Why do the French posters here have such weak English skills?

Why do the French posters here have such weak English skills?

It actually enrages me when you're trying to communicate with them, and they speak in broken English and don't answer questions clearly.

Other urls found in this thread:


everyone speak french so why would we speak english ?

they are way above the average french

>Why do the French posters here have such weak English skills?
>It actually enrages me

not very hard to figure it out

Good to know we enrage the albion by simply postiçng

je veux manger du crabe

We're good at English fucking life

You soulder stop to critique our skills

Because english is too complex. At least french is simple and flexible. But english is not flexible, english has strict codes.
That is why frche have trouble to speak english. Your rigid grammar rules sucks

no crab
you eat froglegs

Please eat normal foods like Asian

ayo wheres my dog hahaaaa

>You soulder stop to critique our skills
It's "stop of critique"

gros con va

French should be the world language

Why the halt, life ?

I do nothing wrong ? Did i have mystip ?

Because not everyone speaks English, that's mostly a meme that comes from Germanic countries. Outside of the Germanic sphere the English comprehension rate drops like a rock with only a few exceptions.

Even in Québec it's actually quite low

Pic related; the data is a bit old, but as you can see francophones can't into English

English people don't learn other languages because they know that English is the lingua franca.

French people don't learn other languages because they think that French is still the lingua franca, when it's only relevant nowadays in France and Africa.

why are that the anglos is smell of shit


We're taking over

no one speaks french dude excepts old colonies

are you fucking serious

stop right there Magnus, french is really hard compared to english, look at french conjugation

t. proud french but not a delusionnal idiot

As far as I know they don't have weak english skills, in fact most French lads I know are pretty good at it, but I noticed that for some reasons most of them just straight out refuse to speak it, this odd behaviour is particulary strong in online gaming for exemple, where I often see French on english servers speak in their language only, and tell people to fuck off and insults them in French when asked to speak english instead (this doesn't always happens of course, being an asshole isn't an exclusive French gene).
Now everyone is free to speak whichever language they want, only some anomalies (Saw some guy not too long ago who just bursted out insults unprovoked, which is funny because I was the only one who knew what the fuck he was actually saying), but if you're going to places, websites, or servers where the used language is mainly English, then you should make the effort if only out of common courtesy.

For my part I pretty much just learned it on my own, and I vastly prefer it to French, I find it more pleasant to hear and speak, French can also be (in my opinion) needlessly complicated at times.
I'm still really bad at it though

>claim to be proud

Start implying that French will not rule the world while our path towards greatness is just a few steps away

T. nige trying so hard

Now stfu

pourquoi tu pars dans l'abus, je comprends pas. tu penses vraiment ce que tu dis ? c'est réellement frustrant ce comportement chauviniste et attardé que vous avez tous

je sais même pas pourquoi je perds mon temps avec l'autisme des gens sur ce site

the french are a cocky nation of their own; they dont really care what happens outside of it

>t. proud french
well there's one thing, you all keep referring to yourselves as "a French" instead of Frenchmen. Isn't learning to identify your nationality correctly to people one of the first things you would learn in a foreign language class? Why do you all keep doing this? "An English" isn't proper either.

Aren't both correct, with "French" just being modern?

That is why I said that english is not flexible as french. Your rules are too complex

i'm trying to hold the french autism on this thread and still comes a bong to correct me on my english. sorry but who gives a shit ? if i say french, everybody knows what i'm talking about, because i barely see from all the times i've spend on english talking websites any nationality coming with a men next to it

you guys are so frustrating

what rules ??? english is a toddler language

In French "Frenchman" and "French" are both "Français"

And i've never heard anyone saying a "Somaliman" or an "Arabman"


The guy just said you must not use the word 'english" for this. It's called a rule therefore. At least in French we don't have this shit

French people are annoying when it comes to language.

I work in a hotel, so I speak basic french. Basic, just enough to answer simple questions and tell them where their room is.

Once they realize I speak french they start talking faster and using uncommon words, and they ask A LOT of stupid questions. If I tell them I didnt understand them and/or ask them to repeat they start complaining.

Fils de pute

Because they're eternally butthurt they lost the relevancy war to the anglos.

Says the anglo


our education system is shit for teaching foreign languague, there is lees hours than country like spain or germany for comparison. Also we don't practice a lot so with time we loose our skills.

The only correct answer.

>they lost the relevancy war to the anglos.

Quite the contrary we're very proud that our first colony managed to become so relevant

There is nothing better for a man than to see his daughter succed in life

Daddy is proud of you England

Because unlike the rest of Europe they still have a little pride in speaking their own language and having their own culture.

It's their third language, give them some slack

what are you talking about

most french here have perfectly reasonable english

irl you'd have a case, french are shit at english on purpose. here not so much.

