How the fuck do people even know when they are getting v&?

How the fuck do people even know when they are getting v&?

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>before the flashbang

They do not.
They get vanned if they open their mouth and say shit like they want to kill a politician or download cheese pizza without any sort of programs to mask yourself.

Holy shit. So does this happen years later, months later?

>Thought they only went after producers or something.

99999 will be mine

Gimme muh gets



My former dealer had been dealing for years with no problems and then today, everyone hears a bang and gunfire.

They took his lamps and his marijuana stalks


Ja, hallo, wie geht es dir, you have found me.





anytime, could be months or years. if it's a political / public threat issue pretty much immediately.

Oh fuck. So basically what do?




prepare your anus
don't do things that make you paranoid
don't do things that'll ruin your life

Does being fatally shot hurt?

Impressive, very nice

the eternal bleeding alone will be quite uncomfortable

> Does being fatally shot hurt?
If done right, you never even hear it

I would never have to be paranoid if I wasn't wrongfully asked to leave school and later pursued revenge. That would have never happened if the corrupt staff kicked out the kids who bullied me and brought drama there to that school. If I had been allowed to continue my education, this wouldn't have happened.

whatever happened let it go and move on. live your life and don't fear what may never happen. resentment and paranoia will fuck you worse than anything that life can throw at you.

Ikr. The damage is done now.

I fear I will be v&

>As i guy that have been v&
>They had civilian car with tinted windows on the look for about 3 weeks,
> i spotted it a few times in random places around my house never thought twice about it
>all of a sudden me and girl watching tv Door open i had no clue

Peter scully? Is this you?

I have seen many black cars and other cars doing weird U-turns, speeding, burnouts slowing, sitting in front of a house.

According to neighbors, they said they have "one more person to get" on this street.

that part when door breaking down and when they are in the v&
start a revolution and take over or, move to argentina
depends where

funny story, my brother actually got v&, i guess he clicked a link on facebook that took him to some honeypot unknowingly, they pulled him over while he was on his way to work, searched our house and his room, took all his electronics (phones, cameras, computer), gave him a polygraph test, looks like he passed and did fine so they let him go, they just didn't want him to be apart of some child porn ring that was going around (he was only 17)..

to this day they still probably monitor our isp and internet activity lol

When I was a newfag to Sup Forums, same thing (accidentally clicking random links on Sup Forums)

That was when I was 16. It didn't stop there. Being out of school and being on Sup Forums, online in Kik, 24/7, got me into interactions between some fucked up people.

I was a reckless, stupid kid with nothing and no one keeping me guided.

>wrongfully asked to leave school and later pursued revenge
lmao. he did something to deserve it, its always about 99.5% that he was in the wrong and deserved it.

Shut the fuck up, spook. I was bullied by rich Catholics and the school didn't want a scandal.

Second school, thug niggers wanted to fight me. I couldn't take it anymore. It was the anniversary of my grandfather's death and they had falsely accused me of having a shank. So I snapped. The fucking nigger superintendent told me that he would expel them and call be when it is "safe for me to return."
He never called back. LISA West did not take me, eStem did not take me. No school would let me attend. So I was without school at home, for years.

So I sought revenge, I doxxed these fucks, I had people send shit to their house, I fucked up their credit. They were fucking monsters and they got less than what I gave them. I should have shot those fuckers up.

>So I snapped
there we go. poor little bubsy wubsy here couldnt control his emotions, no wonder nobody else wanted you, lmao. sorry little fella, the real world is a tough place and no ones going to be hovering over your shoulder to make sure no one says mean things to you, and thats what schools about, prepping you for the real world. better luck next time!

And for your nigger information, I was the straight A student, never bothering people, never even socializing with peers and this is what I get. Told to leave and lied to with the promise of safe return. One of the fucks that was in on it literally got an armed robbery charge a year later after my mother withdrew me. A year later. This is what the perfect graduate looks like people. This is the one who gets to stay in school.

I am sorry you are a low IQ nigger. When someone falsely accuses you of possession of a knife and the police get called, I am sure you will be calm too.

You're clearly some narcissistic faggot fuck who has no understanding of the real world. What people do can affect others and you are full of shit if you don't believe that for one second.

dogge jesus?

actually, yeah. literally the rest of the world can do this
this is what a reasonable, normal human being without anger issues does
>hmm, do i have a knife?
>no. they will search me and not find one

absolutely, and in this case he flipped, starting attacking people because lmao words, and the system worked. it removed a dangerous person from the educational system. thats what its there for. the safety of the reasonable students was ensured, by removing the dangerous, unreasonable element.

The other kids were assholes, sure, but that dosent suddenly excuse or make it okay when mr anger issues here started physical violence, to prove he "wasnt violent, or didnt have a weapon".

There is a time and place for physical violence, this user just got the time and place wrong.



not really. they were provoking him to get a reaction. he played right into their trick, and it worked better then they could of imagined, he started fighting, and got kicked out of school. the time for violence is in situations with no other reasonable way out, like a home invasion or someone trying to murder you

oh, just some low iq nigger whose actually white, finished school and living a good life, lmao.




