Whats the meaning of life beside reproduction motherfuckers?

Whats the meaning of life beside reproduction motherfuckers?

The worship of Jesus Christ

To become better. Each reproduction is a better version of you my love.


Reproduction is basic. It's not even past the survival.

Bumping for interest because I don't want kids.

the meaning of life is to just be. Just be, and fuck a lot of women.

Idk do some cool shit and chill

Fucking a woman who can fuck can intensify orgasm
You're too young

You're too young dump and probably full of cum

no purpose, unless you give it a purpose...

Breathing has a purpose

If we go by biological purpose, i guess it'd be survival of your species.
Keeping the population up is only one part, thinking long term there is much more to it.
One day humanity has to escape earth and even worse, solar system. Now thats a fucking challenge.
Just push humanity forward any way you can.


To give your life meaning, to put more into the world than you take out of it. To make an impact, and effect someone or something bigger than yourself that allows for you to live on in the hearts and minds of others long after your death.

Go deeper, lets see how deep rabbit hole goes

as gay as this is, I agree. Creating some sort of legacy, be it through your children, your work, or whatever, creating something that will outlast you.

Also, sweet sweet pussy

I agree. That's why I posted a picture of Adolf Hitler.
He embodies all of those ideals and his legacy will live on until the end of time.

I should already be given the price?

Not OP but bumping for suggestions before I have to admit defeat and reproduce.

It's a terrible thing to reproduce. I'm sarcasming.

Being with someone you like is equally good.
Life is not short but long. Not miserable unless you make it to be. It is unfair. You can't defeat life so deal with it instead.
Prosper and poop.

I think it's called metabolism and adaptation, also exchanging stuff with the environment

Tell me more about


The art of the trade is as old as agriculture. The art of exchange is as old as matter.

Sometimes I think people overthink their whole existance. Whats the meaning of live of dog or squirrel. Biologically wise they are pretty similiar to humans, but ultimately all we see they are doing is sitting in the corner, shitting and humping neighbor pet.

meaning is the stupidest meme ever invented

Spilled my beer a little :)

there's no point beside reproduction really. i'm just gonna fuck a lot, get really high, and kill myself.

There is no point if you telling us that.

It's how you approach the question

joy and happiness.

Reproduce joy and happiness.

Reproduction becomes righteous when one unites spirit to flesh.

Not wanting kids is like being a tree and not wanting to make seeds.

based alan watts

You want your kids to become suicidal just like their dad who left them alone in the world at a young age?

Bugger. I suspected this. I'm 36 so I'd better get a move on.

Actually it is not.

Age means nothing

Just how you were an accident, so to is the universe and everything that resides within it.

You could be right. Takes brain to insert penis.

I wasn't clear and I can see how it might have gotten you confused. Various forms of reproduction. I was referring to division.

You can do it.


To enjoy it.
Simple as that

To buy the best bike in Road Rash 2. Took me a while.

To connect back to God / Source through true spirituality.

Existance is bliss. A continuous reflection upon the souls travels after it leaves its body. The only meaning is in doing the activities that we make with each other. The connections, the emotions, and the experiences we go through. Only through no one to share our lives with, that there be no meaning

To experience.

I don't know what that is but sounds cool

I would not go down that path if i were you.

Youre obviously intelligent, you realise now that life is essentially a conflict for existence, where some perish miserably to sustain another species existence. Life, sustains itself through replication of dna by sex, you do not matter.

Everything you were ever told, about true love, happy endings, afterlife, god, souls and how youre meant to live is a lie.

You will perish, like everyone. Youre conscious but actually not in control, as happiness is just a chemical circuit in your brain linked to survival. Sex? Food? Socialising? Sports? You are predeterminded to adapt, you will try to justify your existence through achievements which do not matter.

Are you going to help people? Cure cancer? Complete left for dead? None of these reallly matter in life. You are only serving your self, delaying death. Everything is the way it is, because humans are in control and made everyone feel like they belong, by fun, which does not last.

But still, youre biologically programmed to "enjoy" life as if you didn't you would want to commit suicide. The very thought provokes a survival response and your body will not let you do it easy.

Oh well, off to mcdonalds.

>cure cancer

How do you cure dead cells? You could, however, treat them.

My balls itch :(

I appreciate your nihilistic view on the matter.

leave the place in better shape than you found it.

Learn to forgive yourself and others.
Raise your vibrational frequency.
Raise your consciousness.