>sois moi
>dans un hôtel espagnol
>je m'informe auprès du préposé à la réception afin de savoir où se situe ma chambre
>il me répond en français
>ému d'avoir finalement rencontré un francophone dans cette terre sauvage, je lui demande quelle est son œuvre de Molière préférée, expliquant au passage que j'ai moi-même un certain penchant pour "L'avare" puisque c'est une pièce qui continue d'émerveiller de par la subtilité de son humour et de son développement langagier qui permet aux personnages d'être des ambassadeurs de thématiques humaines fondamentales, et ce même pour un lecteur du vingt-et-unième siècle
>soudainement, le putain de Manolo s'indigne et se met à me raconter des conneries de "no hablo frances guey" ou je ne sais trop

>most french here have perfectly reasonable english


i've never talked to a french person here and thought 'wtf is that guy talking about'. never had any problem conversing with one.

wow french has better english level than we

oh yeah sure. we don't have any rules in french, french is easy. it's not like we had :

>règles d'accord des adjectifs
>règles d'accord des verbes
>règles d'accord du participe passé
>prononciation des lettres aléatoires
>absence de prononciation des lettres aléatoires
>pluriel des noms en -eau, -au, -eu, -ail, -al, -ou
>féminins -et, -ot
>-euil, -ueil, -eur, -oi, -oire
>mots composés
>terminaisons des verbes

>Présent de l'indicatif
>Passé composé de l'indicatif
>Imparfait de l'indicatif
>Plus-que-parfait de l'indicatif
>Passé simple de l'indicatif
>Passé antérieur de l'indicatif
>Futur simple de l'indicatif
>Futur antérieur de l'indicatif
>Futur proche de l'indicatif
>Conditionnel présent
>Conditionnel passé
>Présent du subjonctif
>Passé du subjonctif
>Imparfait du subjonctif
>Plus-que-parfait du subjonctif
>Participe présent
>Participe passé
>Gérondif présent
>Gérondif passé
>Mode impératif
>Impératif présent
>Impératif passé
>Infinitif présent
>Infinitif passé

the french are nice

You should just adapt your written language to the spoken language and we'll all be fine.

Big question is what will happen when the UK finally leaves the EU and English is no longer working language... It's gonna be fun !!!

German as lingua franca incoming

it ended when the french underwent a vocal relaxation, which meant no more pronounciation of x, d, t, s, p, f, z or any other letters at the end of a word. these won't ever go back if we keep being autistic lazybones


fuck off, that's the worst fucking thing one could possibly do to the French language

Maybe it works for nigger languages like German or Finnish, but French would look retarded if it were written phonetically.

>Jë vö û ver d'o s'il-vu-ple. J'ä tre suaf ê ce momê, je krî kë jë ve murir.

Besides, only retarded plebs are unable to master written French. It's useful in a way, since it allows to very quickly and easily segregate between retards (incidentally, >90% of francophone dindus and durkas fall in this category) and humans (i.e. those able to write properly).

I've been to France, nobody speaks a little english, the few who speaks prefer to pretend they don't speak any shit just for arrogance. Fuck you all french fagots!

French is complex but easily flexible unlike english language.

The Guy was traumatised because you you did add "people" (men) after the word english.
In French we don't have this while we have complex Language. English is just too rigid

No, Pierre
Write your language down in the exact same way you speak it
Throw out all the shitty antiquated spellings and reflections of grammatical forms that were lost in spoken French 500 years ago.
>French would look retarded if it were written phonetically
Shittest argument in the history of arguments.
Just because you're used to a fundamentally flawed system, doesn't make it good.
All my proposals at updating written German have been shut down for the same reason.
Finnish is absolutely perfect and beautiful though.

for the nonfrench speakers that think french could be easy, the second bloc is all the conjugation modes

>Just because you're used to a fundamentally flawed system, doesn't make it good.
It does. Might is right, et cetera.

Anyway, the most important part is the ability to segregate between retards and humans.

tell me ffs what is a flexible language, you keep saying that

are you being retarded on purpose ?

isnt that shit common through all the romance lingos?

You did not have*


Even many non-Latin languages like German have a similar number of moods and tenses. English is the exception with its low number of moods and tenses, not the rule.

When French is written as spoken it looks like pic related

>The Guy was traumatised because you you did add "people" (men) after the word english.

kek it's just that brits are retarded

in reality everyone understands what you mean if you say french to refer to a person, english is pretty flexible

You are retarded to not understand.

Another example, anglo guy can be traumatised if you write "why you have this?"

It lacks the word "do"
In French we can forget this and we don't give a fuck

but it wouldn't be anything but a retarded bastardised french, why would we do it

me english very good yes
fuck you nigger

>All my proposals at updating written German have been shut down for the same reason.
jesus christ the germans really are all autistic

I'm Spanish, speak 4 languages fluently and have travelled a lot for working purposes. Here are my feelings:

.- Brits are incapable of talking any other civilized language cause they believe everyone should speak theirs. They will learn some shitty dialect quite willingly such as Thai, Urdu or Afghani, but rarely French or Spanish. Surely not German or Italian.

2.- French don't talk shit because of some guttural deformity. Also because they keep believing the francophony is something real, without realizing their language is dying slowly. Not even decently spoken by most people in France, erradicated at international level and quickly disappearing in Africa.

