Powers out, what do?

Powers out, what do?

>Power's out
>Is on Sup Forums
I assume this is a hypothetical, right?

Maybe he is on his cell phone?

Phone exists faggot

Sit in the dark and masturbate

Maybe if He lives in Uganda

You just learned what hypothetical meant and wanted to use it in a sentence, didn't ya?

Got any drugs? You could do those

To what?

Post bananas

Your imagination

Your toaster? I don't know what the fuck you're into

Floor Tiles

My internet is really unreliable, I do that all the time




OP here fan just turned on for half a second so progress is being made. Maybe I'll escape this hell alive.

Light a fire in your living room, roast a squirrel, you have to live don't you

What's the point of living without power? I have my phone sure but that's temporary. When the battery dies my reasons for living drop down to zero.

shit in your hands and rub it on your chest

Well did you try calling the company or are you just sitting there like a retard in the dark waiting to die

You shouldn't rely on technology 24/7. I don't have a problem if you're on it all the time, just have a backup plan for when things like this happens. Go take a walk. Go get some food. Read a book. Be productive

Living in an apartment, not even the building staff knows why the powers out. I can't call anyone the building staff hasn't already called, so yes my only option is to sit in the dark like a retard waiting to die.

Don't own any books, Barnes and noble also have no power so I can't buy a book, it's cold outside, food on campus is garbage, would do homework but it's all on blackboard.

Damn. Draw something then

I have dysgraphia so whatever I draw is gonna look like a person with Parkinson's disaease drew it.

It's better than sitting in the dark doing nothing

Call electric company to see what the problem is. Use candles

Is it though? Drawing shit and looking at the final product just makes me realize how shitty I am at drawing and how no mater what I do how much effort I put into my shite it'll always come out complete garbage. Nah I'd rather die with some self respect left.

Whatever man. You do you.

Shite responded to the wrong one.

Hey powers back. Internet is still dead but hey it's a start.