Do you have a problem with trans people Sup Forums?

do you have a problem with trans people Sup Forums?

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they're gross, they complain all the time, and they demand for the world to completely rearrange itself in order to accommodate them. Even fags don't like them.

I don't really care about other peopple mental issues.

As long as they don't want special rights and don't lie to me I'm only mildly disgusted by them but I don't have a real problem

I don't fucking care
My life hasn't been affected by the existence of trans people in any noticeable way

To add
I think about trans people the exact same way I think about fat people, just so you get the picture



I sometimes fap to trap/tranny porn. I admit they have to be almost perfect passable and I kinda feel guilty about that because deep inside I know they are also people that want to be loved. Which they deserve ofc but sometimes some trans remind me too much of males (dont even count the penis, that can be feminine hahah) but some trans simply look like they have a lot of issues and are just mentally crazy. Sorry.

But in my medical profession I sometimes meet trans people and I have zero problems respecting trans. It is no issue for me and all I wish is they become happy and ultimately productive normal members of society.

Sonic the Sissyhog:

unless they went through surgery/meds before they were 16yo or they press kids to this then whatever.

I think the whole trans thing is a load of shit, but whatever. As long as they leave me and my family alone, I dont care.

I have a problem with them trying to fuck with shit.
>If you want to be weird, be weird but nope, gotta try to normalise the abnormal and forcefeed acceptance.

only if they claim that they are perfectly normal and not mentally ill
acting against the nature by completely ignoring the basics of biology is not normal
people are either born with a dick or with a pussy
hormones, chromosomes and genitals dont exist so you can ignore them

it is NOT normal to take hormones and it is NOT normal to mutilate your genitals

these people are mentally ill and shouldnt be supported

No problem..

But I would never socialise or interact with them unless necessary (eg. If they were cashier at a shop). It's a mental illness.

in other words, you are a gigantic faggot

Yes. They're the biggest feminists around and the odd part is how they're persistent in trying to get straight men, including myself to be into them. I find them repulsive, and they get mad when I find no sexual attraction toward them. I can tolerate them as a customer where I work for example, but I dislike when they insist I should accept their advances.

I do have a problem with trans people, user. I keep spraying, but I think there's a nest nearby.

No trans people are good my uncle was a trans man and he worked on a lot of trans made lots of money keep up good work trans people

I don't hate myself, but I wonder why you feel so empty that hating us fills that void in your life. My gender identity means about as much to me as my eye color yet butthurt whiners who can't handle difference mean I have to protect myself.

OP here. I dont hate you, I was actually going for a more jokey shitposty tread but people posted really serious answers and i decided to leave it be ://

>I identify my eyes as orange, therefore they are and other people need to accept this

Not really, i mean i think its weird, but don't really care.

My problem is with all the asswipes who try to make them a political issue and non stop preach and moralize about them, like they are the new ex-slaves and the civil war just ended yesterday, and that everyone of them is a hero and everyone who doesn't agree is homophobe-transphobic-canibal-nazi

If your gender identity has that little meaning to you then why all the hassle with hormones and whatever?
Implying you are no aryan transsexual white supremacist that is

it's mildly annoying when they're right on the border and you don't know what to call them but know that either way they will be mad at you for calling them the wrong gender or using a pronoun like they're a thing. But really they brought it on themselves. If they can live with it and be happy then fine.

A problem with Trans People.
That they exist - No
That they want me to agree with their delusion and support their mental illness - yes

If you want to be a nigger

Okay, cool, nevermind then.

Why does any facet of my life affect you and foment rage in you? I've never met you, I've done nothing to you, and yet you fixate on me and people like me like some kind of crazy person.

Who said I used hormones?

Trans people can be pre-op, post-op, non-op, whatever. Personally, I'm a biological male whose balls didn't drop on time and required surgery to do so. As a result, I naturally had low testosterone during my formative period and "feel" female as a result. I'm uniquely attracted to women so I won't "trap" you, although going out with someone to find out they're a bigot is just as much a "trap" to us as finding out your date is trans is to you.

Also, this "feeling" female has allowed me to understand the female body pretty well and therefore my girlfriends get the best orgasms of their lives with me. I don't need to chop off my dick to prove I'm a woman. Gender is a spectrum, not a binary, and I'm comfortable being a woman with a penis.

