Can anyone explain the ending of Cube 2 (hypercube)

Can anyone explain the ending of Cube 2 (hypercube)

is that the one where the retard is the only survivor and goes free

Which one is that? The one where the guy watching goes in and then gets turned into the retard from the first movie?

Thats Cube

Is that the one where the autist figures out that the shifting pattern of the cubes would have lead everyone to freedom if they just stayed in the starting room for long enough?

don't ask questions,
have you seen the first cube film?

If yes, watch cube 0 THEN ask questions

shut the fuck up with your sp0ilerz you twats

why would you?

>spoilers from movies made years ago
ayy lmao

in a thread made by someone whos not seen the film, viewed by people who could enjoy the film for themselves but you had to ruin it

Too bad faggot. Spoiler warnings have expiration dates.

Spoiler: Darth Vader is Luke's father.

It was the Jews all along

>being this much of a fag about a random 20-year-old movie

you're such a cool dude

>in a thread made by someone whos not seen the film
What sense would that make? Someone asking for an explanation of a movie they haven't seen?
>viewed by people who could enjoy the film for themselves but you had to ruin it
Why would they be in a thread about a film franchise they haven't seen?

You seem like a complete moron who types like a nigger.

Izon kills the volunteer when she escapes the 4th dimension, concluding the test. Why is that difficult to grasp?

Who cares?
Only Cube (the first one) is good. Cube 2 is absolute trash.

>wacky movie
>needs a twist ending guyz
>I know, corporate conspiracy + kill survivor for knowing too much hurp
there ya go

>some austist thinks anyone want his opinion
>enters the thread begging for the attention he couldn't earn irl
>sentences on separate lines because nigger raised by niggers

the cube movies are a big nothing burger. crooked cube would be a better title.

We need a Cube around Mexico, and they're gunna pay!

there's a lot of good people coming out of the Cube. but some of them are bad, very bad. we need to secure our borders. we need to build the Cube. its that simple people.

>If yes, watch cube 0 THEN ask questions

cube 0 sucked. "does god exist?"

yes: AAARGH they dropped me into the whirling blades

no: phew, that was close, they only dropped me into the whirling blades

they sent her in to try to find out how the designer made all that weird multi-dimensional time distortion shit. it was so important they killed her after she handed over the recordings.