If you love someone, you want the best for them, correct?

If you love someone, you want the best for them, correct?

How can you ever enter a relationship when you are almost guaranteed not the best, and they could get someone better than you (in almost all cases)?

If you truly love someone, isn't the ultimate act of love foregoing your own wants and desires so they can have the best?

Sorry for being a serious-fag. Here is the hottest pic I've saved.

OP is a fag

I remember this thread

If you're a man...you should either be the best, think you're the best, or be trying to be the best otherwise you're not a god damn man you fag

And if they desire and want you in return?

Checkmate motherfucker.

It must be a common dilemma then.

Nah, I've considered it, but it makes me feel disgusting to think about.

Right, but there is someone better that they would desire more in almost all cases, and therein is my problem.

If you're not the best, become the best.
Note that the best isn't the richest, best looking, smartest or the guy with the biggest dick. The best is the guy that will be the best for her and care about her. That disqualifies 99.99% of the candidates.

Oh, boy... if this is your mindset, you will never be "the best one" for anyone. Look, boy. Nobody is perfect, no you, not her, not me, anyone. Surely, because you're in love, you see her as the perfect woman ever. She is not. No, boy, don't argue with this fact. She is not perfect, and, probably, not better than you.

A relationship is not about "Who is better". Is about to try to be the better version of you for her, and she most give you something equal. Be honest, be fair, be funny, smart, but humble. Sounds hard? is not simple, but much less than you thing. Give a shot, but, stop the "low self esteem" bullshit. You're making look yourself as a looser. Don't be a looser, be a winner, a flawed winner, but a winner at the end.

Knowing you're not the best and realizing it can make you better than anyone else because it makes you try harder. Nobody is better than the one who thinks they have every reason to try harder. Got any more of her?

Sorry, but I'll have to agree with this...
Don't think like that, at least WANT to be the best.
If you're always like "there are many others who are "better" than me", no one will really look up to you...

I've been working on that, I've lost weight, started going to college, joined a gym, started making eye contact (all this because I actually gave up on women and just focused on myself, and now they are making it apparent they are interested, but all I can think is 'no'. Why waste time with me, find someone better.)

>better version of you for her

I've been bettering myself for me, doing for her sounds like a surefire way to creating someone they care about, not someone you want to be.

Unfortunately no - hot right? Good taste user, good taste.

Lot's of people do at college right now, I have almost a 4.0 and am very social (I've gone from complete beta to almost normie, except I just have this mental block when it comes to this topic.

I've been considering asking them to just be friends - but I don't want to hurt their feelings, they keep buying me gifts and looking at me throughout class.

there is a grill I'm completely obcessed with. to the point I think I'm in love with her ( although I never talked to her ). and I'm brazenly not the best for her.
At first I told myself the exact same thing, justifying that I shall never talk to her or try anything to approach her, so my mind was at peace since I told myself it was for her own good.
But in fact I was just a gigantic faggot to scared to talk to a girl I love, and I still am.
If you're not the best for her, then she'll reject you, end of the story, and you know it. don't hide behind this kind of excuses OP, and go ahead.

Alena is so fun in bed!!!

Learn to stop being a self-hating faggot, and realize that a relationship is a mutually beneficially deal that can help you both better yourselves as individuals if you decide to put even a modicum of effort into it.

Don't expect to openly hate yourself and be able to get laid. It won't happen. If it somehow does, it won't end well.

I'm sorry you are going through that, but that sounds like the opposite of my problem.

You haven't spoken to them and want a relationship.

I've spoken to them and don't want one.

If you think it is as simple as "Afraid of rejection" you're wrong. I don't care about getting rejected, which I've been trying to say - it's not about that. It truly is about understanding the end game, and how if their is someone better for them out there, then I am doing someone I am supposed to love - a disservice because of my own selfishness.

>I've been bettering myself for me, doing for her sounds like a surefire way to creating someone they care about, not someone you want to be.
Wrong, bro. Do it for you, but give it to her, that is the key. Look, women comes an go, but, at the end, you be the only one always in your life. Be better, improve yourself, but give that gift to her, as a love present: "look, anongf, I'm doing all of this because I want to be a better man, but, I'm to share my achievements with you."

I don't hate myself, I'm actually really content with myself as of late. It's just this mental block, that holds up logically, but goes against what I want emotionally, and unfortunately I've found that logic is better than emotion.

I think one user almost made the block seem faulty, when he said 'what if they love you'.

And that does add confusion, I guess I've never really loved anyone so I don't know what that adds the equation.

Love yourself first, then you'll find reason for others to love you.

Just cuck your shit up.

This user seems to know her by 'alena'

if every relationship was a transitory period where each was waiting for a better option to come by for either partner, society would crumble. commitment means you forgo those other options despite being aware of them.

Love for your partner is selfish. It can be very good and strong, but in the end you're kind of doing it for yourself to make yourself happier. The only truly selfless love I know is that for your own children.
So I refute the premise that in a relationship you only want the best for the person you love. That's only true as long as it works for you too.

>beign cuck isnt bad, right, guys?
>im not just being cheated on, im taking care of her needs, right?

Oh I do love myself, it actually feels amazing, my chest has felt pretty good lately, whereas before it felt empty when I was a recluse.

You seem to seriously misunderstand what is occurring.

i think not, fag

Cuck would suggest I am attempting to enter a relationship with them, and then have other men have sex with them, that's not the case.

nope, u r still a cuck and its bad

Why do you want to try to make me feel bad?

It won't work, but I'm truly curious as to your mindset - do you think you are funny? Does it make you feel better if you try and make others feel worse? I'm just lost is all.

>im on b
>whats Schadenfreude

In this situation now.

Feels bad, man.

Im emotionally abusive and my partner doesnt deserve it, and never deserved it these past 4 years.

How do you plan to handle that?

What are your thoughts user?

Technically yes, but there's no point in living your life for others. You're important, and you should treat yourself better than this.

probably continue fucking trannies on weekends. it seems to be the only thing that helps

If you seriously think so little of yourself that you can't even imagine a person being content with you then you have absolutely no business being in a relationship in the first place.

Thanks, and I can almost see your point, there needs to be some balance between self and others, and that is so hard to decide.

If you do, be safe. You should probably let your partner know though, so she can move on with her life, or decide she is ok with it, right? I mean, I'd tell a woman the same thing, it pisses me off when they don't tell their husband - and so I think you should tell her - right? Give her the option anyway.

I don't think little of myself, the fact is there will always be someone better. I'm intelligent, kind, caring, always listen to others - even if I'm not interested (I just imagine boobs so I can smile better if I'm not a fan of the topic), I'm polite, I give anyone who asks the time of day, but at the end of the day, no matter how good I am, there is always better. Always.

>You should probably let your partner know though
she joins sometimes, bro. you really need to find out what life is.

Then that's great for you and her dude. I'm glad you found someone who enjoys doing something you enjoy doing.

>I'm glad you found someone who enjoys doing something
thats deep, bro