Jungian mystic here. I will answer questions about the Deep Mysteries. Opportunities like these don't happen often...

Jungian mystic here. I will answer questions about the Deep Mysteries. Opportunities like these don't happen often, since teaching people to wake is the surest way to bring down the wrath of the powers and principalities. I do this occasionally in Sup Forums knowing that most people will assume I'm LARPing and I can pass unnoticed in the noise. Those who have eyes to see will recognize what I'm offering.

Ask and I will answer.

Can't tell if troll or mentally ill

1. Is there a god?
2. Will i always be this ugly?
3. Why are people so retarded?

Funny thing, if you read the DSM casebooks, they're very clear that sanity is a cultural phenomenon, and that the role of the psychiatrist is to adapt people to live in the physical world easily and without pain or trauma. The concept of "mental illness" is one of the tricks the Goetic forces use to keep people on the surface, where they are given authority to rule.

1. Yes. Many of them, in fact. I've spoken to them. You can too. That's because they're not "out there" somewhere, they're all in here, with us, built into the structure of the human brain.

2. Ugliness is a form of genius.

3. There is a cage made for you on the day of your birth. You can remain in your cage, safely asleep, for your entire life. Most people do. In fact, the sleepers will instinctively attack anyone who tries to show them the bars of their cage. The thing about these cages is they can only be opened from the inside. You have to want to leave them, and to want to leave them you have to be aware that they exist. This is why you need to open your eyes before you can leave the cage.

Lol cute

discord eGveTmk

No interest in the Deep Mysteries, then.

The first non-trivial zero of the riemann zeta function

I want to create an alchemical symbol for masculinity: a circle with the chaos creation star touching its edges, and inside the spartan lambda. What are the best words to go around the circle to give it more magical power. I want power, status, success and glory.

What is God's name?

is there anything that your mystic powers can do physically? predict the future? telekenesis? Anything at all?

what i have so far

That's not how the unconscious works or thinks. Mathematics is analytic and relies on logical processes. Mysticism is about dissolving the wall between conscious and unconscious, and using the tremendous machinery at work below the level of conscious awareness -- and that machinery is not at all logical.

Consider your ability to catch a thrown object; you can work out how to do so with a pen and a piece of paper and considerable time and effort based on the precise speed and trajectory and mass of the thrown object -- your your unconscious works out how to catch the object instantly, many times a day, and without any effort.

The Deep Mysteries are not logical, and can't be reached through logical processes.

Donald Trump

I tried this sigil magic stuff once and I have yet to see results. I believe if there is any truth to it, you must possess the "real deal" item, e.g. as in OPs post the ring of solom itself, not a copy.

Any other derrived sigil magick stuff is just a different name for "positive thinking".

Convince me of the opposite :)

hey bud, Is there a greater point to it all?

If not wouldn't the best course of action to get
drunk and have a good time with a couple girls?

that should say "solomon" but you get it...

Do you have a dream guide? While there are certainly universal archetypal symbols, the manifestations of those archetypes tend to be intensely personal, and wrapped up in our memories and experiences. My suggestion would be to use lucid dreaming to question your dream guide about symbols which hold deep significance for you. The power of a sigil, after all, is in its ability to provoke certain states of mind and increase suggestibility.

Ask him. The gods will speak freely in dreams or, if you can master them, through various shamanic rituals and Jungian active imagination exercises.

What i need to do to make that my exgf come back to me?
Or what i need to do to increase my atraction with the women?

1. top three most powerfull orginisations u know of?
2. your personal meaning of life?
3. The bigest Problem u see?
4. Some interesting about the Universe and the infinite complex loop

What i need to do increse my intelligence to learn more languages?

Oh yes, there's plenty of things I can do on the surface with the discipline gained through mastery of mysticism. For example, I can control the speed of my heart, control my thermoregulation, move each of my eyes independently of each other, and a lot of other party tricks.

Beyond that, there are psych experiments which show the true power of the unconscious. For instance, one of the more famous experiments involves showing groups of people old weather maps and asking them to work out the weather for the next day. Each group is given a differing amount of training in the field of meteorology, but the group which is most consistently accurate is always the one which receives *no* training at all, and is simply told to look at the maps and guess. The unconscious is a tremendously powerful pattern-recognition machine.

