/balk/ reptilians are real - edition


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whats with the eyes for OP pic

are we /illuminati/ now

why do your eyelids look so fucking thick

also you got kidney problems


>kidney problems
Hehehehehe I wonder why

disgusting eyes


>tfw same eye color


Greks say she's a whore

and someone says she isnt then?

Oh I forgot the link



No, she's a model :>

okay.. she's easy. where's the mbromplem?

I just destroyed my toilet with extreme diarrhea

post more lewd instagrams /balk/

am i white or no

>ai laik yor lambordzini, yu mast be veri rits. can i take a piktsar with your car?

>tfw no Serbian gf

not with these eyebrows

u look fat nigga

185cm 105kg

i need to lose some weight 2bh but i dont look fat except for my face


sure thing


wtf is serbia white?

i dont look fat with clothes*

i look fat naked though ;^)

there you go.
She started streaming on youtube a few days ago.
I found out she is a stripper living in detroit.


>I just ntestroient my toilet with ekstrim ntiarea

There is nothing more disgusting than shit-green eyes on a man.


next you'll say you're just big boned too

Illuminati eye?

>on my way this morning to get a haircut
>get on the bus cuz cba walking
>see blonde blue eyed literally 10/10 with d cups
>she's so beautiful it's unreal
>decide to approach her
>she's talking to her friend
>start walking towards her
>overhear before i got closer that they are talking about school
>immediately wanted to kms

i'm 23 btw, i think shes like 17 and it would be weird as fuck, she looked like she's 20 though


>i'm 23 btw, i think shes like 17 and it would be weird as fuck, she looked like she's 20 though
why does that matter lol

future batka

A lot of younger girls prefer older dudes,especially if they are handsome with a car.
At least this was the case when I went to school.

>Serbs have pedo insticts
Seems normal for serbs

>when u think the age difference isn't big cos ur still both young as fuck but you're literally 10 years older

it does man , i dont want to be labeled as one of those weird guys dating children

if she was over 18 it would be fine

also how do you approach girls tell us your tricks

57 to4ki na maturata za kolko e?

>i'm 23 btw, i think shes like 17

meant for

You go and talk to them


dude it's literally irrelevant if you're 23 and she's 17, it's not a big lap in years and she's not child either

even 50 year olds fuck 17 year olds
what the fuck do you care, at 23 you're a fucking baby

AAHHH dont scare me like that
for a moment thought it was BBC time

ei 24 e za 3 znam si rabotite i za kolko da se molq na alah

i literally go all in at the start and i was in a hurry this time because i was getting closer to my bus stop

would just introduce myself, tell her she's really beautiful and tell her i was in a hurry and ask for the number


when i was in high school all the 17-18 chicks had boyfriends in the 25+ range

Truly an alpha

if you were hot you wouldn't be asking those questions

you're obviously not, so you gotta either have notoriety or money

which u probably don't either since you're a balkanlar on Sup Forums



i za kvo ti davat 24 to4ki? da si napi6e6 imeto pravilno i da uceli6 datata li?

>that pupil

What drugs are you on kid?

is there any other way to do it that i'm unaware of ?
idk it's probably me being retarded but to think this girl was probably born in 2000 gives me chills

>love incest
>love cuckoldry
Is it the uranium in water?

da di6a6 i da si oti6al na izpita

bukvalno tolkova niski sa kriteriite dnes

a v universitet shte priemat i s 2.50 skoro

doesnt look even a little serbian

asking what ? i just have a problem if she's younger than me by a lot

>I got married at seventeen

and how do you approach girls?

lmfao i'm a fit batka who has fucked and will fuck many women and i still post here


Smash her head with a wooden club and drag her by the hair.

awe umstveno-izostanalite turci v daskaloto mi i tolkoz ne mogat. 4estno se nadqvat na 24 tochki. nai losho che ne sa samo turci i cigani deto sa tolkova prosti.

post pic of yourself then """batka"""

if you're shameless enough to approach women then you're shameless enough to share your pic with a bunch of dudes

te priemaha na 3to klasirane s 2ki minalite godini.
osobeno fizika. nqma hora koito da pi6at fizika, a universitetite poneje sa subsidirani ot dyrjavata ne sa na pe4alba da ne si popylnqt zaqvenite broiki

She is


em ti shtom 57 si izkaral smqtai kuv retard si brat




Here is the dating age guide btw.

oshte nqkoi tochka she ima ot eseto za kurvata albena
ama znaesh li za kolko e primerno 60 tochki

a po-typoto e, 4e edno vreme daskalite mi razpravqha, 4e v bylgariq 3-ka bilo pone 70%... te na 5% kato daskalkite im podskazvat pi6at 3-ki...

so i am the only guy that can't put his penis into someone that is not at least at a similar mental capacity as me ?

>Kose su mi klasje panonsko

Really activates my almonds...

minalata godina tva beshe 5. brat ti verno si bil zle hahaha az izkarah kum 90 minalata godina a pochti ne bqh uchil

what if i'm 27 but look 17 tho

it was never about mental capacity. keep lying to yourself. it's always been about perceived worth of the partner. you can only put your penis in someone if both you think they are worth more than you and they think you are more worth than them

what if i want to have a relationship with her and her main goal in life right now is buying an iphone 7+ while mine are having children and buying a place to life ?

So Macron broke the rule. Shouldn't he be in prison?

>5.60 БГ
>5.90 Aнглийcки

бyквaлнo cyc-tier пpeди 7 гoдини

daiba umen tip si ti
abe ne se znae kolko tochki she izkaram na eseto, do 30 tochki ot nego moje da se vzemelo, ama i 10-15 tochki pak she e dobre
namerih tuka neshto za ocenqvaneto

da, tva e. pone tei beshe minalata godina. po angliiski li she praish utre

>Error: Maximum file size allowed is 3 MB

Fucking hiroshima

what about it? the concept still stands

what i'm trying to say is she might be mature enough for me

You impregnate her and make her spend the money on your children instead of an iphone.

might not*

v ponedelnik i da, tyjnoto e che drugite prostaci det 3ka po bel ne mogat da izkarat, shte praqt po geografiq

wow.. talk about gender role reversal...

concept still stands - she doesnt have the perceived worth for you

gl. imah 5.93 tam. kato cqlo baq lesna beshe.