So this white man decided to come to Mexico, and record how he mistreated Mexicans

So this white man decided to come to Mexico, and record how he mistreated Mexicans
He is dead now

Other urls found in this thread:

Build wall.

teach them russians their place

gonna need more than that half assed explanation, pedro
preferably an article en ingles

Would you mind providing a translation for the snippet in the screencap?

Was this guy legit insane?? Why would someone record himself insulting and assaulting innocent people??

Russian guy goes to Cancun stabs teenager for no reason, then Mexicans track him and beat him to death

He was someone who recorded himself insulting and treatining innocent people, last night he stabbed a Mexican dude so in revenge some people, well, entered his home and beat the shit out of him till he was left almost dead

>Este individuo de origen ucraniano

is he dead or not

Hm welp, sorry about the teenager. Glad you guys beat the Russian to death though. The one good thing about the USSR was that at least it trapped all the bydlos in one geographical zone

>He was someone who recorded himself
Did he upload the video to some video sharing site like Youtube/Livelink/VK/whatever, or something? Sounds pants on head retarded.

Apparently its this same man
"After attacking Mexicans in Cancun Lord Russian Nazy gets lynched"
"Angry about the mistreated and the hate towards Mexicans and for stabbing a young man last night a mod of angry people attacked and left Aleksei in critical condition after a protest outside his house"
Only a few outlets have said yes but he is about to die for sure

> Russian guy goes to Cancun stabs teenager for no reason, then Mexicans track him and beat him to death
You are a little liar.
No article yet, but here's the thread:

Oh shit in the last line of the article it says that he was admited into a psychiatric hospital back when he was living in Ukraine so he was indeed an insane dude


He has been doing this in Ukraine too. Sorry I can find and english video, it's in Russian

His online persona name was called "Alex Time"

good job mexibros
whites deserve to die
kill a whitey today
save the world

>Russian Nazi

HMMMMMM having an extremely large think about the obvious internal contradictions of this man's retarded ideology

That was the nickname we gave him, when someone tries to behave like a superior entity here in Mexico we call him a "Lord", and he sounded russian to most people and was displaying nazi flags maybe just to be more edgy

He was white like you are white mexico.

Why didn't you called him #EdgyLord?

They guy who was stabbed just died

He shall not be forgotten

This guy used to be rather successful, a trader and diving instructor.

He was gripped by schizophrenia (and somewhat successfully treated in a psychiatric ward, as he started pushing people around and post his "thoughts" on youtube). Later, he fled to Mexico and his delusions and aggressions escalated greatly.

He also bribed local police I think.

In the end, he became notorious and was lynched via mob.

ayy I remember this guy. He is a mentally ill shizofrenic. I remember his videos where he chases old people or screaming like a retard. We was on tv a few times. RIP

That's sad. The same thing will happen to Terry Davis eventually.

Jesus fucking christ.

ha ha holy shit

He stabbed a kid. I don't give a shit about him being mentally ill.

He got what he deserved.

Fucking spamfilter.

Then again, better a mob beating him to death than him pissing off a cartel and ending up being shoved in a barrel and burned alive.

He was. They couldn't put him in jail because of the diagnosis thus he wasn't responsible for his actions and underwent a treatment several times but it didn't help him

>because of him there's more chances to be stabbed in Mexico now if you're russian
Nice work :^l

He was probably totally psychotic at the time and not aware of what he was doing

Just read a kc thread.

Yeah whatever. First rule if you are going to war zone country protect your life or you will be dead.

Yeah. But still.. If he's killed a kid - he's got what he's deserved. Eye for an eye. Seems fair, huh?

For harrassing mexicans in cancun, LordNaziRuso was lynched
inspired by the contempt shown towards mexicans, for assaulting people in the street with a knife in hand and for stabbing a young man at night, causing grave wounds, a large group of people found the house of Aleksei Viktorovich Makeev to attack him with punches and stones (they threw stones at him) until they left him unconscience, fighting between life and death.

This individual of Ukrainian origin had a hobby of filming himself insulting and threatening the mexicans in the streets, to then later uploading his videos on social networks and youtube with the nickname Alex Time, who he claims, was held in a psychiatric hospital in Russia.

While I agree he was a total dick, he should have been placed in a home or psychiatric facility. The guy clearly was not sane.

Or you know don't attack the population

Where was police?

lol I thought it was a joke.

>But still.. If he's killed a kid - he's got what he's deserved. Eye for an eye. Seems fair, huh?

Yeah I suppose. It's regrettable he wasn't institutionalized and treated before he could harm others and himself though.

a кaкoвo хyя этoт peбёнoк дeлaл в eгo дoмe eбaть ? oн eбaнyтый eмy вaщe пoхyй кoгo peзaть ocoбeннo кoгдa в eгo дoмa тoлпa хyй paзбepёшьcя

Before he went insane.

