Anyone know any person from this picture ?

anyone know any person from this picture ?


yea that guy is from fallout 4

The fuck!? I thought the phantom of the opera was dead!.

It's a restless draugr

This image has been going around for a while and no one knows whats going on. i want to know the meaning behind this picture.

Malnourished Charles Manson and trailer park Emma Roberts.


lydia you whore stop sleeping with the draugr

oh sure we love our parents for who they are yet if that man were a stranger this girl would cross the street away from him before anything.

there has been a lot of rumours about this picture. the guy is dead or hes just really good at doing make up idk.

Pretty sure that the girl just bribed the grim reaper with sex so she wouldn't die

No, but they look like a couple of dumb fuck Russians.

the guy is alive holding the camera smoking a cig with no makeup on.

He looks fucking dead

thats a fucking alien


drugs are not good


Holy shit spend some of that welfare on food my man, cig's wont keep you alive

Jesus Christ that dude literally smoked every nutrient out of his body. You could probably lick his arm and get high as fuck.

more like methistopheles


Look close at his “good” eye..fuckers dead. And the cigarette in his mouth isn’t proof of life you turds.


ur mom

That's not a monkey, it's a fucking Slow Loris you cunt, they're a marsupial.

Kek smoking a cig wearing a Jesus mask

This picture triggers me. I'm a 7/10 and this ugly drug addicted skeletor white trash is fucking a hot girl, meanwhile I can't even lose my virginity.