S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again

S/fur bread ride with floofy titties and tails continues again.
Because muh floof!
Small colorful mares from popular TV shows are fine too.





Greetings Mer Dash.

Hey, Gerald.







More mares please!












lately i have found it easier to make new things.

That image was next in my queue, I was hoping to post it before you would arrive. Fucking image jacked me.



You win this round, damn ninja.




Party in party hoers's vag and everyone is cumming.

Hey Dash! Fuzz here. You need to go to a strip club. Seriously helped me more than anything else with being a foreveralone.

I wouldn't mind popping pills and pounding that pink pony pussy.

That is the least attractive depiction of a vagina I've ever seen

Go awai

Thanks, but I'm not interested in paying to watch random women get naked. It's not my thing.

no u


Cum filled party hoers?

Mare vag is awesome.


not a brony but i would destroy Celestia

Luna is better.

Ur a waste of space
Post more fart and ruin another thread

Yeah, I don't into brony. I just like mare.



idk both are good but i like Celestia's personality better






Alright. I bet it would make you happier though, might work better than pills. I'll see all you fuzzy people around Thanksgiving when I'm where my IP range isn't banned.


In all honestly it would probably make me feel worse since I'm still in love with someone else.


OK, I'm glad we agree.

I don't see the point of strip clubs. Sure you get real love vag in your face, but they expect you to pay a lot to see it.
And that's all you get to do is see it.
Is a waste of money.

I concur.


Don't worry about anyone who doesn't like you back. You can get those feelings with any attractive girl over time. You need to go and meet someone new. But here I am talking about this having never had any success.

I like marble.
Most of the pics I have are too big.

It's just not the same. She's pretty much perfect, enough so that I still can't get over her after 3 years. I'm never going to find another like her.


It's not bad as long as you don't go too often and don't spend more than a couple hundred. I've only been once (but want to go again).




Go out and talk to other girls after doing some research on pickup. Just trust me. There has to be more than one girl in this world you'd enjoy being with.

I've been a few times with friends for parties and shit.
just not interesting unless you never get to see naked girls any other way.

all women are pic related

PROTIP: if she was perfect she would be with you.
Cowboy the fuck up and find someone realistic. You are not going to find anyone here thats for sure. Just don't give up, keep looking and trying. Don't get hung up on just one person.
Please don't..

Yup, that last line describes me.


I don't have any problems with getting girls.


My odds are one in a million of finding a girl as perfect as she is.

No, she is perfect and that's why she would never be with me anyway. I'm not even good enough for her.



Where do you meet them? Cold approach?


Who praytell is this perfect person?
Is this a person of conflicting sexual orientation?
If so nigga you need to get real!

Yeah, anywhere, in person.
just say hi to the girls you see, start a conversation. Give them a compliment.
It's super easy, you just have to do it.

If you're talking about Krystal fox, trust me, I know. But a girl doesn't have to be perfect.


Oh trust me, I've done it many times. Just need to do a better job at it.

Sunshine, and yes. I've wanted to be a girl long before I met her too. If I could stop loving her then I would. I've tried and tried as hard as I could for a year, and just snapped and couldn't do it anymore and cried my fucking eyes out harder than I ever have. She's the one who was always there for me. The one I always dreamed of, and it couldn't be a bigger "fuck you" than her being a lesbian when that's what I've always wished.


i am going to unlurk here


Well yeah, only one I maybe 100 times is going to lead to anything other than that conversation.

Hey, Ethereal.


Hey 2 U 2

Oh wait, I get it.
I'm an idiot.

Hey, 8bit.

ive been lurking here since about the 25 image post mark.

Greetings Mer Etherial.
This is a good place to not lurk.