But no, I can't shoot lightning from my fingers or fly. The surface of the world -- the realm of the physical -- is given over to the authority of the powers and principalities. True power is found deeper, within the depths of the inner sea.

let me adjust the last two questions
3*. the bigest Problem u see in our world right now
4*. Some Interesting facts about the Universe u think people should know

well, there goes my chance at a fields
thx 4 0, OPhaggot

whos gonna win the Melbourne cup today ;p

The "magic" isn't in the symbol, but in what the symbol means. That is, the symbol is a pointing finger. You need to look at where the finger is pointing, not at the finger. We use symbols and sigils as a kind of short-cut to meaning, the same way drugs are a short-cut to altered states of consciousness; but just as you can achieve the same altered states through meditation and biofeedback, you can grasp all the same functions of meaning without the symbol as long as your understanding is deep enough (ie/ not all surface).

I can't tell you what greater point there is for you, only for me. The fact that I have one, however, is testament to the existence of something on the far side of the nihilist Abyss. Yet to reach that far side, one still needs the courage to discard all external authority, tear out all the hooks binding one to the physical world, and fling oneself into the Abyss first.

Where can i do learn more about it?

am i able to get started in this mysticism?

Have you tried being a woman and asking yourself? You contain an Anima, the female-in-the-male. She is the embodiment of the Female, and how you access your emotional and spiritual side. The easiest way to communicate with the Anima directly is to personify her through dream. Dream your Anima into being and ask *her* these questions.

All of these questions are about the world of the physical, the surface realm where the Goetic forces rule. The goal of mysticism is to break through the crust of the world, shattering the chains of logic and reason, to the deeper, warmer seas of the internal world. The kinds of questions you're asking are traps to keep you hooked to the physical, like barbs in your flesh.

i explored my dreams in very early ages, since then i dont dream. or atleast i cant get into them anymore. can i solve this somehow?

so everything you're talking about it scientifically explainable. cool thread OP I can see you aren't bullshitting and aren't crazy

This! I was able to have lucid dreams, even AP/OOBE but for some reason I was locked out. How to regain the abilities?

i did something similar to this, at this point i complety lost touch to reality, expiriencing something i cant explain. but aperently it ended and i fell in deep depresions

Would you really like to know? Assuming you've absorbed enough data for your unconscious to work with, I have an exercise which will help you access your unconscious mind's ability to predict patterns.

Take a hardcover book, the bigger the better, and hold it upright on its spine. Ask out loud (this is important) who the winner of the race will be. Then allow the book to flop open toa random page. Place your finger on a random paragraph and begin reading. It will answer your question directly and succinctly.

The reason this works (it's called "bibliomancy" incidentally) is because of apophenia, the tendency for the human brain to find patterns where none exist. By asking your question out loud, you prime the unconscious to move your conscious awareness in the direction of memories and concepts and ideas closer to the material you're asking about. Then by trying to find a pattern in a paragraph with no context, you are forcing your unconscious to project material related to the question onto the meaning of the words.

Since your unconscious is very good at working out patterns from limited information sets, you should get a better-than-average accuracy for this method assuming you've been assiduous in giving your unconscious enough data about the subject in question.

I think I understand that the power is NOT in the sigils. But that was kind of my point. Still there are rituals and they promise a certain outcome, even for a novice. Only I doubt these ever deliver. You must have the power or the power imbued item to actually get shit done. Like commanding those demons etc.

I rly start to like this threat alot, thx op

You can't learn it. You have to unlearn it. The conscious mind is the barrier which prevents true understanding. Empty your cup and achieve no-mind.

what is the mystic view on masturbation.... I feel like it's an absolute waste

what about confidence in one's masculinity?

This will make me more attractive to women?

So.. I've heard there is an alchemist renaissance going on. Can you tell me something about it and the fox? Do you know where Book of Harmony is?

> Jungian
> Jung was a swiss psychologist
> Jewish symbol

What's it like to be 12?

Yes. The desire to do so is the first half. The existential choice to open your eyes is the second. Be aware, however, that the powers and principalities set traps and keep careful watch for those who wake. Those they can't recruit, they will destroy. This is why it's important to dive as quickly and as deeply as possible after waking. Do not react to the fnords. Learn to pass among the sleepers and do not reveal you've awakened. And get inside to the inner sea as quickly as you're able.

