Please help me flood these guys with shitty reviews...

Please help me flood these guys with shitty reviews. They put all kinds of miles on my bike while it was in their shop and did a terrible job on repairs. They also charged 50% me more than they said they would. assault cycles#fpstate=lie

Just hop on Google and give them a sigle star rating. Please and thank you anons.


Scrotum + bike seat + time stamp now, faggot

You sound like a lonely gay fuck. Fuck off if you're not going to help.


You sound like a no-bike having sackless virgin. The camera on your phone probably sucks dick too.

>can't even fix his own bike

Don't worry OP. There's too many worthless fucks on this site. Going to get mostly trolls as you can see. Can bet money non of these guys have had any form of pussy or ever had enough money to buy a motorcycle. But they have plenty of time to waste here.

Nice samefaggng, faggot

maybe you shouldnt get your bike repaired at a shop that doesnt even have a functional website

NYPA, faggot


You don't have to help if you don't want to. Fucking retard.

Thanks user.


Nobody's goin to help you faggot. Youve given us no reason to believe you, fagnut.

Stfu, virgin faggot

Just gave them 5 stars

don't be a fag. OP needs them to suffer in a legit mate way. 1star'ing is fucking perfect depending on where he lives. simple request.

I read a few of the google reviews and it seems of lately they have been doing terrible with customer service. Not arguing that he's telling the truth, but the reviews do say something.

i shit on their ratings. good luck if you dont demand quality control

Just sent a screenshot of this thread to the shop, and reported a few reviews that were blatantly false. All of your fake reviews will be taken down soon. NYPD faggot.


Not going to change a thing jackass.

You sound like a cunt who can't deal with people in the real world, and are here to beg others to get your tragic revenge.

You took it up the ass from these clowns and paid them for it. You little bitch.

Sage & AIDS

Obvious samefag

Yeah it does lol. Google will have negative reviews made in the period of this thread removed. That's how that works.

Here's what most of these pussies look like. Commenting on here because they have nothing better to do.

Wrong thread bud?

Here's what a worthless cunt who pays to be fucked over in real life, and begs strangers to make him feel better about the situation looks like

Which one?


The samefagging OP

Not sure if it's the samefag. Please explain. I'm lost in this thread now.

That doesn't make sense. One of them was me, who was against what OP was trying to do.

I tried to tell everyone there's too many trolls. This is one fucked up thread.