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jazz > rock > blues > rap



fight me

Rock=blues> jazz>>> rap

jazz = rock > rap > blues




jazz > rap >>>> blues >>>>>>>>>>> rock

Jazz > Blues > Rap > Rock




Jazz >>> rock = rap > blues

>When u feel the need to say that rap is bad because you've only been exposed to shit that's been on billboard and pitchfork

200% sure almost none of you actually listens to jazz.

>when u feel the need to say that jazz is good because you've heard one David Brubeck album and have no appreciation for modern jazz such as bbng


>when u feel the need to say that rock is bad because...
modern rock does actually suck ass nevermind

>so pleb he doesn't believe people actually listen to jazz


>for modern jazz such as bbng

This is retarded


Holy shit stop listening to music you fucking pleb

I enjoy smoking cigars to blues

rock rap > jazz > blues jazz > jazz rap > jazz rock > rap > blues > rock > blues rock > blues rap

>Calls people a pleb
>Doesnt consider rock to be musics highest achievement
>Thinks blues is better than rap

>consider rock to be musics highest achievement
You should donate your ears to someone, in need because you clearly aren't using them.

Rock = Rap = Blues = Jazz

>mfw youre this retarded that you consider any genre better than rock

>I enjoy being a pretentious asshole who types "jazz" into pandora before I smoke $1 gas station cigars



As opposed to what? Some soundcloud bullshit

if you don't like 36 chambers we can't be friends

>liking nigger ooga booga music
kek This board is 18+

>decimals of difference

>nigger music

rock > blues > jazz > rap
the first 3 are interchangeable, as long as you put rap last

>no u

Great taste in mons my friend

t h i s

I'm slowly going through the Penguin Guide so you have an incorrect assumption. Nowhere near jtg, but I regularly listen to jazz

Blues is a chunk of my soul though, so to me it's just as powerful

rock > jazz=blues >>> rap


From an actual songwriting/compositional perspective jazz takes this by far. Even this decade some of the truly innovative stuff is happening there. Hip hop has the ability to be the most diverse of all popular music forms even though it doesn't really take advantage of it. Rock is far more samey and simple than most people think, often sticking to the same handful of keys and chords unless we start counting more recent metal which breaks from that. Blues is the most simple shit out of all of these, and while I respect the raw feel of the early stuff, don't give a damn about the pretentious Crapton/Hendrix forms of the stuff.

n.b. how all of these genres were pioneered by black people then appropriated by talentless white people

rap > jazz >> rock >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blues

I think they're all genres with their merits.
So I'm going to rank them by how much I listen to each genre.

Rock > Rap > Jazz > Blues

this and only this

rock > blues > jazz > rap

My nigga

my niggas

>he can't into a lavish lifestyle
That's ok man, it's not for everyone

nice trips and i agree


My niggas