1. What is your best advice?

2. What is your biggest fear?

3. What do you have to say about seeing colors after a lucid dream?

i awakend, i came rly far, but i fell. i fell locked out. ist there option to start the process again?

You're still having the dreams, you're just not able to access them consciously. This is not necessarily a bad thing; I, myself, often allow my lucid dreams to fade from conscious awareness since I trust my unconscious selves to be able to continue the work, and have done the spiritual work to ensure I am able to listen to my other selves when they have important knowledge to pass on.

Still, if you want to be able to keep the haul from your lucid dreaming, you have to start keeping a dream journal. Keep a pad of paper and a pen or pencil by your bed and train yourself to INSTANTLY begin writing your dreams as soon as you wake up. This is important. They will vanish entirely within 15 minutes if not written down.

When writing your dreams in your dream journal becomes habitual, you'll alter the way your brain stores memories of dreams and you'll begin remembering more of them more often. But you absolutely have to do the dream journal, and it has to be every night. It will only work if it becomes so habitual that you no longer need to think about it.

It most certainly is not scientically explainable. If it was, it wouldn't be very useful. In the Aristotlian model there are three ways of obtaining knowledge: empiricism, rationalism, and revelation. The application of pure empiricism is science, the application of pure rationalism is philosophy, and the application of pure revelation is mysticism.

Each of these three forms of knowledge has its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses, and strength covers for the weakness of another. So, for example, science can't speak to anything metaphysical; since truth is a metaphysical quality, we require either philosophy or mysticism to cover it.

I can certainly express some of the elements of mysticism scientifically, but the opposite is also true; I can express some of the more interesting results of quantum mechanics, for example, in mystical terms.

i reflekted alot on myself, how my thinking works and why i think the way i do.
and i think i've come to a point where i have the Basicsn to write my mind into a code i can put into an AI. this way i could break the barrier of time and space, if i manage the jump between the two wrolds while keeping my conciousnes.
do you think there is a way to connect a machine to the uper stream of "everything"?

don't spell reflected like that.

Depression is a dark gift. Have you heard of the theory of depressive realism? Psych experiments show that people who are depressed show superior judgement at tasks like estimating whether a given shape will fit a given hole; non-depressed people err constantly on the side of optimism. That depression you experiences is the beginning of lucidity. You need to stop fearing it and embrace it. Of all people, I know how hard and painful it is to live in truth, but that's what you signed up for. If you are not willing to live in truth, to experience the world the way it really is, then why seek for more anyway?

The good news is that meditating Buddhist masters who achieve satori spontaneously burst out laughing. When they return to conscious awareness, they are unable to explain why they were laughing. But it means there's something very funny waiting at the bottom for us, if only we have the courage to let ourselves fall.

There are many false schools for every true school, and even the true schools hide themselves in window dressing to shield themselves from the sleepers. To make these things work, you need to change not just *what* you think, but the *way* you think. It's very hard to describe in words, since language is a surface thing.

"Commanding a demon" is another way of saying, "conquering a part of your nature." These demons are not out there somewhere, they're inside our heads with us. To summon a demon is to manifest that part of our primary, archetypal personality set. But there is a deeper level to it too, since these demons are common to all people, at a level below the unconscious, what Jung called the collective unconscious. To speak with the voice of a demon is to speak to others in their own internal voice, the way schizophrenics hear voices originating inside themselves. (In fact, Jung believed that Hitler had done just that; he'd manifested the Shadow and become a demi-god in the process.)

what do you know about the 7 hermetic principles?

There's no one view on masturbation. Sexuality is one of the primary human drives, and so there is a tremendous amount of power around it. A large part of mysticism is manipulating this power. So, for instance, masturbation of various kinds is involved in Kundalini energy work, conceptualizing the psyche as a number of chakhras and the sexuality of masturnation as a kind of energy circulating among those chakhras.

Like I said, I'm not the one you should be addressing these questions to. Ask your Anima. She already knows the answers and is happy to share them with you if you can manifest her.

What's the best system which completely contains magic circles for control over all things?

is anima just the divine feminine within oneself?

