Just finished new paint job on the mask. Tell me what you think

Just finished new paint job on the mask. Tell me what you think.


Why the fuck you make a new thread when you still have a thread running with the same fucking topic

post dick

Oops. I thought the first one didnt go through .

del all of them


I'd put my refugee in your country

fucking sexy babe
how was dinner?

I feel fat

you are not. you are sexy
post more pics of that fine body of yours

are you still in canada? reading your old threads, you actually seem pretty cool. we should date.

Yea,, I is in canada.



what the fuck, white people live in nunavut? the cost of living must be insane there.

Interesting to hear OP is from Nunavut. Not super far from me. You've caught my interest

You in cananda too?

Hey spooky how was the food

Labrador my dude.

No shit.
gooooood. Im so stuffed. I look like im prego.

do you wear the masks out in public? or do you just wear them and have fun taking pics at home

Nice! Glad you enjoyed it.

Just at home. People would get scared.

C H E C K ' D

I know Nunavut is mostly northern, do you get crazy snow? What's your nationality? What are the average temperatures in winter/summer?

For real though, do you like goosebumps?

nice quads.
is it just a hobby for you, or do you see yourself doing something artsy in the future?

Gayest Flag there is

Yup. Lots of snow.
Im white girl but I got a little native in me.There is a lot of inuit people around here. They're so ugly.

You look slightly less creepy now, congratulations.

Are you trans, or were you born with female genitalia?

Lots of inuit here too. I'm 50% inuit but luckily my 50% isn't the alcoholic mentally ill majority of inuit people here. East or west side of Nunavut? I'm pretty glad I'm also white.

>but luckily my 50% isn't the alcoholic mentally ill majority of inuit people
Hey fuck you! I like talking to trees and having sex with squirrels.

Im a girl, and no, im not in transition or anything like that. Im just a bi sexual bitch.

not trying to be rude, but what makes you want to post on here? lonely?

Hey there!
Frenchfag reporting in

is that your ass?
or arm?
can't really tell

Fuck of frog

Yup, pretty much. Always isolated and alone. I have a friend staying with me for a couple weeks right now though.

>Im white girl but I got a little native in me
would you like a lot of native in you? ;)

C'est tres bon.

Make me

Do you like venison Spooky?

Face silly.

what for? is it because of anxiety or social phobia or something? or is nunavut really just that desolate?


ever masturbate while wearing the mask?

Yes, im big meat eater.

Nice! I just got a few back straps!

Neat, not super far then.
My community is probably more isolated than the vast majority of Sup Forums users. Not sure about OP but my graduating class was 5 people including me

You could eat my meat if you wanted.

I sure exactly.
Oh yeah.

think you might try it tonight with the new colors?

So is the mask like, a sexual thing for you?

"Not sure exactly" is what I meant to say

No but it can be. I just like wearing a face. Always loved dressing up and putting makeup on but im straight up tom boy.

Would you find any satisfaction from dolling yourself up when you go out? Just out of curiosity.