Marinefag here. 0411 Oorah!

Marinefag here. 0411 Oorah!

I have a question for all you pussies. How come you cowards won't enlist and serve your country?

Having a career and a cause sure beats masturbating yourself blind in your mommas basement you fucking faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

Because someone needs to keep your wives company while you jarheads play bulletsponge in some foreign shithole we have no business being in the first place.

Because I didn't fail to get an education so I'm a productive member of society and not a weaponized welfare queen.


Fucking cringefag

>thinking a maintainence pog deserves respect

>being a pog

>0411 Maintenance Manager
Must be high speed devil dog.

Hhmm let's see.

I could either get paid

Jokes on you, I plan to enlist in the Marine Corps in two or three more years.


>Kill people.
>Get paid doing it.
Besides the fact that it's the only legal way to kill people and get paid for doing it and you have to remember deployments end.
I know more than a few guys who ended up beating, or maiming their wives Jody boy.

Lol 0411

0411? Isin't that an admin clerk lol

>Without POGs Grunts wouldn't eat or be able to do their jobs.
>Without Grunts there would be no reason for POGs to exist.

Shut up, we all know you secretly need and love each other, you just refuse to show it in public.

christ. they won't even be able to find his dog tags after that burn

Like damn

Not one US soldier has done a single thing to actually serve the USA since the end of ww2.

Not one active military personnel has ever fought an opponent capable of meeting any and all force with equal force.

You are pussies and welfare queens.
Get a real job, produce something, generate revenue like a man instead of playing dress up while suckling from the public tit of stolen money.

>Neckbeard on Sup Forums
>Trying to make Jody boy jokes
>Can't bang a normal unmarried girl much less a married one.

Nice try.

I took a good hard look and realized it isnt serving my country, but rather the corporate fat cats that want to dip into everyones pockets and establish a world police force to make sure everyone pays up. Good job being some rich kids attack dog retard.

A man with balls that sticks his dick in other mens assholes.

Say this to a Serviceman's face.
You're spewing your bullshit from the safety of the internet and anonymity of Sup Forums.

Op literally looks at barcodes all day claims its a career
I knew a guy named Pezan that was this shit that you?

Because I'm keeping my country and family from a real threat... The Kikes. And you're off fighting for them while our country is burning to the fucking ground you mong. I hope your girlfriend is having a bastard nigger child.

Like others have said, your a cuck if you enlist and have a wife. Besides that, I don't want to risk my life when we have no conflict that truly requires it. If it was the civil war I'd gladly enlist. If it was the american revolution i'd be proud to die for my country. But we don't live in those times and it's not necessary, theres no need. Besides that I don't have the desire to be a part of the military for the rest of my life which is your best bet once you go down that path. Because most vets are treated like garbage in this country, which is sad.

Congrats on your decision but it was most likely made based upon pride and self centered ambition like all decisions in life. Hope you don't have to do anything that scars you forever and haunts you in your sleep.

Trips for truth.

0411? Only marines worth a shit are 0311. Pathetic, you joined the cultiest of branches and didn't even go the one route that's manly. You might as well have become a scientologist


>haunts you in your sleep

Like cleaning toilets..


I have said that shit to a serviceman's face. Hell most of my family served in the military and they say the exact same shit about the military.

just because you'll get beaten/killed for it doesnt mean its not true

Why so they can get physical and prove even further how much of a government controlled bitch they are when they get nabbed for assault with a deadly weapon? Their fists are considered weapons after their training. If they take a swing I'll visit them weekly behind bars to laugh at them.

Jokes on you your a 15 year old virgin

>>Without POGs Grunts wouldn't eat or be able to do their jobs.
All of my food came from a bunch of Indians hired by SODEXO. And I was on foot patrol, no vehicles. We had to set up our own tents and dig our own berm. In my entire time in country, I only once dealt with POGs directly or indirectly. Some e5 from motor pool was supposed to send a few of his marines to help augment our security detail, but he bitched about it and we didn't get the support. so three of my guys had to pull a double; one patrol inside the compound and then they had to gear up to go outside the wire right after.

>>Without Grunts there would be no reason for POGs to exist.
Civilian contractors do your job, they do it better, and they don't brag at the bars about "being a marine." There is no reason for POGs to exist.

if anything it makes it more true.

Try pulling your tough guy act to a power capable of meeting and and all force with equal force.


you retards got beaten by illiterate farmers

What's an 0411 did you mean 0311

Like marines don't clean toilets? hold on aside vto that, you hire janators and shit in the middle of buttfuckistan with no plumbing???? top kek


Jokes on you im a master prestige on call of duty

How is saying things online any different then saying it on person? He's talking to 0411

Most civs could tapdance on OP's spine all day long

Trying to become a Devil Doc reservist. Going to do EMT school first just in case I get medically disqualified so I have something to fall back on.

lance corporal detected

So Korea and Vietnam never happened right
>inb4 Vietnam was a shlep

Because I'm not retarded and was able to build a career for myself without sacrificing years of my life with the goverment's cock up my ass and doing jew bidding.

Yea except defeat isis iraq, al-queda, kill bin laden. And provide support for a host of underprivileged nations that think it's unethical for isis to go there and start chopping off the limbs of anyone that doesn't join them.

That's not correct. Thats just something people believe because they saw it in a meme.

trans ppl can't serve in the military OP, not that id do it anyway :3

More money in the private sector, bro.

I was in the top 75% of my class so I could get in college

Ahem. Almighty man of the land, I’m with the wing, am I worthy? Or should civies do that shit too?
I guess the air force should just cease to exist since other than pilots, they’re all POGs too.
But I still see a glimmer of rationale behind your point.

was not same

You wouldn't fight for anything. People like you are funny because you're actually the pawn and you think it's everyone else. Weigh the value of the source of your information in an unbiased manner. But, you can't do that.

