Orthodox Neighborhood in Jerusalem

>Most women with 2+ kids
>Kids on the streets

Compare that to your city..
>liberals, sluts, junkies
>Black thugs selling drugs
>women who had 5 abortions


No jews though,

at least we got that going for us.

Who said your people are not judaized ?

>Orthodox jewish neighborhood in poland

Judaized people are not my people.

that kid in the front be like 'muh dick'

what a shit hole...desperate need of diversity

You forgot to mention the part about how the mooch off welfare. I think it was an ex leader of mossad who said orthodox jews posessed a greater threat than Iran.

So you don't have any liberals and commies in yoru area... great to hear

They live off from parasiting other people in the same way your people do in Germany

>Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn

Welfare cheats, exclusionary practices, general disdain for normal walks of life...

Would you really want THOSE people in your communities?

Read you alcoholic cretin.

jewish neighborhood in Poland
>everybody is working
>jews on the shower

Compare that to your city..
>liberals, sluts, junkies
>Black thugs selling drugs
>women who had 5 abortions

If we could keep the first, the later wouldn't exist.

is the cat threatening me

what about tel aviv? lgby capital?

Jews are like this everywhere. I bet the are involved in the banking system and fucking the prices of land too.

how can goyims compete?

The point is: In Israel the kids don't have to deal with blacks, drug dealers, immigrants and the women dress nicely and have 5 children.

Adorable little kids with the hipster dad. Looks like its dress up day at school.

The white man is used to fight wars for greater israel. And he is the expendable work horse. And the big bad villain for all the shitskins.

You don't see that in western countries because
1) there is no man who wants to have more than 2 kids
2) Women's ultimate dream is to have an abortion every 2 weeks
3) kids can't walk safely by themsvels because there are too many criminals

what do the letters on the little girl say? for sale?

>>liberals, sluts, junkies
>>Black thugs selling drugs
>>women who had 5 abortions
>coming from brazil
oh that's rich


The "Star of David" is actually the Seal of Solomon, an old alchemical/kabbalistic symbol in use since at least the fourteenth century. It has nothing to do with the Old Testament Israelites.

It is simply a triangle and inverted triangle superimposed, the latter over the former. Hortulanus, the fourteenth century writer, claimed that the opposition of the two directions (downward triangle and upward) are neutralized in the Seal of Solomon. In other words, it represents a balance between the lunar/feminine and solar/masculine.

It's an occult symbol. The kikes literally put an alchemical symbol on their flag.

Jews aren't very homogenous tbqh. Orthodox are insular and hate liberal and secular Jews with a passion.

They hate liberal jews, yes but they prefer to live with them than with arabs

King David was a degenerate.

And yet Jesus is from the line of David.

yes duh

Diversity is for the Goyim.

You cant deny the kids look cute in them little outfits.