What if Donald Trump triggers the hostilities with North Korea in order to obtain absolute power ?

What if Donald Trump triggers the hostilities with North Korea in order to obtain absolute power ?
I need burgerfags to consider this scenario for a near future. Could your country evolve toward dictatorship ? War with NK and reception of its nuclear weapons being the catalysor, abling Donald Trump to neutralize every chunks of your long and deep democratic tradition

Consider the following :
-Trump wants to stay in power at all price. Even a war with a nuclear power (especially since liberal Californians living in big cities are the most likely to be nuked) could be a viable option for him
- He is the most loathed ruler your country ever had. That's not only a good half of the civil society who hates him, including most of the medias and many local officials, but also sizeable parts of the federal bureaucracy, armed forces and security agencies
-The sole way to shut up a such encompassing and furious opposition is having the country confronted to an external threat whose severity allegedly requires the whole nation (state and society) to stick with its leader
-State of war could be a convenient pretext to institute censorship, purge the institutions and legitimate brutal repression
-A war with NK would offer some profitable perspectives to many business interests (linked to armament, survival goods required by a scared population, eventual reconstruction of NK and nuked US cities), although inducing a financial crash (which would not hit too much sectors wherein Trumps has personnal financial interests)

Other urls found in this thread:


-Also, could be an occasion to address a middle finger to China about the debt
-US can no longer borrow to China so this justifies, along with financial difficulties, public services dismantlement and their privatization in the interests of Trump and all his rich friends
-There would be very little armed resistance : many of Trump’s supporters are the heavily-armed folks. They would actively be supporting a Trump dictatorship by brutalizing protesters (look at the guy in the car in charlottesville)
-At the opposite, it seems most of the american "left-wing" is constituted of non-violent, stupid and whinning SJW"s, whose arrogance is only challenged by their unability to realize any success on the political field. Just imagine if those people are rallying and trying to stop the march of a dictator ... with sit-ings, pussy hats and childish slogans

In the case the USA enters in war, I don't see which are the forces that would prevent the avening of a dictatorship if the current potus wants it. So Trump has all interest to go as far as to obtain war with North Korea.
Therefore, I have 3 questions to ask.
1)Is Donald Trump alone able to trigger a war with North-Korea or are there institutionnal safeguards ?
2)Would, in a context of war, the armed forces, the deep state and the federal bureaucracy obey him if he would give them the order to crush (violently) some mass protests and to arrest personnalities who are criticizing him ?
3)If he can do both, could he then use this to turn the USA into a dictatorship or would the americans who are against to him be enough strong, numerous and determined to stop a such evolution ?

1. Yes there are guards in place. He needs congress’ approval to declare war.
2. No. You do not have to obey an unlawful order in the military. They encourage you to think for yourself, contrary to popular belief.
3. No. The second amendment is in place for this very reason.

1) no
2) yes
3) you’re retarded

>Donald Trump alone able to trigger a war with North-Korea
He can't actually declare war on them, that's up to congress, but he could certainly order a military strike on them. But if he nuked them first, I don't think he'd have the kind of support from the rest of the government and the American people he would need in order to become a "dictator". Even if he did try, we have safeguards in the government that are supposed to prevent such things from happening, and they seem to work, otherwise we would have devolved into a dictatorship long ago.

i stopped reading when you said most of the armed forces do not like him. use facts fucktard. not your butthurt feelings.

>Trump triggered

Trump is triggered by Manafort, Popadopolous, Mueller, Flynn. He's losing his goddamn mind. What little of it he had left.



>You do not have to obey an unlawful order in the military. They encourage you to think for yourself, contrary to popular belief.
Basically this. I'd like to think the majority of American soldiers would refuse to kill the very American citizens they've sworn to protect. That's what the whole "protect America from threats both foreign and domestic" is all about.
Soldiers are human, too, and they're not just going to blindly follow any order given to them, especially when it comes to killing their friends/family/neighbors/fellow countrymen.

We had a captain get his rank pulled for making a private mow his personal lawn. Unlawful. Deep shit for it.

>use facts
Let's see them, then.

Your answers are opposite on 1) and 2)

>3. No. The second amendment is in place for this very reason.

But WHO would oppose him by the use of guns ? Obviously neither his supporters neither the wide majority of liberals (who are silly, anti-gun, pacifist and non-violent)

>No. You do not have to obey an unlawful order in the military. They encourage you to think for yourself, contrary to popular belief.
>I'd like to think the majority of American soldiers would refuse to kill the very American citizens they've sworn to protect. That's what the whole "protect America from threats both foreign and domestic" is all about.
>Soldiers are human, too, and they're not just going to blindly follow any order given to them, especially when it comes to killing their friends/family/neighbors/fellow countrymen.
True. That's reassuring

They take that shit seriously. But people with no military background don't understand how it really works, they just know what they've seen in movies and on TV and shit.

>wide majority of liberals
Just because you're liberal doesn't mean you don't own a bunch of guns. I know a ton of Hillary supporters that have their own personal arsenals at home, hell, one guy even has vault in his basement that is just full of weapons. But we live in a rural area, so city folk might be different.

Also, the president cannot officially declare war, that is solely up to congress. He can order military action, but he can't declare war.

The real problem with dictatorship is states obtain autonomy and rights. They aren't just provinces slaved to DC. In the event of a dictatorship, the states not supportive of the dictatorship will secede

Electionfags are worse than bronies were in 2012. They were b& and given their own board. It almost seems like there should be a board for electionfags to say the same shit to one another 30 times per day. We could call it

Congress basically gave up the right to declare war ages ago. Many would say Vietnam was indeed a war.


Well, yeah, but in order for it to be officially declared, congress has to do it. And vietnam was a huge mistake on our part. I think any military action against North Korea without them attacking us first would also be a mistake,

>I think any military action against North Korea without them attacking us first would also be a mistake,

But for who ? Would it be a mistake from a wannabe-dictator potus ?

>Congress basically gave up the right to declare war ages ago.

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11:
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

No, they didn’t. They literally can’t. Not without a constitutional amendment, anyway.

>We could call it Kek.

Pretty much. And I think the majority of Americans would see that shit for what it was. Most of the Trump voters I know voted for him because they sincerely believed he would try to make things better for the country, not because he wants to wipe out North Korea, and increasing numbers of them are becoming more and more disenfranchised with his presidency, because they see him spending all his time on Twitter and playing golf and just lying through his teeth about anything and everything instead of doing the job he's supposed to be doing, and I'm fairly certain if he did drag us into a nuclear war, most people wouldn't be too happy about it.