Daily reminder that it's ok to be white

Daily reminder that it's ok to be white.

Other urls found in this thread:


and shoot up churches

Edit: it's ok to be a white knight

No. No, it isn't. Faggot.

The fewer religitards, the better.

Show some class.

White and Proud

Oath it is


that guy was progressive Democrat
who was legally allowed to own a gun

how about the black guy who shot up the white church a couple weeks ago, that was from one of the travel ban countries

Let's see how monkey man deals with my .44 magnum

There is literally nothing wrong with murdering non-whites.


Shooting sprees are like a reflex for whites

Shootings are like cultural gatherings for blacks

That's a jew aka not white

Whites are a big problem, just face it. Our biggest problem, in fact. There should never have been another white president


Time for this meme to die

Except it's really not

sure, but not nazi

all races are great

>whites are the problem
Go back to Africa if you want to live in mud huts with no water or electricity so bad.

There are more tiny black dicks than huge ones.

Literal shill. It's supposed to just be "It's okay to be white" without anything else.

Black Panthers are ok

lol just slap a swastika on it, amazing. hey genius, Sup Forums wasn't targeting you or "kids", it knew it would target the media by doing it inside leftist-only spaces (colleges) where it would be overracted to, it's too late, the SJW media already pulled it's pants all the way down


enjoy this 31 minute slam dunk

It's OK to be white


Literally chimping out over nonthreatening statements

I can do this all fucking night, NO shortage of tiny black dicks.

I love this thread.

Because it is obviously okay to be white, but know that if you hear somebody say it, they probably meam this:

2 for 1.


>it is obviously okay to be white
If it was, there'd be no need to say it.

that swatstika tho

There is no need to say it. Which is why anyone who hears it is skeptical of your motives.

Yet another tiny black dick.

Alright you do you and I’ll do me.

And it's OK to be black.

And another.

Annnd another.

See? This thread proves the point of the "Its OK To Be White" Movement. Unity, through racism. Spread the word.


Just like the Black supremacists and black power.

thanks hitler

But do straight lives matter?

So many to choose from, all fucking miniscule.

i put straight there

Not done yet.

why do you have pictures of black men?

There's just so, so many tiny black cocks.


>tfw fighting the good fight by searching for pictures of small black dicks on the internet all day

You're doing the lord's work, faggo.

I'm grabbing them all as we speak, not like images of black men with tiny cocks are difficult to find.

Blacks are a big problem, just face it. Our biggest problem. There should never be another black president.

>all day
More like the past 10 minutes; not like they're difficult to find, at all.

yeah find images of big dick asians everday user but i font save them on my computer because i have a vendetta for people who say Asians have small cocks

Lose the swastika shitbag

You're no better than the guy that first triggered you

Hahaha no

It was funny to see all those filthy sjws losing their shit when this panflets started to appear on a bunch of colleges.

why people who is clearly anti-white keeps posting naked black men?
Maybe we are kinda of obsessed about our own race. Not going into discussion there. But why are you posting only black naked men? I mean, what about the women? what about other races? And why nudity?
Do you really like black men that much?
Tell me anti-white anons, why are you obsessed with bbc?

yes swastika doesn't represent the people

this does

>can't say it because he doesn't believe it
>media puts out article after article indicating they don't believe it either



The response to this table containing 55% of white respondants think whites are discriminated against in the US got this response from the media:


The tactic in each article is to try to distill as much away from that 55% as possible, for instance another table in the study says only 19% said they faced discrimination personally when looking for a job, 11% when applying to college. They use this discrepancy of having it happen to you vs having people it happened to tell you about what happened to them to build a "only Trump voters feel this" narrative, they then proceed to say Trump is selling white supremacy. It's pure divisiveness and victim blaming, two things the left is supposed to pride itself on being above.

Their response to, on every level, any request for reassurance that it is ineed okay to be white is to spit at the question and ignore everyone it's actually happened to.

So? How is abstaining from that inherently something to be proud of?

Oldfags BTFO

it is okey to say and think whatever you want, as long as it doesnt come to criminal actions!
even nazis are allowed to speak their mind, censuring is not a solution.

i like mine better

Whites should all commit suicide tonight. Imagine how beautiful that would be. I would love that and I'd even help clean up the trash.

please stop spreading hate....

