Is it wrong to ruin someones life so i can be there only friend so they end up fucking me?

is it wrong to ruin someones life so i can be there only friend so they end up fucking me?






Yes, but since you are asking, you're probably fucked up enough to do it in spite of what I say.

Nothing is wrong if you decide to have no morals.

That never works the way you think it will. Life is not TV

Yes. Do not do this.

Is it wrong if the ruining of friends life is because they did something horrific?

Their bad deeds belong to them, if those deeds warrant repercussions, that will be accounted for in law.
You ruining someones life in order to date them is just wrong, no matter what they might have done.

hey man, you gotta do whatever is needed to fuck

I think you know the answer to this user. Also there a better places to turn to for moral advice than Sup Forums.

whatever your plan is, it won't work.

More likely it will ruin your life and nobody will end up fucking you ever.

>will be accounted for in law

got away with it despite law involvement
also not trying to date, just to fuck

>is it wrong to ruin someones life

thanks u guys

Why don't you just seduce her?
What is with all of the life ruining?

put chili powder on they are drinks and go town with car

Why would you care if it's wrong?

oh cause i want them to have no friends so they have to fuck me cause im there only friend

This tells me that you think you have no chance with this chick unless you are the last guy in the world.
Are you really that bad user?

Depends on how you leave them after you're done.

But yeah it leans towards being very wrong

You will be friendzoned no matter what you do.

No. Kill her mentally user !
Get the girl and make the greatest love story of all time !
Fuck her till she's your zombie my boy

No, and that takes skill.

Now tell us about it

i've fucked this person before btw
that's fine, only friendzone

It all depends on you. In the end she will kill you, because she will feel that everyone is using her.

Dont put dick in crazy.