So basically, the las vegas shooting was a failed assassination attempt of a saudi prince. this is very interesting

so basically, the las vegas shooting was a failed assassination attempt of a saudi prince. this is very interesting.

Other urls found in this thread:

prince to be assasinated



i forgot this site has just a bunch of basement dwellers who don't care.

Of course it is. The cops would never cover his 6

Patiently waiting for evidence dump.


So instead of the gunman firing somewhere in the hotel.....he fired at a music concert instead?
How does that make sense?
It sounds kinda cool....but what?

next up, gay frog water

is this another thread where wild claims are made with zero evidence backing them up


gibe proof

If the guy being assassinated wasn't there....who was the guy that got escorted out of the building?

get outta here we never have those

Here's the whole rundown

prince salman

>here's the whole fanfic post

ftfy you mong

thank you

didnt happen. theres even a youtube video from in the crowd, trying to find it right now where people are discussing no shots actually hitting anywhere and that it sounds like its fake coming from the speakers...its no coincidence that the FBI just raided that medcure place that is a body broker. rogue CIA guy working there and has been for years to help out other operations helped out. ask me how i know....ask me how i know!!!!!

I can actually buy that except they probably wouldn't buy weapons on the same day as an assassination attempt. It would be meticulously planned and not be deterred by "doh...he went to another casino. Let's shoot this guy and a bunch of other people"
I'm assuming these guys are professional hitmen "get in get out"


Do you actually know? And how?

shots were definitely fired...but not as much as everyone thinks and no where near the crowd

so basically, you didnt do well in school (math, reading comprehension failure)
and now you think you can interpret things like world events and data.
Fuck off you plebs.


nice guys really go through that reply list quickly. as your IP shows at least.

Because these people werent the top of their class or even close. These are the bottom tier plebeians. They know literally nothing. Not even how their fucking phone works or even a shred of anything higher than basic multiplication. Yet they think they can determine the reasons for world events. Autism over 9000

makes sense if you want someone else to blame...a diversion.

because you buy illegal drugs from the guy and you made up that story to get attention from Sup Forums.

Occam's Razor.

You guys are grasping at imaginary straws.

Pretty sure it was just a guy who liked burritos


Anyone want to do some "actual" research?
Kevin Spacey and Peter Mandelson (high ranking British politician) are best buddies. If anyone can put them both in Thailand at the same time we can pretty much go after parliament for being pedos.
I've got Mandelson Thailand 2005

They dont understand higher order thinking. Occams razor is tough for the mentally ill.
They're retarded and attempting to exersize a modicum of control over their pathetic, cucked lives.

Someone else to blame for what?

that was my one reply.

I mean wait, Soros only paid me for one post.

Assasins, most probably very professional try to make it look like a crazy patsy.
End up spending 10 minutes firing while the cops zone in on them.
I dont buy it.

they were trying to hide the fact they were there to assassinate the prince

so basically, the us is going to war with iran any day now, right?


W-w-w-what? Instead of just leaving? lol
And risking getting caught?

Somebody watches way too many movies.

It's definitely interesting with what's going on in Saudi Arabia but let's try and come to a logical conclusion first.
Does anyone know anything about the political shitstorm that is now happening in SA?

it wasnt just their lives on the line. if they were found out, the people above them were compromised

its all related to vision 2030


the new king is consolidating power, taking out rival power centers and people who aren't under his control. that's it. like xi is doing in china, he's using "corruption" as the pretense for arrests, but the people being arrested are not any more corrupt than any of the powerful people NOT being arrested. it's just the same old shit. kim jong-un did the same thing when he took power, just more violently.

Irony at its finest

i dont know if its right or wrong but i think it is was the saudi now investigating.
the suddenly saudi inprisoment of current 500 people for investigation make sense now.

You and the 2 idiots who responded to you clearly just learned that phrase. It's called finding the motive. Derr


so basically burritos?

Who don't care about what? The guy was insane, not part of some elaborate conspiracy to assassinate a Saudi prince

you fucking retard

paddock wasnt there to assassinate anyone. he was there as a front to the assassination of the prince.


You're beyond help if you honestly believe this narrative concocted by bored basement dwellers and posted on an unknown forum

this has so many fallacies it hurts, like claiming SWAT isn't FBI (they're the same branch, local PD don't have SWAT units, they have FBI tactic units meant for this type of shit, called swatfags)
but eh, good story none the less, 6 out of ten, would watch whatever bullshit movie is made about this bullshit story.
reality of it is they were asians, most likely philipines retaliating for american funded/generated ISIS cunts laying siege to their country. (notice how pacquiao had to skip out on a fight the past year? he was approving his governments actions)

>local pd don’t have swat

You sir, are a moron

thats the dumbest thing I have ever heard. If Abdulaziz wanted Salman dead, he would do it in his own nation where he has resources, and blame it on Iran.

you're entitled to your opinion.

look it up yourself retard
swat teams are FBI cucks
nothing more.

>T-t-there's n-n-no way my government could ever d-do this!!!!

Fuck the naysayers

>look it up yourself
We can't see the delusion in your head retard

>someone who is employed by local or
>knows swat members who were once regular cops then moved to swat after years on the job

You sir are still a moron

>literally any reason but a crazy person who owned to man guys shooting indiscreetly into a crowd of people.

Governments have done horrible things in the past. That doesn't mean any a la Alex Jones conspiracy is automatically true. Provide proof for this and people will take you seriously.