Whats up losers? :wink: You ok ? hehe

Whats up losers? :wink: You ok ? hehe...
Look what i just bought, it's a new Rolex Submariner ;)

You see i don't wear shitty watch like workingclass dumb idiots wear.. shit watches like Casio and fucking Timex. ;)) I only wear expensive watches ;)

Ask me anything :wink: if you are nice maybe i'll give you some tips in life to be as rich as me :wink: richfag here ;)

Testo wycoorviaj

Might wanna invest some of that cash in a gym membership, sausage fingers.

literally saw this exact same post here yesterday with the same pic and text

what is wrong with your hand

fuck youre a fat cunt

dude ive seen this post around 6 times now


just stay quiet.

Hope that band is elasticised you fat fuck

That's like a $12k or less watch. Not a rich fag. Confirmed fat fag tho.

Jesus Christ, fat ass meat paw. So fat you probably don't even have fingers.

That’s not hand, that’s fucking Mitch Connor!!

looks like you shave your hands and arms, so you're either a fat fag, or a fat ranga.

Eat your fingers off when having that third bucket of kfc. It's finger LICKING dude.

Yeah, not like the pic isn't named "watch copypasta.jpg"

I have friends with that exact watch and they don't even show it to people. I said to one last week is that a new watch? They said yeah got it the other week. My response, oh yeah cool. End convorsation.
You tho, buy it and immediatly fish on Sup Forums like the fat-tard that you are. Standard watch.
Fat wrist. Fat hands. Clenches fist in photos to hide sausage fingers.
My ask me anything for you, why are you so shit?

"saw this exact same post here yesterday with the same pic and text"
you can also do that without using that whore of a word "Literally"
> God knows why people use "literally" everywhere , most misused, overused and its not your slut toy you can use anywhere
> faggots


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