They found nothing and still called the PD. I had to talk to cops. The Assistant Principal had to speak on my behalf so that I didn't get arrested. The gang niggers were chimping out and insulting me. The cops left, campus security, me, the teachers, my mother, and this Dr. Strickland motherfucker had an immediate meeting to discuss "my safety." Rather than do the right thing and expel them for making afro pick spoke shanks, he suggests that I be withdrawn because there is no other alternative. He will call back in a week. Never called, never responded to e-mail, letter or call. He completely fucked me off and let them stay. I had to get my fucking GED. From AP to ALE to Catholic School, to being sexually assaulted and bullied, then in a class full of thugs to GED. This is not how I planned for my life to go. I tried everything to recover, peacefully and salvage my life. School after school. No vacancies, long waiting lists, etc etc. They fucked me out of a high school diploma and prom and class ring and a stable future where I did not wind up on Sup Forums, plotting revenge and on Kik, talking to sick motherfuckers, with Borderline Personality Disorder and severe lack of impulse control, not caring if I lived or died. Later, I tried turning my life around. Now this all seems in vain.

I didn't fight, I threw a chair.

sounds like yer livin' in the past poor buddy, time to move on!

Boy, you're nuttier than squirrel shit.

Probably because my past has led me to this future.

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yeah, ill take your word for it. theres definitely nothing missing to this story that is impossible to verify or hear from any other source. your completely innocent and you did nothing wrong.

you said you snapped, and now what that was is conveniently left out. and you know what "my safety" really means? its a polite way of saying "everyone elses safety". and you know what? he was right. as you said, your now plotting revenge, these are your own words. you are a danger to yourself and the people around you because you cant let it go, and its everyone elses fault but yours

>i didnt fight, i threw a chair
lmao. yep, anger issues, violent.

only if you say so!


Okay you faggot ass troll. You are entitled to believe that. Sadly for you, you aren't a witness, just someone who I chose to tell about it. And I don't care about your untrue opinion.

yeah, all i have to go off are your words, which again, are "i snapped".

lmao, have a good rest of your bad life

Samefagging/trolling is what you live for. How sad.

when i was younger and dealing
was a time when i could watch the officers watching my house change shifts at the same time every day
double parked across the street in an empty parking lot pointed directly at my house for like 2 weeks 24/7
cops are pretty obvious when they are watching you, its the raids you have to worry about, they will get together a few blocks away, block off the streets coming in, and once everyone is there bam they hit the location like a shitstorm during a shitsunami, usually won't see it coming unless police scanner, even then might not if they go extra sneaky about it


You are entitled to believe that, lmao

get vanned

why would they wait for years?

gathering evidence

you just ruined the rest of my life

could be as simple as busy. years of cases backed up, whatever. its not like the evidence disintegrates

Aren't you that cunt from this morning?

>doxxing without protection
kids these days, stay noided user you've committed a felony

this is my new favorite anime revenge story

producers or if you upload/share or download a lot

ITT: very edgy newfags dont understand the rule 9 of the internet.

lmao. the principle was right. this guy was prone to violence, anger, vindicitive, and willing to commit crimes over old happenstance.

everyone ive ever talked to who got kicked out of school, always the same. not their own fault, but they did something violent, morally or ethically wrong, that they ""couldnt control"".
hes a principle, the head authority member over not just that years school kids, but likely 15 years or more. your not the first, or the last kid hes kicked out, and its not the first time hes been accused of misconduct. hell, with how many students hes had, hes probably been called a bastard, molester, rapist hundreds of times. of course, when he picked up and threw a chair at the student it wasnt his fault, they called him na-lmao right, no. he was a reasonable human being and didnt.

Wtf is vanning or v&??

i did a bit of work as...basically a janitor at insertnameofplaceiwontsay and the tl:dr is remember when the mpaa sued a few kids for downloading like 8 songs? even if they were in the right, it looked very bad for them any everyonse sided with the kids. everyone saw this case and took notes. busting people over a tiny amount of material because you know for sure those can be proven looks bad. once you catch someone doing it once, they will do it again, so instead, lie low, use that evidence to track them longer, and wait till the numbers are in your favor.

suing someone for a million bucks over 1 song looks bad. doing it for 1 grand a song, for hundreds and thousands of songs looks better,newspapers cant word it "over just ONE mistake!", stealing lots of songs over years is a lot harder to sympathize with

Swim had cp uploaded to a Dropbox, got raided many months later

lmao, you still say that as if he wouldnt be fucked over had he stayed calm. he did allude to the fact that many were involved. what would you suggest? op getting robbed/jumped by tyrone, laytrell and co?

lurk moar

Does that mean, whatever I do, I shouldn't stop with it becasue that will be the time I'll get fucked up? Let's download music forever booys

That is fucking gross.


he also alluded that they used words and HE threw the chair, ergo, instigated the argument to physical violence. you know what you do when people call you names? ignore them. unless his granddad died on the FIRST day of the school year and that was the FIRST day he was there, i doubt it was the first time this had happened...and not the first time nothing happened.

no, your going down, its just a question of how much for. 10 grand fine...or a million and 20 years. stopping sooner would be better. theres also logically a cut off point, where its not worth pursuing someone until they are worth "so much". you have a million lawsuits lined up, might as well ignore the people under so many songs and so many thousands in fines, right?

they used threats and insults and you know that is more than enough for some people