How does any of the above have any effect on any of your lives?

Because gender(sex) is not a speculum.
Inb4 Kleinfelters syndrom.

Stop denying biology,mental illness exists and you need help.
I dont wish any harm on you.

Spectrum, fucking autocorrect.


Only if they want special treatment for being trans.

>i am a man but a woman but a man
>also i am normal

>gender is a spectrum
Now you did it
You lied to me
That's why people hate transvestites
Also you are just a feminine boy, there is nothing wrong with that but please stop being stupid

Not really, I'm not a fan of how they're trying to normalize their shit though.
I work at a university and the fag that works here made this little form the students can fill out while making appointments where they can tell us what pronouns they use.
I have only seen two people use it and they have made fun of it by demanding to be called
>Mein Fuhrer
>His Royal Fucking Majesty
I have to avoid looking at him so I don't laugh. I bet he feels like a joke since he fought very hard for two years to get that feature added in

If you're unsure, just ask them their pronouns, or use them-their pronouns if you feel unsafe asking.

I will say, as the in-thread transwoman, that the liberals have contributed a bunch of dumb bullshit about us and feel the right to speak on our behalf. They unfortunately got a bunch of us to sign on to their broader bullshit ideas, because the other side of American mainstream politics wants to keep hurting us or turning a blind eye while others do. The liberals campaign for our issues, but in such a way that makes anyone who isn't as up-to-date on the minutiae of liberal theology feel like a backwards rube. And that's fucked up.

Lots of good people out there never met a trans person or know what we're like, they only know what Rush Limbaugh told them we're like. And if trans people were like conservative media makes us out to be, I'd get sick of us too. But turn off that bullshit and start talking to us, we're not monsters, we don't hate you, and we aren't coming after your kids.

I've seen that gif used 1000 times but that's just too good

Don't care. That said, I think a lot of doctors are due for a lawsuit for an obscene level of malpractice.

You seem upset.

as long as they aren't trans in front of my children

If it's not he nor she it's it

Don't ask us to agree with mental illness and delusion.

We don't wish you any harm,but stop trying to push against medical and biological facts.
Your leftist psychology friends don't know what they are talking about.

You seem like an idiot

Gender and sex are two different things. Sex is the bits between your legs, gender is your own feelings about yourself. My sex is male. My gender is female.

Normal doesn't exist. People exist.

Transvestites dress up in stereotypically female clothing. I wear guyliner when I play a show. I'm as much a transvestite as David Bowie or Robert Smith. But I am transgender because my biological sex does not match my gender identity.

And yes, gender is a spectrum, because gender is merely feelings. You can feel very manly, kinda manly and kinda feminine, very feminine, or non gendered, in any combination whatsoever. There's millions of potential combinations and therefore it's easier to just say "trans" than to list out every single kind of permutation possible in this spectrum.

If you doubt this, think about any other two feelings, and if there's an implied spectrum between this. Of course there is. So of course there's a gender spectrum, because gender is just feelings.


The second and third paragraph seem reasonable but the first one is total Bullshit
You can't force language and if I have to pronounce xis or theym Id rather not talk to a transsexual at all

>Gender and sex are two different things. Sex is the bits between your legs, gender is your own feelings about yourself. My sex is male. My gender is female.
You've pretty much summed up why people dislike people like you.

Its people like you that created this epidemic of transfaggots who keep killing themselves in droves. Just be openly bisexual or gay and alot less people will kill themselves over postsurgical regret.

Trannies are 99% gay men who change simply for better chance fucking straight men. Its kind of like a disgusting, repulsive predatory thing

Gender and sex are not different things
Fucking sjw say that shit all the time but that doesn't make it true
You can be as masculine or as feminine as you want but that's not gender but personality

yes. let your anger flow.
>sits back and chuckles

except gender isnt a feeling and you are a man

No its not you donkey fucking turd. Gender is the perceived notions of what it is to be a certain category that is defined by your society. For example, straight males are expected to be masculine and act like a male would. Its all the shit that being masculine entails.

