The fact that his is controversial proves that white people are under attack...

The fact that his is controversial proves that white people are under attack. The morons say "since when is it not ok to be white?" Mother Fucker, look at the reaction to this message. Obviously right now is when it is not OK to be white according to all of the people upset by this.

Now the racist left is trying to turn this around and say that the message is racist. How the fuck is saying that it is not OK to be white not racist but saying it is OK; somehow that is racist? Fucking liberal logic, that's how.

We must fight back. Spread this message everywhere. Their tactic is to modify the message with swastikas, or to add other racist text with it to smear white people. Don't let them get away with it! Let everyone know that the modified posters are propaganda, don't stand for it. It is not white people posting the modified message; it is liberals trying to stoke hatred and division.

Spread the real message everywhere. Tear down anything that modifies the message in any way. It is a false flag. It is propaganda.

Other urls found in this thread:

>its not okay to be white

op you are a fucking retard.

take 10 seconds to get off of Sup Forums and get in the real world and you'll know theres absolutely no one in america who thinks "its not okay to be white"

If white people upset you. YOU ARE RACIST!

Stop posting this. Stop.

According to oprah all white people should die. Will anyone protest her? No. Hating white people is an acceptable position to hold in todays society. It is you who is a retard if you can't see that.

Can't handle the truth?

It turns out, people are sensitive to nuance and context. When they see a message like "it's okay to be white," they ask, why would someone bother to say that? Given that Americans aren't actually put-upon for being white, the answer people go for is, this is a white supremacist dog-whistle.
Hope that helps.

Truth. This should never have been a controversial message. It reveals the contempt people have for whites. The left is a cesspool of hatred.

People inject their own nuance and context. Thieves think everyone steals. Liars think everyone lies. Hateful people think everyone hates. Minorities hate whites so they assume whites hate them. The message does not include hate, the reader provides that; if that is what they are inclined to do.

It's not contoversial, it's just stupid. White people have a waaaay better life on average. It's great to be white.


This is not about who has a better life. White people are constantly attacked based only on the color of their skin. No one bats an eye when racist shit is said about white people. It is absolutely fine for people to say all whites are racist. No one loses their job for that. That is not the road to peace and unity. You can't fight racism with more racism.

Your confusing prejudice with racism. Racism is institutional. In the case of America, white people are largely in charge of those institutions.

Anybody can experience prejudice. But if you're white in America, you will likely never actually experience real racism.

It's totally fine to shit on white people guys; cause they have a better life. We are just evening the score. But don't you dare call a Obama the N word. He has clearly struggled his whole life in this racist land.

There's a challenge with trying to offend someone, which is, you have to have a really good understanding of their worldview. Most people aren't very good at this, so they tend to try to offend others by going with something that would offend themselves, so most insults are suggestive of the speaker's insecurities. Hence the alt-right's obsession with cuckoldry (i.e., emasculation) as the go-to insult.
But this becomes tricky with the "it's okay to be white" issue. After all, your argument hinges on the idea that identitarian leftists are racists, which is why they project racism into this---but that's just your idea of what it must be like to be them; that's them viewed through your eyes, so maybe you're the one projecting the racism? And, of course, this recursion never stops.
However, in my post, I had normies in mind. People who just aren't really in to this identity warfare horseshit; they're the ones who are going to hear a dog-whistle.

stop whining whitey

>t. racist

>Racism is institutional
People like you always want to change the definition of racism according the the argument you are making at the time. If racism is institutional why are regular folk called racist? The fuck kind of retarded definition are you trying to use?

Not to mention the only institutional racism around today is anti white. From diversity quotas to Affirmative action to media manipulation, everyone is always doing everything they can to benefit minorities over whites.

By your definition the only racism that exists is anti white.

Congratulations. You're clinically retarded

>so maybe you're the one projecting the racism
That does not explain why the innocuous statement "it's ok to be white" is viewed as racist. So there is no recursion, your argument does not make sense.

> People who just aren't really in to this identity warfare horseshit; they're the ones who are going to hear a dog-whistle.

Wrong. In order read racism in this statement one must be already assuming it.

Do you live in the same America as me? Where I live in California you get basically crucified for being a white person. I've known people to get shot and stabbed over that shit.

All black casts on broadway are "progressive". All white cast? Racist, of course! Why? Because America is racist against blacks of course.

>There's a challenge with trying to offend someone, which is, you have to have a really good understanding of their worldview.

ehhh. Kinda. Some people, all you really need is to have spoken to them once. You can say "nigger" and some people on the left will break down and/or dox you.

>so maybe you're the one projecting the racism?

Still no, since the people that started this aren't the ones reacting to it and calling it racist. It was more of a "I wonder if this will actually work like we think it will" kind of experiment. And the answer was overwhelmingly yes. Yes it worked EXACTLY like we thought it would.

The people that aren't into the identity warfare bullshit aren't even going to comment. They're gonna roll their eyes, or just go "this is fucking stupid." But it's not really gonna be a dog whistle, because it isn't really a statement that can be taken as racist. In the same way the phrase "black lives matter" (in a vacuum) doesn't really imply that other lives don't.

So basically racist whites exist so we should all be racist against whites. Fucking brilliant. This pretty much proves the necessity of the posters.


Fuck you, false flagger!

It's ok to be white does not mean back is bad.

It's okay to be white. I support this message and I am a white from Argentina.

Um, is it okay to be 86% white?

Why are the alt-right such snowflakes.
I'm white, not under attack, not being racial profiled, have a great job and a bloody good life.
Fucking crybabys.

Being white needs to be as controversial as being g not white. If you don't think non white people are discriminated against, your part of the problem.