That's a lie, I'm a trans and I joined. I came out after I've sworn in and done my basics now doing active duty as a MTF

At the very least if shit goes down, the people with military experience will have a better chance at surviving than the basement dwellers that are on here 24/7.

In the words of Major General Smedley Butler "War is a racket."

That’s cause army is full of fags anyway.
Fuck off. “Soldier”.

blind old fag shake sausage
think was

>I'm too dumb to do anything on my own so I blindly follow orders and die for rich people to stay rich.

Have fun there, faggot.

That's civilian life.

Hey man I'm POG AF. 6072 Airwing. Went to Afghanistan in 2012. Stayed on leatherneck/bastion the entire time. I was there when some terrorist we hired to serve us food stole a truck, lit himself on fire, and tried to run into the then Sec Def Panettas plane. I was also there when the 15 talis broke through the gate and stormed the airfield. They blew up like 6 of the 10 Harriers in all of Afghan. Killed my buddy and a squadrons CO. I was at my shop on the flight line. We had to just stay in our shop though the cobras took them out. We had to repair bullets holes in some of our support equipment.

I'd never go to war unless it was on my home soil, Because then i'd at least know i was actually fighting for my country.

Enlisted Air Force, shipping next month.
>living a bourgeois, consumerist lifestyle doesn't benefit the wealthy
That sounds rough, thank you for your service.
Join the national guard and beat the shit out of commies and niggers.

When we had a big exercise here I Australia a few months back we heard one male marine raped another male marine. Plus you have niggers and steal shit all the time. You guys are a joke of a military force now days, dishonorable.

I'm enlisted in the US Army and ship out right after I finish high school.
Also, I'm going to meet some veterans from Vietnam, Afghanistan, ect tomorrow. What should I ask them?

My murderer alert is going off, its a bigun'

That's what happens when you let politics influence the military.
Who wanted Gays in the military?
Liberal politicians.
Who wants Transgender faggots in the military?
Liberal politicians.

It's not the Corps fault and it's not any specific Marines fault, no my friend, it is those retards up in Washington civilians elect.

Literally as much as you can, their advice will not only save you time and energy but possibly your life.

Here's a few tidbits from an Army Veteran:
1. Humvees don't have keys.
2. Nobody likes a know it all.
3. Nobody likes a dumbass.
4. Chemlights don't have batteries.
5. If you climb a tree, there aren't grid squares, don't a dumbass.
6. Keep your mouth shut, ears open, and legs moving.

I was going to enlist in the Marines.
Talked with the recruiter several times and trained to be in great shape for when I got in.

Then I was hit by a truck and shattered my hip and the military didn't want me anymore.

Ten years later I'm a dropout with only a GED and an associate's, have crippling depression, a fat wife, the same job for 9 years, a paycheck-to-paycheck existence, and a serious drug addiction.

You wish bitch, I'm a matinefag

Never saw that meme. I was referring to our political situation where our leaders take bribes, and we normally wage war where oil is abundant and banking is non existent. Critical thinking goes a long way jarhead.

It's happening to all western militaries to tell the truth, all the guys are losing morale and bailing and thinking fuck it let the fags and chicks have it. Bullshit PowerPoint crap telling us about sexual harrasment in the workplace and shit like that. I'm about ready to discharge myself just hoping on a deployment next year then get out.

What's a -
Is that one of them queerosexual clubs that Mateen shot up?

I would actually but I have schizophrenia so I don't think they would allow me to join.

You poor bastard...

Triggered over 9000.

Tried enlisting in swecuck army, denied by headshrinker

Protecting them from the kikes, good luck on the theather,hollywood,media,banks,intel , should i continue?.

My high school IT administrator told me that when he was living in barracks, two Drill Sargent came in to their room wearing animal masks and made them do push-ups while the Sargents made a mess of the room and playing heavy metal. At one point they smashed out the lights and drew a pentagram on the floor and lit it on fire.

Because I'm not dying for a crumbling empire.

Plenty of retards already willing to get killed in some shit hole to further corporate interests.

fuckin lool

>I'm a stupid shit head who responds to criticism with physical violence.

American hero.


Bone spurs

>5. If you climb a tree, there aren't grid squares, don't a dumbass.
What does this mean please user?


People like to mess with the new guy in the military.
One of the practical jokes is when you get lost during a land nav, a Drill Sergeant will come over to you and tell you that if you climb a tree that the grid squares on your map can be seen from up there.
Obviously you can't see grid squares from the top of a tree.

Don't get too uppity. You'll die in a quagmire war soon.


This is the quality of person who joins the military. Someone who can be made to believe the whole world has lines painted on it.

Stfu POG

Ah I see. Like being sent out for a bag of nail holes or some tartan paint.

I'm no great fan of the military but you have to admit they have some top bants at times.

Fucking rekt

Like civilians are much better.
"The Military is bad."
"Listen to my liberal social agendas and vote for me."
"Communism has never been tried."

Autism abounds in every part of Society, culture, and country. You aren't any better than your average Jarhead.

One of the tricks recruit instructors did sometimes in our recruit training is when they did the little soldiers 5 on field rations they'd say there were dehydrated boiled eggs, but they were tic tacs and they put it in boiling water then another instructor would distract them all with another lesson and they'd drop in a full hard boiled egg.

Yup, lol.

Because im more interested in keeping myself alive and learning a valuable profession which can improve my community than i am in becoming a beefcake and getting my legs blown off by some sand rat for a congressman who wouldn't give a damn about it.

I was a 12b for 6 years and was deployed more times than you change underwear in a week. Fuck off, spanky.