Ask pretty girl's number in joking way

>Ask pretty girl's number in joking way
>Figure I failed and play it off as I was kidding
>Laughs, writes it down and and chases me down to give it to me a few minutes later
>Text her next day "hey anonette, it's user"
>"Hi user!!!!!! :]

Take you gay numale faggotry to r9k, loser

Don't bother with women.
They are inferior beings.
Work on improving your life instead.

And fuck men instead.

you asked for a date in the second fucking text what do you expect

Don't ask for a date straight up. Don't even mention it. Keep texting for a week, even lingerie until preferably she will try to hint at it. Insult her a little, don't show her any love. Because every guy ever has asked her for coffee on the first conversation. That's basic nigga shit, like we don't like basic bitches either.

Just not that into you. Keep trying... you'r on the right path.

I presume you mean linger

>insult her a little
he means tease her. If you can bring out a girl's playfulness (if she has any) it makes things a lot easier

She gave me her number, did she not expect that it was so we could meet up? Why waste time texting when you don't even really know each other? The whole point of meeting up is to have those conversations and get a feel for the person, right? I can't really do that over text.

>The whole point of meeting up is to have those conversations and get a feel for the person, right?

yeah,maybe 10 years back

incidentally,how old is the grill you mentionned?

>second thing you ever say to her is asking her out
Talk to her a little more first. You wouldn't just meet up a stranger would you?

Most likely the case. Just perplexes me that they always end up giving me their contact info. Is it just because they want orbiters? They like the attention? Maybe she even has a boyfriend

idk maybe i'm different but I do some light texting for atleast a day or two to see if there's even any chemistry before i drop a hey let's hangout or w/e

In a public place like a coffee shop, absolutely. What's the issue with that? She gave me her number long after the conversation was over.
Usually in the range of 19 to 26. I'd assume she's maybe 21 or 22 in this case. You think that has anything to do with it?


stipped reading, fucking cancer

Retard. Don't ask questions. Lead her.

"Let's have coffee on Tuesday at 6."

1. (Apparently) some girls give a guy their number because it's easier to ignore them later than it is to shoot them down to their face.
The ball is essentially in her court the whole time.
2. leading on from the last one, and - maybe she needed a bit of chatting, talking to, getting to know each other before meeting up. Don't seem desperate, needy, etc, don't give her all the decisions to make.
Giving the impression you're a dweeb will turn off all but the most saintly-warm hearted of women, or the ones that want to use you.

She isn't interested. Next time just ask her to coffee and skip getting the digits. Tell her you can take "no" for an answer but will assume she's interested and shy if she gives no answer.

this is the correct answer

I guess that's the way the culture is heading towards these days. I'm a young guy, but I've never really liked the whole modern culture. I don't use social media, I hate texting, prefer to call usually, and I can't stand the way people my age talk. I don't know, it just seems like the world is becoming overly complicated. Interactions are meant to be straightforward

Yes. We don't like face to face anymore. Most people get a fucking anxiety attack at the thought of actually using a phone to call someone. It's all virtual now until it's time to fuck.

Honestly yeah

I prefer dating older women,which I do by meeting up like you mention but I do know that people around my age (I'm 22) prefer to chat online,

Not a bad idea
I don't buy #1, because she chased me down WAY after the fact. Would've been easier for her to do nothing. #2 maybe, but it doesn't make sense to me to waste time "warming" someone up, that's the whole point of meeting is to see if you're into them, that's why I keep it casual with coffee

>Text her next day

That's the problem, bro.

I do agree with trying to meet up but yeah it should have happened down the line on the text chain, not the second thing.

It was pretty late at night when I got her number and was busy until around lunch time the next day

are you expecting her (or any other woman) to think like you do?

Meet up for coffee? That's not something people do. That's something people in movies do.

Ok, so what's the thought process then? Please enlighten me.
>Oh this guy seems into me I'll give him my number
>Hey he texted me, "hi user!"
>What?! He's asking me to grab a casual coffee with him? I didn't expect this at all!
>He didn't even orbit me and send raunchy messages for several days first, even though I'm a stranger to him!

that's what adults do, are you like 15 years old?

think you have to look at from the girls perspective, would you just go out instantly with every dude that asked for your number? fuck no

they want to atleast talk a little to make sure you're not fucking crazy

Interactions have never been straight forward
We text this day in age, why waste real time meeting someone when you can size them up over text? You should have waited a little (obviously) but did you consider that some girls dont want to get to meet you etc and just want to fuck. Inviting her for a meet up for coffee signals your intent to do relationship stuff, easier just to ask for nudes. Real talk even girls who want to date dont mind if you just being a horny guy In the DMs. In this new day every Basic pick up attempt like yours gets the full rejection of no reply but bad flirt will still get you a reply even if its "Ewww" or something negative but you'll still be on chatting basis so the chise is still on

at least you get phone numbers

Guessing you're one of them rapy incel types?

you fuckin stoic creature of the night

Brah.... you gotta understand that you live in a world of psychopaths. Most people’s goals are to not get murdered daily. You gotta talk to them a little bit. Get a feel for them first. Then ask them to meet up. Meeting someone, even at a public place is a huge step considering that you could be a complete idiot, asshole, psycho, etc. no ones going to agree to meet you in person when the only words you spoke are hi/ give me your number/ hey.

