>anmärker "ser ut som auschwitz"
>nej, vi var faktiskt en tvålfabrik tidigare (lux handtvål)
>"ungefär samma alltså, hehe"
>plingade nyss till i outlook i mobilen
>redan inbokad för HR-möte imorgon

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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america


a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

Jag vet vem du är

Bara filtrera Brasilienflaggan

>såhär mkt negerpenis i en och samma svensktråd.

seriöst vi vet vi är snygga, men liksom hallååååå.

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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.


cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

>outlook i mobilen

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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27 No.75000593

a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679


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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.


cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.


cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

Den här personen har spammat norgetråden innan. Filtrera flaggan, men han använder sig av flera ibland.

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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.


cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

Thank you my Brazilian friend. Now I don't need to tab out of the thread when I'm fapping.

Jao jag har förstått det. Så vad tycker du om mina renflickor nurå?

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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27 No.75000593

a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679


New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

>Verkar som att jag haft något behov av att lämna gamla saker och ställa om allt till noll

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

Bästa brevaren!

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27 No.75000593

a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679


måste man inte ha 4chanx för skiten?

sluta aldrig breva.

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

Jo, eller någon av mobilapparna. Eller har vanliga 4kanal stöd för filter med?

tror det frågan är hur fan hon fick reda på det

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

filter men inte för flaggor så vitt jag kan se


värt det dock, bra tilläg

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27 No.75000593

a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679


>Fiskande säl sticker upp huvudet och får se tråden i sitt nuvarande skick.

Nähe, inget att se här... Nästa ställe dårå.

neger brasilien dra åt helvete

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

>dkn man är bokstavligen en hanrej

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27 No.75000593

a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

Säg till honom att man kan köpa på nätet.

>när bögspammarna blivit städade och börjar breva med proxy

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

>Nyfiken hunde kikar in i tråden



New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

Vad är syftet? Uppmärksamhet bara? Ser ju ingen länk till någon lurendrejerisida. Är det en svensk?

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random
[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]
Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
309 KB
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27 No.75000593

a.k.a. France & friends

cant wait for some frog to order me to do le sit ups

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:28:30 No.75000637 Kek so the Germans are going to take the absolutely abysmal state of their armed forces and push it on other members? Britain would win outnumbered 100:1 if it weren't for the competent French still being there

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.
that cockroach behavior will die out in america

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:27:27
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679


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Screenshot from 2017-05-1(...).png (309 KB, 577x953) google yandex iqdb wait
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Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:23:09 No.75000405 Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB

>Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop

New trial board added: /bant/ -
Now that World War III is inevitable which side will your country support? How will it affect you?

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:24:44 No.75000476 we'll most likely back Britain in whatever they do.
Anglos over Euros.

Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)23:26:30 No.75000549
fuck america.png (179 KB, 600x688) google yandex iqdb wait
179 KB
Anonymous (6) 05/18/17(Thu)23:29:27 No.75000679

no offence to yurop