You have 10 SECONDS to prove you are NOT an American

You have 10 SECONDS to prove you are NOT an American.

my diploma thesis took more work than an average American phd-thesis.

My dubs will decide if I'm American

dude lmao

I am American, deal with it homeslice.

My opinions don't matter and I'm not welcome on this site.

I speak English.

I use manual gearbox

All I can afford is manual gearbox.

Anyone fancy some fish and chips?

I can't afford food.

Nada como hablar español para probarlo.

My ancestors were cowards.



I have no foods

America rebuilt my country after WWII.

Tiocfaidh ár lá

My family history has never had any immigrants

I have to speak a second language because my country doesn't speak English natively and doesn't run the planet.

I don't cum when I see a gun.

I'm 1.71m tall.
I can walk to the supermarket.

I eat chips and drink, 'drinks' not fucking beverages, I solder with solder and work with aluminium and I see in colour!

I hand over my wife when I see a refugee who wants to rape her

I'm not gay like OP.

I can see my penis when i look down.

sorry to hear that
were they gay too?

My government has a better idea of what's best for me than I do.


Gun control is a good idea

I believe people shouldn't be able to protect themselves or their families.

that so hot

didn't work in texas

I make fun of Americans for eating so much because I don't have a masculine job that burns calories.

i speak two languages

my healthcare is good and free

found the american

I spell words with a 'u' added in

i can speak three languages


My country has to speak a second language because the first isn't the one that everyone uses internationally anyway.

I think things are free even though I pay for them via taxes.

My country's military spending is subsidized by American military spending because I'm not adult enough to live in a country that's responsible for its own protection.

My country doesn't have more mass shootings a year than days in a year


i am not fat

i can afford to live a pretty good life without worrying taht i could lose it in a second.

In my country, people get stabbed and run over by trucks instead of shot because my government doesn't trust its citizens to make adult decisions.

I don't belong on Sup Forums because I don't value individual liberty.

sure kid

States of water tell me how hot or cold it is, rather than how comfortable I am.

Celsius, only -4 right now but in a months time -30 or more is coming :D.

I have wrong opinions on how pizza should be prepared.

Guns don't kill people uh uh, I kill people, with guns. POW

i'm european

I like vegetables

Fucking make me

i am using the metric system

My country hasn't contributed to civilization since world war 2


You have 10 seconds to prove you do not live in the best country in the world

i need measurements dumbed down for me


I, for one, welcome our sandnigger overlords.

I am not morbidly obese

I drive sovietcar


I am white.

hola my name is skyler and I live trap threads

i live a happy life


Im poor

i hate americans

I'd never talk shit irl because I know I'm weak and a faggot.

because the first thought is to bring a firearm to a church


I have an IQ above 20


I go to other countries sites for attention.

I don't blame races for my problems.

I have an IQ below 100.

sorry about your reading comprehension issues.

I unironically believe traps are gay

I don't blame the case of a problem for the problem it caused.

I eat garbage out of the gutter.

I reddit space on Sup Forums because I was never taught right from wrong.

I have decent health care and other public services.



I don't read threads before replying.

tea oi pip pip cheerio gov'ner

After the 9 years of mandatory school i knew more than the average american college student.

And i could drink since 16.

>ameritard here
>fuck you muh freedoms!

Please fuck my wife, Mr. black man.

i don't capitalize the "i" when i write because i got a nanny state education

>the same guy

btw i'm livin in Switzerland.

bought a gun without triggering anyone of my friends/coworkers/parents

Metric, Dont own an AR with a 100 round drun mag for home defense, free healthcare

I'm literally not allowed to say edgy things, so I go to American sites to do it.

I can name most of these countries. Well except for most of Africa, Micronesia and the Caribbean island-states.