Now get out there annon and get laid!

youre coming on just a liiiiittle too strong. really, its only by a few hairs but that's enough to put you into the "um no thanks" zone.

if you get her number, wait 2-3 days before sending her a text. open with "hey its ___! how are you?" open with being interested in how her day's going. dont try to be clever and reference all the things you talked about when you met. not right off the hop.

let her talk about herself. listen in for ques of things you might be able to relate to (work, family, studies, car problems whatever) and dont try to be her hero. just relate if you can, and don't pretend to if you can't.

third part. when you ask her to meet up, make it sound like you were already planning to go get coffee/food on your own. just to get out of the house or study or whatever. Ask if she's like to come out and join. Yes, that's putting her on the spot to come out right now, and the odds are good that she might be busy, but her reply will either be "sure, whynot?" or "i cant". if its the latter, say "no worries, i know its short notice. would you be cool with me inviting you along next time im out your way?"

you see, its more about making it sound like youre casually interested. youre curious. curiousity isnt as high-pressure as fascination. girls have to deal with that high pressure "me want pritty. fuk me naow" shit so much that they're on guard for it every day from every person. Be different, be curious.

Easy fix. Instead of giving them your number and waiting for a response, you should use her number to track her gps location, kidnap, rape her, fill her with your healthy seed, give her roofies, then move onto the next chick. Repeat until your alleles are present in at least 30% of your city’s population

When shit is all flakey, especially asking her for the first time, use the, "My friend works at __________ and he gave me tickets to (some fucking shit everyone wants to goto) - Do you want to go? (Then Buy The Tickets) Girls love going to shit to post on their instagram. They NEVER say no. Coffee is for old people.

This works too

>let her talk about herself. listen
This. Women love to blather on about themselves, like a bunch of cluckin ducks

>use her number to track her gps location
seems like a hassle

Well someone's never going to get laid


This is actually the unspoken truth

Should've send flower first

She probably just did it to get off on giving you false hope and then is like lol nope fuck off.....hehehe look at my other girls I'm rejecting someone.

Probably right. I have to wonder, though, why she seemed so giddy and flirty though? She was telling her friends too, lol. I guess you ARE right, or at least could be

virgins detected
"not bothering" with women means you gave up because you were too ugly or too much of a nerd to get laid.

sometimes it's the thrill of the chase.
Then they get you and you're not such a prize anymore. Imagine you ran a race and beat a load of other people, then got a "well done" and that was it?
Not saying it's exactly the same, but could be similar

everytime I cum inside my GF's mouth/vagina/anus I have this empty feeling. Is that what most people are after? Is it really worth all the drama and effort surounding relationship? I'd rather fap and play video games, but I am too much of a pussy to break up with her. Being single and fucking a hooker from time to time sounds like a better idea.

I don't care much about that stuff. I just want a pretty girl I can enjoy spending time with

Don't listen to these faggots... these are the types that put in weeks of "friend" time, finally make a move, and cry. out the friend zone.

She decided if you were worth dating seconds after meeting her. She's just not into you... move on.

Kinda there now.
Just saw a mystory of my ex.. going on a cabin trip with her new.. soon to be bf.

It fucking hurts like hell doh..
Unfriended her on everything now, was being friends up until now... i need feels thread

hentai/loli dump

viwright . (com) (slash) (address id)

I see your problem there user. You're trying to apply reason to the unreasonable.

Thank you, I absolutely agree. I hate to admit it, but you're right. Why screw around texting for a long time? She's either interested or not

So if you do not want to waste time with texting, straight up ask them if they are up for a coffee or other noncommittal activity.

Asking for their number signals basically "I would like to establish some connection via text/phone before meeting again."
If you ask for the number commit to that way.

I know, I know, I should know better

You should never ask out immediately. Flirt for a week or so. That’s what I did with my wife. She doesn’t know you. You could be a murderer.

She was working and couldn't talk. I was surprised she made the effort to chase me down and give me her number. Believe me, if I was chatting with her more than a minute, I would've

lost me at "insult her"
why do people who want to be good with girls but aren't actually good with girls always say this?
no, don't be an asshole, be chilled and nice but not overly nice. don't let on that you care that much, relax, make her laugh and just be comfortable. it's really not complicated

Right, cuz murderers can't be charismatic

Im married for 8, been with the wife for 10. She 31, me 35...fuck no. I love cumming in her butthole and pussy.

You’re in a shitty relationship. Dump her and find a women you’re more compatible with.

I got asked out on a date by a disabled girl, does that mean she's basically DTF?

This was always my fantasy. You get to park in the handicap spaces and everyone treats you like a god for looking beyond the physical. I asked one out once, she said no.

Supergirl should try Rocco.