>Living in literal Planet of the Apes afterward
>No food
>No water
>No electricity
>Half the remaining population dead in the ensuing chimpout
>Half of that dead afterwards from cannibalism
>rest starve & die of disease
RIP humanity. Black Panther is fucking fiction, y'know.

It's not so much anti-white as anti-asshole, look closely, do you see any??

to late it already done been spred

no we can change this hate can be stopped

If it could have, it WOULD have at some point during the last 10,000+ years of humanity's existence.
Instead, it just gets worse, and we get dumber on the whole as a species to boot.
Hate is going nowhere.


I mean, you read what you want into it but the easy takeaway is that whites are less likely to feel discriminated against, I however take it that's not your feeling but most likely you're just an asshole

thanks bro.



I don't know what kind of living under a rock simpleton could take you seriously. That number would have been below 10% 5 or 6 years ago and we all know it. If you're just gonna pretend not to know what's going on then fuck it.

You're so clever, getting all these pictures of black dude dicks. You probably have the largest collection of tiny black dicks. it's not gay or nothin.

Yeah, it's not like you shitskins need whites to produce the technology that helped your shitholes to get out of the stone age or anything like that.

Loling at all these libcucks shitting themselves over a simple nonthreatening statement. The world is watching you savages attack the victim-race.

remember all the time conservatives did that? like "black lives matter"? How is "its okay to be white" any different?

It shouldn't be. It really shouldn't. But whereas you look into the background of people who say black lives matter, and they're just... average black people. They're not like militants who every other sentiment is kill whitey. The people who say it's okay to be white are often like OP. "It's okay to be white, and also the nazis aren't hateful."


No reminder needed, on account of we were never enslaved/second-class citizens crushed into poverty by white power structure.
It's okay to be any race/color/gender. Be proud of who you are. Getting defensive about this shit is like being a kid, going to another kid's birthday party, and being mad that you didn't get a present, too. Old-world rich white dudes are finally paying the piper. It's time to listen, or be lumped in as one of them.
And, posting a swazi along with it might be shooting yourself in the foot a bit, if you're looking for people to agree.

It's literally been okay to be white since we first came to America. It wasn't okay to be Native or Afro. If you see a young black dude at the store, odds are his grandparents had to piss in a separate bathroom, etc... We're not that far removed from the situation, but we treat it like "Come on, guys, that was AGES ago. We cool now? No hard feelings, right?"

Can we get some fucking pride in here? Are you pussies scared to be white?

It's not ok but it's allowed
>to be racist that is

I love being white, because it's part of who I am. And, at the same time, everyone should be proud of their race/religion/gender etc.

Thinking about it. I kinda like big black guys with tiny cocks
They seem like cute big teddy bears and I like small dongs

Fuck off nazi cunt.

is it ok to be black ?

"White" isn't a thing, dude. Not in the sense you Nazis want it to be. Just say "Proud to be a Nazi". It's what you feel - just say it. Be public with your hate.

I'm Sicilian, but I don't have really any cultural knowledge despite being 4th generation. My culture is American, and that is what I am proud of.

You don't feel pride about yourself. None of you do. You tell yourself a lie to stomach the acid-sour taste of hate, that you have "pride" in your whiteness, and therefore you must put others down in order to exercise that pride.

Which is complete nonsense! You can be proud of something (that exists, and remember that "white" isn't a "race" - it's just a biological state of lacking melanin) in a way that doesn't hurt others.

Stop coopting my skin color to inflate your own ego. Find a sense of purpose in your life that doesn't revolve around kicking other people - you'll be a lot happier for it.

This is leftist propaganda. It's OK to be white is not a racist statement. This is intended to associate whiteness with racism. Fuck Antifa. Fuck BLM. Fuck all you pathetic losers who blame white people for all of your problems. You are pathetic piece of shit failures as a result of your own actions, not on a society built to oppress you.

People come from all over the world to make something of themselves in America, and Western European countries and yet some of the people who are born here can't manage it. The opportunities available here were created by white people. Now white people are attacked from all sides with bullshit propaganda like this. If you don't like white people then leave.

I agree but it's not OK to be a nazi

what if im white but not from european ancestry? (u know what i mean)