You guys told me he would be impeached by now!

You guys told me he would be impeached by now!

How did you drop the ball so hard?

10 months in, three arrests, one guilty plea.

Impeachment speedrun record is still on

WHEN will he be impeached tho?? You guys have been promising this for months now!!! When will it happen!??!

These things take time, I'm sorry your goldfish brain can't wait very long

Realistically, I don't think it'll happen unless the Dems win big at the midterms and/or it becomes clear the GOP can't pass their tax reforms. The GOP won't hesitate to shiv Trump once he becomes useless to them. He's already done enough to get impeached by a hostile Congress.

As for when Mueller will be done fucking with the administration? That's up to him. I'm just edging until the moment Kushner or Trump Jr get arrested. That's going to be glorious.

sounds like you're a total fucking retard and don't have a clue what you're talking about.


You would have said that a few months ago if I said Manafort would be arrested, and the FBI had a campaign member wearing a wire.

I think you're believing what you want to believe

maybe pence would be worse?

Trump's a moron when it comes to politics, but he hasn't done anything criminal as a president or as a candidate that can be proved. So we have to wait until the Mueller case is finished.

But if Trump is impeached, who will get his place? Pence? How will that work if Russia is involved, then the whole election's legitimacy will be questioned.

To me Pence comes off as the opportunist type, if cooperating with Mueller will get him a chance at the office, he will take it.

Nothing you believe is true. I wish for your own benefit that you weren't that stupid.

When will he make MAGA, you guys promised MAGA was gonna happen by now!

Wow, you've been waiting in this thread for people to reply to your troll attempt, and then you get mad as soon as anyone replies

You seem a little scared

You guys told me we would be winning so much we would be tired of winning by now

How did you drop the ball so hard?

Pence will just sit in the passenger seat and hold the wheel the last couple years

Trump 2020! Gonna happen negroes. Get used to the idea. Now go and diddle your twats.

But then who will be on the driver's seat? If Trump's impeached and removed from office, who will take his place?

Also I don't think impeaching Trump will do anything. It might allow the US to increase security from outside influence, but I don't think it will change the administration's policies in any way.

oh it'll change the policies alright. Cult needs a charismatic leader

>by now
No. Who said he'd be impeached before a trial? Impeachment is a legal process, the investigation needs to finish. Once they get the story out of everyone then they will begin indictments which requires testimony under oath. Lying under oath carries the risk of going to federal prison. THEN we'll see if there is enough evidence to support an impeachment process. This is going to be even more exciting than watching the OJ trials. Trump is so easily trolled they'll get statements out of him. He thinks he knows better than his lawyers, we've seen this already. His dementia and impulsiveness will having him putting his foot in his mouth at every step. If there ends up being an impeachment trial he's certifiably fucked, this isn't a cheering alt-right rally he's speaking at, this will be under oath in the highest court of law. His impulsiveness and drivel will work against him, not for him. If it does indeed go to trial he is f u c k e d, fucked.

The old Sup Forums would have been on Twitter trying to make Trump angry. They would have enjoyed watching his self-destruction.

Don't tell me you guys actually started believing the trolls?

Pence might actually get real conservative shit done. Actually passing conservative legislation. If I were an american republican I'd be rooting for a Trump impeachment. To get a true conservative in office. Sure, Pence may have needed to ride Trump like a bull to get in, but so what, who cares? An actual Republican who can get shit done? With a Republican Congress pre-installed? Versus keeping the present situation: Trump, who's alienated all of congress, even his own side of the aisle and will be a lame duck for the next three years? A Pence presidency seems like a conservative's wet dream. It could have never happened without Trump for sure, but what's really the downside to this if you are a true conservative?

all they need to do to win is sacrifice their queen but there too timid to do it because sheep need a shepherd

Trump's a pathological liar. The guy's made 1,318 false or misleading claims over the last 263 days.

Shepherds eat meat.

They eat it

He won't be impeached. If by some chance he is, all the SJW's will celebrate in the streets and it wouldn't matter since his cronies are in the White House already. It's going to be the same.

sure kid

sure kid

sure kid

sure kid

I agree with this well thought out rebuttal.

sure kid

Everything you believe is something you trust someone else is right about


When will we have our next crisis?

sure kid

sure kid

sure kid

sure kid

sure kid

sure kid

sure kid

sure kid

Im not an american or a conservite but you sir are 100% correct

stay mad kid

sure kid

The downside is owning up to a mistake. Conservatives don't do that unless they can manage to pull off a humility act so they seem somehow better for being so righteous.

sure kid


I'll let you in on a secret you guys don't know about

Watergate didn't start and get finished in a month. The watergate investigation had gone on longer than this one has so far.

It's becoming unlikely they'll pass taxes because, like with the healthcare shit, it's clear the middle class is going to be fucked to benefit the rich. Middle class taxes are going to go way up.