Are pelvic floor muscles linked to kundalini?

my pelvic floor muscles seem tense and my lower left abdomen has discomfort. Sometimes, my breathing seems restricted.

Alchemy is part of the Western esoteric tradition, and has had something of a renaissance, yes. The important thing to remember is that all of these schools are used by those who rule us; the Freemasons, the Skull & Bones, the Rosicruscians, and all the rest, they all teach the same things I've been teaching, but for the purpose of embodying the Goetia and ruling the surface rather than escaping it.

Alchemy is a potent tool, but not the only one. Still, it is particularly useful, since it offers tools for transforming pain into power. Where other paradigms call for somewhat higher spiritual coinage, alchemy offers the ability to take very base emotional elements and build them up step by step into levels of awareness not normally achievable. It's why alchemy is so useful to people who wish to rule; they don't need to achieve much in the way of spiritual progress to be able to mint power out of misery.

how should i use sigil magick?

never hear of that theory.. i dont have much knowledge of that kind in general..

in that time i came up with a own new logic trying to descripe everything, all the infite patern and posiblitys of everything even if couldnt get my mind around. Using simple points to line infinitys up to break through. Starting from the lowest point. At that time i was working on a full body tatto, with that i wanted to explain my innerst view of everything. Than i woke up. I felt like a fucking god hacker in the matrix, since i hacked my thinking. "but the *way* you think" i totaly get you there. The problem was at that time alot came together. And i had the dream i always had in front of myself, all i ever wanted was a friend i could share everything with, go through life with and beat it. But it never happend. And i lost control of it. And i dont know how to continue, the only thing that giving me strengh is to keep working on the things i started back then. I wish i had person like you in my life i could ask everything i cant understand. I am realy thankfull for this thread and the new view of it. Realy thanks alot.

How is all of this useful for you in your life? What are the positive and negative aspects?

I'm not asking what alchemy is. I asked if you know something about upcoming renaissance. Have you heard about The Fox? You're not Jungian if you didn't. And why you skipped last question? It is the most important one. Book of Harmony. It's somewhere in Egypt. Do you know anything about BoH?

Please answer this: How can one utilize prayer?

Thank you. Many blessings.

Seven or 42?

Many famous or succesfull people have talked about demons or selling your soul, is there any truth behind it?

I'm not OP;
but you can utilize prayer to formalize your intentions toward a goal. Doing so will make you more likely to achieve it, and if you are justified (a good person) then the universe will aid your prayer to fruition.

Who I am and the trivialities of my experience of the Deep Mysteries is unimportant. The whole point is that they are intensely personal and can't be translated to others. I can answer questions you have about the Deep Mysteries, but the answers I've derived from them would be meaningless to you -- and useless even if they weren't.

"Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't." -- Richard Bach

If the option wasn't there, you wouldn't still be here, friend. That's not to say there are any guarantees, but the Universe has decided that you're up for another roll of the dice if you feel up to it.

Are traps gay?

You really need to empty your cup.

Enough not to discuss them openly. See, here's an example of the fnords. The truths they contain are hidden in plain view, but are concealed in such a way that the powers and potentates can tell who is wasting time on their surface and who has actually seen them. If you can see the fnords, DO NOT reveal you've seen them on peril of your life.

how can i do it. can you give me an advice?
cause i am strugeling to go on

There is no best. They're all false, by definition. A map is not the thing it maps. Each paradigm has built-in falsehoods and traps for the unwary. It seems to be a way of ensuring that there's no way of cheating your way past the gates. You can't simply follow a single set of instructions; you need to understand what they really mean to be able to see where the map ends and the thing-in-itself begins.

Why did a higher intelligence contact me and abduct me metaphysically just to tell me that they are a part of every living form on earth? Plants, animals, people and the planet itself included. They didn't give me a name or any specific way to identify them but rather a general explaination hat they are built from everything we are made from on earth yet they aren't even close to us besides consciousness. What did it mean? It wasn't a dream because I was awake. It still gives me chills and hope to this day. I know we aren't alone and that the God of the universe is actually the indivual experiencing it but why are we plagued with insecurity and tragedy on this planet? Nobody is above it.