Are these fuckin numales serious? Embarrassing

actually i dont like this phrasing either, its not about improving your whatever,, rather, in the context this usually used at, it make it seem as if, IGNORE EVERYONE, APPLY CURRENCY..

which can work,, however, improving your life in general brings along women,, or whatever you prefer,, anyway, you cant really improve it by sitting at home all day.. well you can read books and work out, but point is, thats not enough,, you can start by getting a job, you cant really evade things,, like women or whatever, and that in itself is improving your life also, so kinda backward saying "forget that and that,, but actually improve your life, so you get that and that".....

As long as you're not an asshole to her and depends on her disability.

Lolol there's a fine line between being friend zoned and playing the game. Now ill admit I got friend zoned a few times during and after high school but I struck gold during that time as well. Ya gotta know the difference between making idle chat and making her interested. Most women have to be so I'd. Theres no other way about it.

She's a paraplegic.

your not going to be fucking a cripple like her

This might sound a bit pedantic, but She IS paraplegic, not "A" paraplegic. It's a disability, not a club.

Did the same mistake yesterday, I feel you OP

I'm trying to understand the right way, this was a step

The feels on the bus go round and round

Your problem is that you're stuck in pre-social media world where face to face conversations were typically regarded as standard human contact. It's not your fault OP. You did nothing wrong. The problem is the world around you.

I suffered the same problem you did but have since given up trying to adopt the whole get married and have kids with a white picket fence lifestyle. Once you stop making women the primary goal and start enjoying life outside women you really do feel a load of relief. It's way too much work to try and impress grills these days. Too much mental gymnastics over when to text and which emoji to use.

Sometimes it feels lonely, and you want to re-attach yourself to society, but then you are quickly reminded why you left it in the first place. Sorry you had to hear it like this bro, but that's the way it is. Society is fickle. Keep a very small circle of friends that are like-minded.

That's just how it is dude, what I usually do is text her first (if numbers were exchanged), talk for a day or teo like that, then I stop. If she texts me back within a couple of days It's on, if she doesn't I delete the number and forget about her. Waay to many women out there to get hung up on one, in the end you're not going to get the perfect girl, but rather the one that is closest to her.

Go mingle, take it chill, and dont ask her for coffee, tell her.

No, don't apologise, it's true. To be honest, I have given up on women a few times before and I try to accomplish things and live a fulfilling fun life. And I do! But every once in a while I decide to try again.
There are some chicks I've met that view the world like me, pre social media, but it never worked out between us. Oh well. I guess I should just go with the flow, and if someone nice comes along, great. If not, whatever. I'm not gunna adapt to the social media lifestyle, it's just not me.
Good luck to you, user.

Banter. Women these days don't want a classic gent.
They want someone unique who they think would be good to show off to friends and social media. You'll need to flirt hard and spend money harder. If it takes snap chats of the food etc but leaves you out of them, ditch it. It's just a serial dater.
But put sex on the cards early. Compliment her body, tell her she makes you hard as diamonds. Send that dick pic.
All that shit they say to their friends like "ugh I hate guys just after one thing. They just keep sending me dicks"'s all bullshit, they love it unless they're feminazis.

Horrible. I hate that it's come to that.
As for being someone to "show off", I own my own business, travel to exotic remote parts of the world on a whim, and spend my free time searching for ruins and lost mines throughout the contiguous United States. Should I somehow force that into the first conversation so she instantly knows how interesting I am? I hate bragging and coming off as "holier than thou", but if it's the only way.

Top kek

>but if it's the only way

Stop sounding so desperate. If you own your own business than you can pay top class prostitutes to keep you happy. Stop being such a bitch for the "family life"

youre obviously asking high schoolers
go for mature, older than your age types
they know what they want and theyre not shy about it

after you get the number
you have to entertain them via text

Not a bad point. I don't want too far outta my she though.
Sorry, but not all of us are degenerates who just wanna "fug lol tight pussi le ebin XD"

What a shame that is

That man you fuck, he will help improve your life too. He knows his time was well spent.

If you ask her out on the spot it's better. If you get her number and plan to ask her out, CALL her. If you want to text like a little bitch nu-male then at least peak her interest/be friendly for a day or two, THEN ask her out.
>get her number
>text her
>get reply
>don't ask her out immediately

>making an informed decision automatically makes you an ugly virgin
>denying that women are cunts
hey buddy i think you've got the wrong board
/soc/ is two blocks down

Couldn't ask her out on the spot. Called first, didn't pick up. Chicks seem to only text, don't understand why. I prefer calling

I would just leave a message. Shows you're confident and doesn't pressure her as much.

Women are easy to manipulate if you understand them. Be an alpha, not one of those MGTOW "all women cheat, lie and steal" beta males.

Not a bad idea, I'll give it a shot on the next chick

Don't ask for going out for coffee, or just to hangout. Just text about some random stupid shit. To meet up nowadays implies you wanna just fuck already, getting their number is basically the new form of "hey let's get to know each other" some of the advice here is good, but generally just take a bits and pieces and mold it into what works for you best