>I feel like a girl
No youre a faggot that wants to dress up like a bitch and get fucked in the ass. You dont think like a girl, have any of the parts or express yourself like one. It has nothing to do with how you feel because thats not what feelings are you fudge packer. Feelings are communications in response to stimuli. Get your shit straight mate, go see a fuckin psych or some shit

It's "them" but by all means go on thinking that, because times are changing and one day they'll have changed so hard you'll call one of us "it" in a public that's changed while you haven't, and it will not end well for you.

Doubt me? See how far yelling at gay people in public will get you today. One hundred years ago you'd have been praised for it in public, and today it will earn you an ass beating and global humiliation.

Well, I don't have to stress too hard about your attitudes, because the future will avenge me and we all know it.

The American Psychological Association disagrees with you. Transphobia is unscientific.

This. Its literally just faggots getting desperate for more dick because the normal faggots found them repulsive


no, as long as they don't demand that I call them by some pronouns they made up, I don't care. If they want to be called he or she, then I'll probably do it just because I don't want to be a dick. I won't flagellate myself when I slip up though.

> my gender is male

how is it bullshit to ask for pronouns if you're unsure? that makes perfect sense. user didn't say anything about you having to call someone zer or xir or whatever

Gender is something some fucked up pedo came up with and his experiment to prove it failed spectacularly.

but you replied, ergo, you took the bait.

Why should I yell at anyone I don't know?
I'm just pissed that you want to force language
>wants that people get beaten in public for using the "wrong" pronouns
And you really don't understand why people hate you?

So are you a twink or what? Cause your not trans. If anything you just have the same testosterone levels as a female insect or possibly a male-writer for buzzfeed?

it's not a fucking spectrum. male and female brains are different. you can have a male brain, or you can have a female brain. you can have a female brain while you're biologically male and vise versa. you cannot have a "kinda manly" or "non gendered" brain. either you have gender dysphoria, or you don't. there's no spectrum there.

My problem with trans is how they know what the opposite gender feels. Like saying " I'm a female but I feel male." how do you know what that gender feels like.

I'm not forcing language, I'm explaining how trans people deal with problems like pronouns. If you think dealing with our problems is beneath you, then you probably don't respect us and we wouldn't want to talk to you either.

I mean think about it. Assuming that you're a man, if I came to talk to you and kept addressing you as a "she" you'd get upset, and rightfully so, at being misgendered. Well, why wouldn't we?

And why is that? Because I hold the scientific consensus about how gender works to be true? Because I'm honest with myself and others? You must hate a lot of people then, and be really presumptuous to expect the rest of the world to lie to you for your benefit on a regular basis.

Bisexuality and being gay are not the same thing as being trans though. The former deal with who you're attracted to; the latter with who you perceive yourself to be. I'm not attracted to men in the least, and I'm a trans woman. If your theory were correct, I could not exist.

Well, merely saying that they aren't doesn't make it not true, while I've got a scientific consensus saying you're wrong. Who would you believe, science or some dude on the internet?

You both seem mad enough to think that yelling your convictions at me will win an argument. It won't. You call us "mentally ill" and carry on like this. I think you're projecting, and you need help with your anger issues, anons.


Pick one, transgenderism is a mental illness and we should eradicate every hint of it.

inb4 edgelord, this is my honest opinion nancy bois, you are a symptom of decay and a drag on society (pun not intended)


Because we aren't making up words for your mental illness and self-entitlement? Cunt. For someone to have a non-gendered pronoun/title, it takes years if not decades to earn. Sir, Dr and "The Honorable" are all earned titles attached to great achievement and sacrifice.

What in the fuck, besides shaving half your legs and poorly dying your hair, have you done to deserve a special title?

Fuck. You.

Yes, as the whole trans ideology is now pushed on kids. I wouldn't mind if they'd be adults fucking themselves over, but now they are pushing the agenda to kids as well, who rarely have a good grasp on what they really are.

Them or their are no singular pronouns first off, they are used when you talk over groups of people, using them for a single person sounds wrong
also why do trans people even want that we pretend they are whatever?
Yes, I could be nice and pretend that I think of them the same way as a real male/female but I would just lie to their face and I don't like to lie
I'm straight and I could never feel the same way about a transsexual that I think about a girl, and with that I let feelings aside, just a stranger transsexual will never be the same in my head as a stranger girl
>until there is a way you can really change your gender, which I really hope for you will be developed in the future

Okay there big guy.

