Looking for some Sup Forumsros (ironman btw) to do some questing/skilling with!

looking for some Sup Forumsros (ironman btw) to do some questing/skilling with!

post stats etc

stats etc

those some skrub tier stats

Fishing atm bruh

This person, here. Doing pest control. Bored.


plz explain this shit

we made an unofficial Sup Forums clan chat "meme season" if you guys are looking for people to talk to/quest/skill with

It's called a skiller. A person who dislikes combat and would rather do low excitement gameplay that'll still make them money for their main account.


Kind of looks like all you did was look some random person up, or you have even less of a life than the rest of us.

What game?

HCIM btw, but in process of de-ironing my acc.

why bro?

old school runescape!

What is ironman?

Any of you fags play rs3? Or you guys strictly osrs? I always join this thread when i see it poo up cause i want to start playing again but i just cant believe theres as big of a community as there once was

l0l fucking noobs

cus ironman life is gay. ive gotten far enough where the only way I can continue is by grinding out the most tedious of things in order to get decent gear. I can use bandos, but I cant grind graador for a long ass time. best to just de-iron

Normal Ironman is unable to trade or use the Grand Exchange. The other two have something to do with banking, and are purely "I am better than simply better than you"

found the virgin


But what do you do now?

damn you got me

user mad cause he sucks at a point and click game

I usually do slayer and go after boss pets

btw btw you're all casuals

brah, osrs is now like 3x as big as rs3. join us

as someone whos had multiple accounts, i made ironman because using the grand exchange is way too easy. as ironman you gotta actually get all the material yourself (its like skyrim kinda)

Oh i dont play rs3 but my account is still active as far as i know, ill just hop on it to fuck around....i keep hearing that tho which is why i wanna play again, just dont wanna start over

my main

only 90s kids remember trading post era, "shutdownGE

Combat lvl?

starting over is the fun part dude, plus when you get your account going you can get good stats pretty quickly with the methods people are using

Going for trident now
Ironman btw

youre going to be very disappointed. you have to reset

check em

lmao i remember when they spent weeks making the trading post than brought out the G.E a few weeks later

any ironman want to skill or quest with op?

anyone have recommendations for what to do for most efficient leveling?

ikr, i actually voted for GE in fally park. just thought it would be nice with some variety from rs3

who is jelly?

i think he mean't how do you have 98 prayer?

This user again. I'm sure I have one of the lower banks on here, but lets compare anyways.

Not them, but probably bought bones with gp from skilling.

>osb pro

mine's like 50m prob.

Yea it would have been nice if G.E was a lil diff then it used to be like being in fally

who here has an iq high enough to understand this?

just died to jad on 10hp because of dc's how we doing tonight lads

Currently doing some slayer tasks.

User is Klebrig

yooo im super jealous. spare a few mil?

that blows mate, you got it next time

go beg in ge pleb

here's my zulrah tab. no idea what it's worth.

give me money plz

honestly you're all shit, besides the zulrah tab nerd not posting my stats because you can't deal with the 99s

I can't even do zulrah. evryone says it's easy but I sure as hell can't do it.
sire = fine
zulrah = wrecks me

what part do you die on? i kept dying on the jad phase

Salt everywhere

that's where I'm dying. i kept getting it on the 2nd part. like the 2nd form. it's like range/mage

here's what you do. have zulrahguide.com open on one side of the screen, choose your rotation

when it's about to be jad phase, you pray the OPPOSITE of what he's firing, then alternate

it's that easy. idk why it's opposite

good luck.

Is that A Friend when he lost his HCIM status? lol


uim btw, haven't played in a couple weeks might get back into it

you better do it

its like veganism but for runescape.






the amount of casuals in this thread is unreal.
not a single maxed player.
Nor a single EOC (real runescape) player

no lifes stick to /vg/ for a reason

you should be looking for a job god damnit


lol, invested all money in bones

what a fucking waste of bones