Simmer down there.....some of us got promoted

E-4 in the Navy here whatup?

Nigga this is Sup Forums. Ain't no soldiers here. You're on your own.

Used to be E4. No longer in the military. I wasn't that motivated obviously

Frig off Randy

I didn't know Tom was an actual trap king

Being a fucking E-4 Corporal in the Army was the worst. Same fucking pay as a shit head Specialist, but 10x as much responsibility.

fucking loser start studying for the board jackass

What's your daily life like?

welp, I'm on submarines. Underway, you basically live groundhog day for an entire month and then you get to see the sun and it's glorious. When you get back on land, not much changes from any other day job.

You lazy fuck get back to the motor pool


Made it to E4 then dd214 as E1. Ask me anything


what a legend. do tell

I have a friend in the military that i want to have sex with. How do approach the subject? Also how do i ask what his batallion or whatever is


Was a frocked e4 (what they call someone wearing the rank yet not paid for it yet in navy) Go up to mast for sleeping on watch, tell the captain to I never wanted to be on a ship (was an eod drop) 45 45 restriction, never made it to musters and extra duty. Got a general under honorable for a pattern of misconduct. I have a lot more stories of me being a fuck up in the navy that's just the tip of the iceberg. I even went up to mast during my a school

u literally just ask and they won't say no

More stories sorry can't green text my phone is fucked and I can't find the arrow key
In a school, community showers in barracks, forget clothes to change into, fuck it walk through pway in towel, said towel drops and some dude looks at my cock, I call him a faggot and get 14 days restriction, fucking faggot said i was running down the pway banging on doors and helicoptering my dick to people

normally i would but he has a gf that got in a car crash recently and now shes in the hospital and on life support so maybe going in so directly isnt a good idea

he only said that cause you called him a faggot lmao