Elected representatives on both sides of the aisle and all over the world apologize and own up every day for doing stupid shit. This one choice can give them what they've been fantasizing about since Bush 1. I don't get why they won't seize the opportunity? This MAGA they keep talking about is right within their grasp now.

Doesn't change the fact that we were promised impeachment proceedings "in the coming weeks" 9 months ago.

Yeah but I'd rather they get it right then rush it through, whatever the outcome.

So is there like extra steps that need to be taken or something?

Republicans still try to hold him, as insanely bad as he is, because they want the rich people tax cuts desperately. And kill healthcare.
But yeah the clock is ticking and thats why they try to rush it. Repeal and replace whenever enough americans died without healthcare- republitcans

Yes, the lawyers need to install a filter between his brain and his mouth so he doesn't legally an hero under oath

DNC is currently a flaming pile of shit collapsing in on itself
>lol GOP is in such a state trumb looks so unprofessional xD inpeech any day

>rich people tax cuts
I'm pretty sure everyone's getting tax cuts friend

Realistically it'll be after the midterm election and only if the Democrats take control. You have to remember that REPUBLICANS ARE ALL SHIT and don't want to damage the party anymore than it already is.

Love that all these tears are still flowing strong lol

sure kid

The DNC isn't under investigation. Not to mention that the trump campaign russian collusion investigation is being run by a republican who was installed by republicans.

Yeah, because Trump is hell bent on wrecking the financial stability of the US? Does not fear to burn the whole thing down to drain the swamp does he?

They have a corruption scandal that's not just a nothing burger. And so far all muller has lead to was the podestas stepping down

Yea High taxes and high spending were really working for us. I'm guessing you make below 20k and don't actualy pay taxes right

And three Trump campaign officials arrested

Not if Bernie runs. DNC won't rig it again.

Sup Forums willed him in and Sup Forums is powerless against Sup Forums

And just what would he be impeached for?

>>Sup Forums is that way.

For things they did in 2012

Let's make Sup Forums great again.

the trump campaign was approaching russia for clinton emails in 2012?

>said he'd be impeached
as one of my grade 1-2 teachers at school believes, he would be impeached for being an idiot....

Newsflash: It's only a "corruption scandal" on alt-right/fox news. On the other 5000 actual news outlets in the world they've barely touched the subject.

Damn user it's literally the other way around


Sure kid

>if the media ignores it, its fine!
lol you fucking cumsipper

Gee I wonder why, it was a legit confession

>he mutters to himself

>only watches shit he agrees with
you're a basic bitch.

I'm a liberal and having classical conservatives in control is better than Trump.

Be nice, some of these alt right autists haven't left their basments in months.

>believe the ONE known fake news outlet which conflicts with over 9000 legitimate news outlets
>conspiracy theories
>literally the definition of brainwashing
The media ignores it because it's literally a non-story, regardless of what your murchdoch(tm) cranial implant tells you.

It's simply delicious :^)

in any other country there would have been riots against this moron by now. american democracy is weak

Trump isn't conservative or loyal to anything beyond himself, from the day he was born Trump has been in it for one thing and one thing only: Trump.

>ITT: triggered libcuck ragelords frothing at the mouth


> 1million papers show vaccines do not cause autism

> 1 celebrity whore says vaccines do cause autism

Ameritards believe for multiple years that the celebrity whore knows what shes talking about.
I am not in the slightest confuse that a braindead idiot like trump could happen in murica

B-b-but dddddrrrrummppffffff!!!!!!

And russians!

>mocking and derision is the same as crying
I've heard confusing human emotions is a symptom of autism, have you been checked?

Impeachment was never going to happen, the Russia thing was always a known joke that liberals weren't in on because they wouldn't listen. The dossier was obviously fake, and we knew from the emails that the Clinton campaign specifically decided to play up the Trump/Putin relationship as cover for their own Russian collusion in Uranium One and other crimes. Then in the hopes of creating something to back up their LARP, they sent a Russian spy to Don Jr. to offer him espionage which he declined, and the Greek guy to the campaign to try to arrange a meeting which was declined.

That's it. That's the whole Russia thing. And most of it we knew a year ago, and so did the media.

This. The Russia thing was a nothingburger from the start. Still fun watching all the demodums crying like the little liberal bitches that they are lol :^)

> Manafort got charged with conspiracy against america

>Literally an image of people crying
W-w-we're not crying! *sniff*

This and it's fucking hilarious, we've all been waiting for this smoking gun but instead of it pointing to the Trump administration, it's pointing directly back at the people holding the damn gun. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAH

First of all.

Man, you take his cock deep don't you?

Second of all

Liberal brainlets don't know you must commit a crime to be impeached. Impeachment is for criminals, like the rapist Bill Clinton.