What do when ur teen sister likes nothing but posts like these on social media

What do when ur teen sister likes nothing but posts like these on social media

give her shit about it

Fuck her, obviously. She's clearly a slut. Do this
first, then show her your cock

moan in her ear, obviously
then fuck her


Accept that she is becoming a woman who has sexual impulses too
just kidding
burn that witch

give her grammar classes

You a girl? that last line sounds like girl humor. You don't have to post your tits if you say yes since I asked.

You have a horny teen sister.
Be a good brother, give her shit about STDs and teenage pregnancy. Make sure she gets on the pill and uses condoms if she's gonna be sexually active.
If your issue is that having a horny teen sister turns you on, remember you're young as well and your brain is steeped in hormones that are making you an adult. Which means a stiff breeze might make you horny, doesn't mean you gotta fuck it.
I know I know, I'm a moralfag for saying don't fuck your sister, but from a pragmatic point of view, I don't see any good coming out of you fucking your sibling.

>give her shit about STDs and teenage pregnancy. Make sure she gets on the pill and uses condoms if she's gonna be sexually active.
Good brother here. That would have been too awkward for me.

Coat her dildo with chillies, put cling film over her toilet seat and slit her throat in her sleep

Well that might be something unique from my upbringing.
I grew up in a family where we talked about everything. Once my sister hit puberty and got her period, my mum just explained to all of us (my big sister, me and my kid brother) what a period was and how it could affect her. So I just had sympathy for my sister when she doubled over like a horse had kicked her from cramps. That time taught me how to make a heated pillow for pain relief.
Once my brother hit puberty and started looking after girls, I reminded him of the consequences of poorly planned sex, just like my sister had done for me when I hit that age.

I approve of your post.

One of these is not like the other


This is the type of shit that is destroying this country. No respect for the family values at all.

Yeah we never talked at my house.

kek burgers are so funny

I'm not from your country, I live in Denmark.
Also what is bad about reminding your siblings to stay smart?
They're still gonna do what horny teens do, but if they use protection and birth control, it won't fuck them over.
I also grew up with both of my parents, who communicate openly and love each other dearly. I've got great respect for the traditional family of father, mother and children. Growing up like that gave me a great advantage as an adult, my parents taught me responsibility and self respect, as well as many practical skills needed to live independently.
Well if being good at communicating is a value you aspire to uphold, you just gotta start training in being honest and straightforward.
Find other people who do the same and see how it treats you.

Oh how gracious of you sir whiteknight.

Dude even if user was a chick, what would it matter? you'd just ask for tits or nudes of some kind just to be shut down.

Please fuck off and die quietly.

I don't have any friends or family anymore. My sister moved away, the rest are all dead, and I never had any friends.

I was just curious.

0 ask btw

Find a social hobby user and go partake in it in public with other people.
Observe how other people act around each other and try to emulate them while being true to yourself.
It won't be an instant thing, but if you keep at it and spending time around other people, you'll get better at being social and actually give people the chance to become your friends.

I would probably unfriend her. Or unfollow. Or... whatever.

>What do you mean teaching teens to slut around has a negative impact on society?

Then I think what?

That wasn't what I did, I also told my brother that he had to be sure the person he was with was someone he had genuine feelings for.
Sex is something you share with someone you love, not something you should share like gum.