Trannys are a threat, that's why they don't like us

Trannys are a threat, that's why they don't like us.

women are emotional by nature. men are logical.

a logcal woman is a danger to straight males.

I would drink all her pee and then bring her cute cock onto my mouth until it was rock solid...

we know their weaknesses and don't have emotions holding us back from abusing them to our advantage

you just had to say some dumb shit

Men aren't capable of listening and adapting

We have adapted to blend in a world where the ill-judged are the majority

there is only One who can judge, and it is not you or me

God's an asshole and we're all sinners

if you want to make the world a better or worse place is up to you, but don't try to tell others your idea of bad and good is right.

if you want to change something then change it, just know that all actions have a reaction

better yourself for a better world, change starts with you

you can't change others, but you can change yourself

"the majority rules... dont work in mental institutions"

"who's to say that a million people are smarter than one?"

who is she?

everyone sees the world differently, no two perspectives are the same.

there is hate and ignorance on both sides of every issue

you can't just say one way is THE way. you take the benefits of both and combine them.

compromise is the counter act to ignorance

if someone is happy, let them be happy

More ass pics
Who is she

Catholicism is outdated and is everything that is wrong with Christianity

no one is perfect. you have to own your flaws and embrace them.

people with gender dysphoria obviously have a mental disorder, and shouldn't reproduce anyways.

we're doing society a favor in many ways and we are hated for it.

in 150 years, there will be a lot less insecure beta males, fuckboys, assholes, and niggers. Women will appreciate a real man again

it's only natural for the white man to feel threatened. Blacks were bred for strength for generations while the white male got weaker.

teaching hate is a desperate defense mechanism. If you want to make a change, fix yourself first.

Any trannies here into locking males in chastity devices ?

the white man has many enemies here in America, the worst one is himself

why live a selfish life when everything left behind is what that matters

Strength? For generations?

So if I had a strong animal that technically couldn't turn my back on, I should want to breed them to make them stronger to over throw my people... sounds legit.

the ultimate happiness comes from helping others

Ass pics
Who is she

the white man free'd them and gave them rights after they were bred.

a huge disagreement in the powers of our country, a civil war. what happened to all the losers. Did they disappear or did they stick around behind the scenes?

I think Trump is exposing everything the losers of the civil war have achieved in politics since then.


People hate Trump because the jewish controlled media tells them to. Sure he may be an idiot, but that's no reason to hate. Hating stupid people because they're stupid makes you privileged because they didn't get the same knowledge that you did.

Trump is the best thing that could have happened to America.

you want Hillary bringing in more ""refugees"" draining our government harder?

Look at Europe's problem with Syrians. It's not Muslims, it's SYRIANS (who happen to be muslim)

I expect many of the syrian refugee's here in America have been working hard on their agenda