What does Sup Forums think about veganism/plant based diet

What does Sup Forums think about veganism/plant based diet

It's the future of human diet. Meatcucks are too stupid to realize how unhealthy and unethical their diet is.

I agree, how long have you been vegan for?

6 years, vegetarian for 7 before that.
According to my doctor my bloodwork is better than most omnivores.

Oh nice, almost 3 years for me


diet for faggots


It's alright as long as fags don't go around shouting to everyone they're vegan

It's delicious and a great contribution to my omnivore diet.
I eat and make plenty of vegan food with my vegan friends, I just happen to eat meat from time to time as well.
All of that stuff is processed food, you can eat meat made from scratch that is healthy for you.

i dont give a damn if you do it, just dont morality shame me about it.
i dont bother you, you dont bother me, howboutdah?

That's an unfounded stereotype, like how everyone says "Islam is the religion of peace", but it clearly isn't.

I think almost every vegan I've ever met, went out of their way to tell me about their diet and how glad they are to see the light.
A few of the befriended me and started chilling out once they figured out that my diet choices weren't meant to devalue theirs.
So it can become a casual thing to keep in mind if they don't go all holier than thou on you.

One of my best friends is a vegan
I don't have a problem with veganism, I just fucking hate faggots like this
I don't give a shit and a half about what you put into your body, just don't go around Sup Forums (or anywhere for that matter) shouting about how being vegan is the only way to live and how eating animals is murderous or immoral.
You do you, I'll fucking do me.

Daily reminder that omnivores are low testosterone

It's funny, whenever someone has a pet idea they subscribe to, they always claim that it is their version of how to do things that give them high testosterone.
You can essentially replace the diet with any of the special diets and then the people who subscribe to them make the claim that theirs is the high testosterone diet.

Meatcuck is jealous that there's multiple peer reviewed studies that he can't refute

fertilizer for crops


Let me ask you a question user, what exactly are you trying to do?
Are you trying to get me to badmouth you back or do you think talking shit to people will show them how great you are and inspire them to emulate you?

implying i care about testosterone.

r9k is leaking

That comic isn't how Veganism usually gets brought up in real life though.
It would be more like a group of friends hanging out eating lunch together, where one acquaintance joins them and starts gospelling about how great their no animal product salad is and then acting like everyone else is dining on live kittens when they go "great for you, I'm enjoying my pastrami sandwich as well".

that never happens. vegans do it for themselves.
if you ridicule them or ask, they'll tell you.
online you came to a thread where someone was asking about veganism to complain about >muh Sup Forums
that comic holds up perfectly

ive never been to r9k


Well this thread asked me what I thought about it.
I replied to that here Your comic was about real life, now I can see in the context of the guy you are replying to that it makes some sense.
But in real life I've never met a vegan by initially ridiculing or asking about their diet choices, they tend to introduce it as the first thing that defines them as people and will then go on and on about it, even if I'm just "that's cool for you, got any other interests?".
Now I've befriended a few vegans who don't give a shit about what I eat unless we are cooking together, I tend to prefer that type of vegan.

>few vegans
Where are you and how many friends do you have that you have a few vegan friends? I call bullshit.

I live in Denmark and I've been part of the left wing(not far left sjw people, slightly more to the right) for years.
So I've met plenty of fanatic and chill vegans.

Sure, especially in excess.

Imagine being so brainwashed by marketing and culture that you associate being gay with a certain diet. I'm not even vegan, you're just a moron or 12 year old who needs to know how retarded you sound.

What are you talking about?
Being a faggot is seeking out attention no matter if it is positive or negative, people of all genders and sexualities can be faggots.

1. You can't refute trips with singles
2. Nice argument, "Nope". What a profound, philosophical, intense argument you've brought.
3. You have no idea what you're talking about if you believe animals lives are worthless
Prove me wrong
inb4 you can't

Yet you're here seeking attention by claiming vegans are faggots, faggot. How fucking retarded are you? Go do your homework.

1. Apparently I can.
2. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed just as easily. He simply asserted that it's unethical. I can simply assert that it isn't in response.
3. Non-human animals do not have moral standing as they are not members of our society nor do they have the potential to be members of our society.

they're not worthless, they're worth less.
Just like humans are worth less to chimps than their fellow chimps.
Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you I wasn't the guy you were replying to, just another user explaining what faggot means.
I've met vegans and meat eaters both, who act like faggots. But that was their personalities, not their diet choices.