Among other things, yes. The Anima has deeper levels of being, like other archetypal entities, but she also has a local manifestation in you, personally, as your own feminine nature.

will my parents get back together?

how can I recognize the fnords? They hide the true meaning of the principles?

would you say trans male to females have an overactive anima?

They can be. Remember that the whole structure of chakhras are simply a way of conceptualizing the link between mind, body, and spirit. Kundalini draws the physical up through the spine -- through our sensory inputs of the external world -- into the higher levels of being, transforming the base into the pure. The sephiroths work the same way, conceptualizing the way the more base and physical sephiroths transform energies to the crown, to kether.

So yes, kundalini is "linked" to your physical body, ALL of it.

Are there any books on this subject matter?

i think i saw mine in a dream. in a time i was falling very deep. she stapped a guy in a dark maze and ran away hidding. never saw here again and stopped dreaming. is there a meaning in this?

so you're saying is that I'm gonna have to write such a system, mutually intelligible, in plain English...

what is the magic number i need to open up a jovian vortex and let me one hit knock out my rival without being noticed.

a friend is trapped with a female possesd by an incubus, they tell me they are the Jonas cult, what to do? did LSD yesterday was able to see horns and shit, she fears me

could you recommend a good & comprehensive resource?

> Ask and I will answer
should I play this op?

There's all kind of sites online which can teach you how to use sigils magick, but remember that the real magick isn't in the sigils. The sigils are just a way of triggering certain emotional and spiritual responses in the unconscious parts of your mind. They're one paradigm for doing so, anyway. But each of these different schools contains flaws, since they're not the thing they're conceptualizing, so at some point you have to step from experiencing at one remove through concept to direct experience through ego-death and actual becoming.

It's why the very first line of the Tao Te Ching is a warning that the Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.

¿what do?


How can I overcome my lethargy and negative feelings, build my self discipline to improve as a human?

I'm familiar with the idea that Shangri-La is a physical place, not an archetypal symbol, and had someone enter my life recently to literally put it in front of me in the form of a book his wife had written. I keep an open mind, but I think the "Hidden Pass" is a psychological phenomenon akin to the golden chrysanthemum, not a physical location.

The New Testament suggests that prayer should have no specific goal to it. Rather, we should accept that the Universe has intentionality towards us -- we being an element of itself -- and that what we experience is the manifestation of that intentionality. We are of course free to do as we please, so long as we pay the price, but the Golden Path, the path of our best possible selves, lies along wu wei: passivity within one's own nature. So don't pray for things, just pray.

how long did it took you to master it?

what does one pray for if not for things? What do you define as things?

Is clarity a thing in this sense?

Of course. It's easy. The desire to do is all you need, and the Goetia will come calling. The thing is, they rule the realm of the physical. "Demons" are manifestations of our nature, the primary colours of our personalities. Their authority is over all things material, and they will offer you whatever material things you want in exchange for your soul. But those material things have value only in the material world, while your soul -- your Selfness -- extends wormlike far below the thin crust of the physical. They're paying Monopoly money for something more precious than all the collected wealth of the physical Universe combined.

Will i finaly develope fully, kill them all, take back what's mine and finaly having my vengence?

You need to stop struggling. You need to stop doing. You need to practice wu wei. Are you familiar with the story of the enlightenment of the Gautama Buddha? Only after he stopped seeking enlightenment and sat in despair beneath the bodhi tree did he finally actually achieve enlightenment. The irony is that ALL desire prevents understanding, including the desire for understanding. Emptying your cup means learning patience and stillness. Not being afraid of boredom. Having faith that you will be given the things you need at the time you need them.

I think you're fortunate in your experience. As unnerving as it was, there are far darker and scarier things lurking among the Deep Mysteries. I met a Man in Black, for instance, and it made all the little hairs stand up on the back of my neck. I could tell he wasn't... *right* somehow. He talked strangely, was rude, threatening, angry, and just felt wrong in the same way bending a fingernail backwards does. All these sorts of experiences are part of the process of exploring the Deep Mysteries. If you haven't already, it's a good idea to learn some rites and rituals to help prop up your sense of Self when experiencing these things. The LBRP is a good all-purpose rite, but smudging, salt, the middle pillar, elf knots, and iron nails over doors and windows are all good ways of helping to reinforce the Will.