I don't want to force language. By all means, go into the heart of Harlem and yell "nigger" and see how that goes for you. All I'm saying is that the day will come when your foolish bigoted pride will cause you to call one of us "it" and something similar will happen. You can look at the march of history and see it coming too, if you know history. I'm just pointing out the trend lines.

Until that day comes, you're perfectly free to call us whatever you like. But the more you do this, the more you drive us into the arms of the liberals who pretend to care about us, and the more liberal bullshit you'll have to endure. But I'm sure it makes you feel like a MAN to pick on those who aren't numerous enough to defend themselves, amirite? So go feel like a MAN, scratch your nuts, and say "tranny" one more time. Tell yourself you're tough and macho until you believe it. Maybe the grandkids will make excuses for you to the future.

Hermaphrodites exist, your argument is invalid.

And I'm sorta a hermaphrodite, because my sexual system didn't function the way a male's was supposed to and it had to be fixed with surgery. That's like eight years when I had a functionally female brain and nervous system, and that doesn't just get overwritten by later development. But sure, dude on the internet, your angry rantings ARE more intelligent than my doctors, science, and the APA combined. Tell me more.

Because you would call me she to annoy me and I would call you he because that's how I truly feel about you

There may be more cis people than trans, but there's more trans people than fascists. So bring it; I will throw you in the camps until you call me mommy.

You calling me he would annoy me just as much as me calling you she. Why is "being an inconsiderate dickwad" a hill you're determined to die on?

I don't even call trannies "it", all I was saying there is masculine, feminine and neutral pronounce
Do you really not see the difference between calling someone she with the pure intend to annoy someone and being honest while accepting that it could possibly annoy someone?

Well, now that you know my gender, you would be doing it to purposefully annoy me. Looking at intentions instead of results is liberalism. Are you a liberal?

i dont know ask the trans people ... so far i seem to be doing me and they seem to be doing them

If they dont like who I am they can fuck off and deal with it. Otherwise its no chasity cage on my dick. I dont mind

communist are missing

You were born male and have male genitalia, yet identify as a gay female. Doesnt the whole possession of a penis thing kind of get in the way of "lesbian" relationships?
And you already said you had zero testosterone so the straight chicks wont bang you

calm the fuck down. You're not "making up words" if you can't tell if someone is male or female and you ask them. did you even read my post? I wasn't saying that you should call someone by made up pronouns. also, I'm not trans. I think you're confusing me with the user you originally replied to.

There's a lot of trans people that actually pass as male or female. At least for me it's easy to treat them like a real male/female. Even if someone doesn't pass, I would still try to call them by whatever they want to be, but I would have a hard time really treating them like they are a member or the gender they identify as. I also wish there was either a way to change someones gender, or to just cure gender dysphoria. Also, again: I'm not trans.

how does a really rare biological anomaly invalidate my argument? hermaphrodites still want to be treated as either male or female. not some weird mix of both.
And what do you mean, you "had" a female brain. Your brain doesn't just go from female to male like that. either you have a female brain or a male one. If your brain could just switch, then trans people could just stop being trans without having to change their bodies to look different.

No I wouldn't
Just because you feel like you are a woman doesn't mean I feel like you are a women, thus I could never threat you like I would threat a woman
When I would use female pronouns I would feel like I am lying to you to your face
I only lie to people I have zero respect for like government officials or companies
>your gender is still male, as said I hope there will be the possibility to change it in the future

Not in the least. My intuitive knowledge of female anatomy means they get the best dick of their lives. And plenty of straight chicks have been in relationships with me for that same reason.

I dress like a somewhat-feminine man but I pass as a man all the same. If it were safe to be out where I live, I'd continue to do the same thing in all likelihood except I'd be more honest about my gender identity.

It invalidates your argument because it's nonbinary and exists in nature. You're inventing something that doesn't exist, a gender binary.

I "had" a female brain because only female hormones acted upon its childhood development. After the age of eight, when I had the surgery, both male and female hormones acted upon the development of my brain. So my brain and nervous system are still predominantly female because that's what hormones acted on them for the bulk of their development, but I have a little bit of maleness due to the effect of testosterone on the last little bit of my development. That's what I mean.

