Mutant liberals and butthurt BLM hate such a beautiful family leading the states

Mutant liberals and butthurt BLM hate such a beautiful family leading the states

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She's so hot even her dad would fuck her

I love her

Fake tits and plastic face

>because makeup and dyed hair that most women do is natural

Not a response
deflecting the issue

>Mom looks like a terminator
>Dad is a walking deep fried stick of butter
>Daughter is incest-bait Paul Dano
>Sons look like owner class Beavis and Butthead

>Zero significant acts taken or pieces of legislation passed... literally so bad he rides off of Obama's shitty neo liberal policies for success.

>t. ugly with bad genes
Plastic face? no.
MAGA by kys

Russian troll farm confirmed. 3rd grade speech patterns. No self-respecting adult could possibly talk like this.

Remember the ape woman?

The only option for an actual better quality of life is to work together and stop trying to be so 'right.' This tit-for-tat game is endless, evolving, and ultimately meaningless, and for every 'gotcha, I'm right!' is another person from a future general sold out. Sold out in the form of being subjected to eroding workers' rights, corporate abuses, and more, all for the sake of 'fuck the other party.' Stop focusing on the outliers and the differences, and learn to focus on what we share. Higher qualities of living, economic certainty, workers rights, and the rights to education. We will never resolve our differences, because that's what makes differences differences, but we can focus on our core values, and progress forward in opposition to the ownership class.

Say what you want, but I'm an economic/scientific/quantitative progressive, who focuses on evidence, and replicable, empirical data, not feelings, emotions, beliefs, or other kinds of uncertainties. My doubt is that we will never reconcile our differences, not with a mainstream media which sows divisiveness and difference, a corporatocracy which owns need and creates scarcity, and a government which is owned by Wall Street.

coolidge was the best us president
fuck off with your maga bullshit

Can you pls explain your logic for insinuating I'm russian for supporting the American President and perhaps what a russian troll farm is?

Maga by kys

>Literally have a PhD and have been a college professor since 24, despite having been raised in a trailer park.

Go fuck off back to your alkali metal-poisoned wastelands, you pasty, beady eyed Russian fuck.

bfy. tw/ EyCL

I'm British lol I just love the trump so god-damned much.

The weak are at the mercy of the strong, such is life. Fuck your progressive bullshit and your phd, it doesn't make you less of a cuck for not seeing a great leader for who he is, and more to the point of the thread, beautiful people.

Everyone has "work" done now you buffoon. Your pimple face lard ass will never get so close to something like that as to smell her farts..

not but i love the semantic field you've used in here
>(i'm) british
>(the) trump
great buzzwords

If he's a great leader, why can I quickly type into YouTube: "Trump lying compilation," and come up with hours of him making contradictory statements?

because democrats absolutely despise him.

And I suppose you're too educated to appreciate internet terms on a Mongolian horse-milking forum?

Every politician lies you ignorant fucking retard. Its their goals that defines a president. He wants to make America prosper....period. He is a business man. He and all business men like capitalism. Globalist niggers like Obuma want to tear down what we spent all this time building. Because America prospers and other countries don't due to their lack of vision we should place ourselves on their level. As you can see that ISNT going to happen you filthy cum swilling,cuck liberal.

...that... doesn't mean anything at all.

no. just stop using cuck already.

sure it does.

I rarely use the word, but I just found it fitting for mr phd in particular. what a cuck

If you had unlimited access to the best plastic surgeons in the world, you wouldn't be ugly either.

she doesn't look like a teenager anymore? who would have thought?

yes truly beautiful

She'll be the first woman president

A shocking revelation

Libtards struggling to wrap their mind around this

Where are those leaked nudes? Show me


slightly puffier face, no makeup and a bad angle.
she clearly has the same long nose with a bump on it. you're a retard

Fuck Trump

His cabinet is filled with people that are either corrupt, incompetent/unfit for their position, or both. His policies adversely affect the working class, and benefit the extremely wealthy by getting rid of personal deductions, and lowering the corporate tax rate. His stupid ass wall will be ineffective and costly. His travel ban will be counterproductive. Name me one goddamn thing that is good about this administration

It doesn't make his lies truths if the compilations were made my liberals

I tend to agree with this if she is so inclined.

>first woman president.

7 more years of him, then 8 for her?



what age did he fuck her an open up her tite asshole ?

She IS a liberal.