A great loss for white civilization and for Europa.

Fucking mexicans can't take a prank.

This is irony right? I can never tell with Scandis

It's better to be killed by a cartel than butthurt mob. At least it would be a memorable thing. I bet butthurt mob kills someone every day there the guy is just one of many.
Жaль oн нe дoгaдaлcя вaлынy кyпить. Coвceм eбaнyлcя тaм видaть

>mob """justice"""

Police of thoughts? Not sure they could know about his illness.
>but youtube channel!
yeah. But there's a lot of offensive asshole so.. doesn't seems like a legit proof.

That is most important rule, thanks, People who are not lead the survival guide are not wise enough to live.

varg and breivik should give you little pause

B дoмe?
Taк, пoхoжe, я чeгo-тo нe знaю.
Batman, please.

Ukraine is Russian soil.

No. Only if the CIA finally catches him.

Some Russian dude who recorded himself talking shit about Mexicans and assaulting random pedestrians on the street, in Mexico. He apparently stabbed someone and got himself beaten to a pulp by an angry mob of people.
Some Russian poster made a thread about him a couple of months ago asking Mexicans why this guy was still alive.

нy тaк oни пpишли и paзъeбaли вecь eгo дoм нacкoлькo я пoнял

You said he killed a kid. Isnt it a crime in Mexico?

It's a shame the narcos didn't cut the Russian's balls off while he was there

Found the thread, there are some of his videos there.

>нacкoлькo я пoнял
Хyй знaeт. Hacкoлькo я пoнял, oн хoдил пo yлицe и изливaл жeлчь. Пoтoм гpaдyc нeaдeквaтa нaчaл pacти - oн взялcя зa нoж и зacaдил пapню. И этo - пpичинa.
>oни пpишли и paзъeбaли вecь eгo дoм
A вoт этo были yжe peбятa пocтapшe. И этo - cлeдcтвиe.

only jumping lower than 6 feet is a crime there

Talk shit get hit.

They were protesting outside his house
He stabbed the kid there
The mob went ape shit at that point

None of the links worked bro :(

I guess Mexicans were right.

> Mexicans are not as violent as chilangos make us look, most people here don't try to get in problems, but if he keeps acting like that maybe some day he will meet someone who is not as nice as those people in the supermarket

It seems like they got removed by now.

Here is the mob entering his house

The russian guy was just defending himself, he did nothing wrong.

Is such a thing as police still are not existing in mexico?

I don't know man, as much as he was assaulting people and ended up stabbing someone, it wasn't his fault he was insane. The government should have done something before this happened, all of this could and should have been avoided.

Alextime before and after going insane.

oн зapeзaл eгo кoгдa к нeмy в дoм вpывaлиcь

Fucking savage.

Police in here are lazy, corrupt thugs. They will do nothing unless you have money, and even then, some of them might still be colluded with the criminals. That's what you get when you let billions of dollars in the hands of criminals in an already corrupt country.

>Is such a thing as police still are not existing in mexico?

here, they're stoning him

Welp there go my Colombia travel plans

dire. remind me never to commit a crime in mexico lol

Let that shit aside, police rarely intervine in that kind of mob without protection, and being the south and apparently not a tourist area getting involved would have get them killed
I doubt they have the kind of gear the CDMX police gets to deal with that kind of shit
Resident evil 4 was a true game?

Honestly when it comes to online snuff videos, Latin America beats ISIS hands down

Being ruled mafia directly is much more efficient I guess.

that's right
we'll fuck you up
don't mess with us
imma stab your dick and rape your sister


why is colombia so mean ;_;

Nah, they just don't care and are ill trained and equipped, so they will never interviene, unless the public eye is directly on them (which only happens when the victims are rich or famous).

you don't want trouble in here boi, stay away

he´s dead

>police in mexico

Trump was right all along.


Seriously I'd imagine the idea of "he's so fuckin crazy he's not really responsible for his actions, even if he hurts people" is pretty unique to rich educated liberals, not normies in mexico or russia or huge parts of this country really

He is? I don't find the news of that
>be russian
>assault mexican pedestrians for months while making anti-mexican videos
>stab mexican
>get attacked
Oh wow, Trump was right all along

no, the kid he stabbed is dead

Are you retarded? It's the same everywhere. If you have a mental illness they put you in asylum instead of prison. Even in america. One flew over the cuckoo's nest is about it

>his head is still intact
pretty disappointed honestly

I'm talking about people not states, all the newspaper comments say "hang him" whenever some schizo goes off here

Why did Russia or Ukraine let that guy go out if he was insane in the first place? Why did Mexico accepted him? We are supposed to only send shit not letting more get in.
Police exist to kidnap you, we only trust our Army and marines.