I feel like explaining this was just throwing so many pearls to swine though, because I get the feeling I'm just going to be sealioned to death about something that seems fairly straightforward to me, and any mistakes or confusion in my explanation will be an invitation by the rest of the basement dwellers to eat me alive.

I came in peace to correct mistaken notions about us. That's all.

Unless you are my doctor, or my psychologist, you do not know me better than I know myself. Therefore calling me by male pronouns, when you know how I think of myself, would be rude.

Moreover if you think of me as a male despite what I've told you, you're ignoring science because the APA and the AMA are both on the side of trans people. We aren't an anomaly or an illness to actual scientific and medical professionals, so by what right do you get to claim to know science and my own life better than scientists and myself?

>My gender identity means about as much to me as my eye color
>life changing hormones and surgery to "fix" something "i dont even care about guys lol"

>it exists in nature

So does rape, murder, cannibalism, infanticide, etc.

>the APA and the AMA are both on the side of trans people

kek no, you're talking about gender nonconformity which is a choice, gender dysphoria is mental illness.

Males and females don't really have different brains by default as far as I know
The difference develops due to hormones
Yes I'm liberal but not in the American sense of the term but in the literall sense
Personal freedom is the most important thing for me
Also sorry that you can't change your gender, but not doing something to not annoy you isn't the same as annoy you on purpose
Yes it would be rude, but it would also be honest
That's how guys are among themselves
I never said transexuality is a sickness and I don't think of it that way, it's a part of your personality
It is not the norm tho, and if it would be humanity would go extinct in few generations, so I would argue it is an anomaly

Nice try fag. Just because im swearing doesnt mean im wrong. Address the points instead of claiming moral high ground. Feelings and gender have nothing to do with one another.

>he has a psychologist
>totally no mental sickness


if trans and gays are allowed pedos should be allowed, there is no difference between them


yes, they're unnecessary faggots of this society, the world is already rotten as it is, trans come on the top of the cherry cake of grossness, You can do whatever you want to yourselves but stop showing your gross bodies on my board faggots, kys

>if you still think of me as male...
Scientists can say what they want but my subconscious just works that way, and it does this for really simple biological reasons
No argument could change that, just like I couldn't convince you that you are sick and if you would be cured live a perfect heterosexual life as manly man
Pedos are allowed, pedophilia is not because of consent

How do you figure? Pedophiliacs harm children, trans people only harm themselves

the trannys and the rest of the faggots need their own board where they can look at feminine benis and rate each cocks
>im not shit posting we need to get these faggots off of Sup Forums they are literally goddamn cancer

I don't tend to have solid opinions on entire demographics, at least I try not to.
I try to treat everyone I meet as an individual and judge them on their own merit.
I've got exes and friends who came out as trans, who I'm still great friends with, they're still essentially the same people, they just became more comfortable with themselves after transitioning.
I've also met trans people who were tremendous attention whores and afflicted with the intersectional victim olympian mindset.
They were generally rather annoying to be around and overly focused on making sure you're not being transphobic while you are around them, mishearing things you say so you have to clarify over and over that "no I wasn't being transphobic, you misheard me and yes I continue to respect you as a person".
That sort of person is so much work to be around.

I do. They usually draw all attention to them being special because they're trans.
A (probably not anymore in a few days) friend of mine apparently decided to become a tranny.
I think he's retarded for saying that he is a girl now, even though he still has a dick, and he should seek therapy, but he disagrees because after talking with Mr. Shekelstein about it he is convinced that being a "girl" and getting exiled from society by doing so is the way to go.
Wouldn't hurt to mention that he's on a list to start hormones and surgery soon, even though he is still underage (not for long mind you) and shouldn't be able to make that descision.

tl;dr: Trannies are gay and children are being told that being trans is cool and hip so their parents will probably go bankrupt and the child will be exiled from society.

I just want my friend back.

Being a feminine boy is okay. Making yourself mentally ill by telling yourself that gender is a spectrum is not.

A problem? No more of a problem than I do with any other mentally ill person. So long as they don't bother me, I don't bother them.

i consider my friend becoming trans something like losing someone to dementia

I agree it's a mental disorder, but maybe more like a friend getting hit with crippling depression or becoming agoraphobic.