3.- Nordic-Germanics will speak decent English, but only because their language is so useless and gets you nowhere, so they realised "might as well join the empire". Additionally, they save money by not translating films or anything. They speak with horrible accent though.

.-In Southern Europe (Spain and Italy) most people won't speak English or anyother language, except Portugal, which has actually been a covered, British colony for centuries. But people who speak languages in Spain or Italy will normally speak a few languages and very efficiently. The average Spanish national doesn't need English to have a decent, happy fulfilling life.

.- And then you have the Swiss, who are supposed to speak German, French and Italian... and actually don't speak any of them correctly and sound weird in all 3...

Every country on Sup Forums has good English, only japs and gooks suck but they are roleplaying proxies anyways

it looks like someone very retarded wrote it

*Butthurt because I called this Islam lover a dirty Moor

>and actually don't speak any of them correctly and sound weird in all 3...
i kekd
what lingos do you speak juan? :3

i see what you mean, i guess i was retarded on this one

but flexible doesn't mean easy tho

Spain has a much more glorious history than Switzerland

canada doesn't have history at all

no pasa nada tio, pero en mi experiencia los vascos en España tiene un bien nivel de ingles.

t. Irlandes in Bilbao.

It's Old French saintongeaise

It's still far from phonemic writing.
Haha, no. Your written French is retarded and bastardized, and overly complicated at that. Almost as bad as English.

It's Old French from Saintonge

fixed that for me

You're being retarded Old French was written as spoken

It is far more phonetics than any other language

Indeed, but if your point of comparison is fucking Canada, then you really must be getting desperate.

Face it, Spain as a country throughout history is simply much more respectable than Switzerland. It's ridiculous to see a neutral mountain jew of all people try to talk shit to a Spaniard.

i know, i just checked it

...like i checked those damn trips

maybe if you ask for know us than we would had!

>.- Brits are incapable of talking any other civilized language cause they believe everyone should speak theirs. They will learn some shitty dialect quite willingly such as Thai, Urdu or Afghani, but rarely French or Spanish. Surely not German or Italian.

joder tio soy britanico y hablo perfectamente el castellano y el frances.

siempre nos dicen los europeanos que los britanicos no hablan bien otros idiomas pero en realidad la gente de francia,espania, y italia no puede hablar para nada idiomas extranjeros. es que europa nos envidia y es por es que cree todo el mundo que creemos que todos deben hablar el ingles

i want your kids

>Old French was written as spoken
Yes, mostly
But what does that have to do with anything that we are discussing?
Modern written French is full of Old and Middle French anachronisms and other stupid irregularities. Why would you keep writing the same way that you did 1000 years ago when your language has evolved beyond the point of intellegibility?

c'est de l'humour espèce de sale connard

Debes ser llanito, porque escribes de puta pena... Pero vamos, es verdad que es dificil generalizar.

Unlike you and probable all native English speakers, they do know another language.

I've put a lot of effort learning, I speak 3 languages.

>written as spoken

this is Romanian language

> Brits are incapable of talking any other civilized language cause they believe everyone should speak theirs.

It's not even that really, it's just that we don't have any need to learn them, or to be more precise, we're never under any pressure to learn a different language.

Here in your schools you have people from an early age learning English because they're taught that it will be useful for them later in life, if they want a good job or to emigrate etc. You also usually seem to have some form of regional language, Catalan, Galician, Euskera.

In the UK and Ireland we don't have that, I had spanish classes for 7 years and didn't learn a bloody thing (I didn't learn anything in Irish class either), I think it's a combination of halfhearted teaching, since most people know unless you leave the country you won't use it, and a poorly structured teaching environment, mostly focusing on written exercises and not getting people to actually speak the language being learned.

Also unless you have Dyslexia or some other issue to give you an exemption, most students in Ireland will be forced to do Spanish, French or German classes, the languages offered depending on the school.

Just my personal observations though. I do think something similar to the language academies here in Spain would be a better system for learning languages back in Ireland.

absolutly NOBODY here care about the english or the status of the french language in the world. This lie is fueled by dumb anglos who tell it to feel better about themselves, somehow they think it erases the centuries when we humilated them by ruling them. it doesn't.

>im british and i speak perfect french and spanish
>we tell(?) the europeans that brits dont speak other lingos well when france spain and shitaly can't(?) speak no other lingos(?). it is europe(?) that we envy(?) and it's for what i believe(?) the world that we create(?) what all- fuck if i know

did i get it roight? :3

they certainly thought you were a gypsy trying to con them.

>Let me score some points by putting down my country and sucking more Moor dick
I have relatives in Spain by the way. This isn't about countries at all.

The success of English is easily explained because of its simplicity, compaired to other major languages. To communicate, basic English grammar is quite simple. I believe a normal person in 1 year is capable of communicating in English quite decently.

If we stick to major western languages, then comes Spanish (1,5yrs) ) which is also quite simple; then French (3yrs) and German (4yrs) and Russian (4/5yrs) in this order.