Norwegian "engineering"

>be Norway
>Build structure to withstand a doomsday scenario
>It can't even deal with current weather conditions


Other urls found in this thread:

>climate change
it's 2017. can we just end this fucking psuedo science?

>climate change
>fucking psuedo science
Somalian education, everyone

t. turk

climate change is real user, climate always change. the lie is to believe that mankind is responsible for it.


t. climatologist, I'm sure

it's been proven than climate always changed through analysis of carrot ices, we have no impact on earth's temperature.

>What is Coral Bleaching

Why did the last x ice ages end before humans existed?
We are in an ice age now (permanent ice) and its ending, why would we assume humans are suddenly the only force on earth that can affect climate?

>the lie is to believe that mankind is responsible for it.
t. Cletus 'It's ma Gawd gibben right to drive a coal truck' Burgerton


Ice ages usually don't end in a matter of 50 years. It's absolutely moronic to assume that - just because the climate's always changed - we're not responsible for the most drastic change in records.

it is happening because of climate change, and climate change is natural.

good goy

delete this

We have no idea how quickly ice ages end, they determine that data from ice core samples mate which amazingly melt when the ice age is over

You're using reverse logic.

Global warming isn't real because ice ages are real. That's like saying no one died in WW1 because people die naturally.

Let's set up two facts to work from

1. Greenhouse gases exist

2. Greenhouse gases trap heat

Do you disagree?

Holy shit, somebody needs to write a letter to Science to remind them of this
In all of the decades of ice core research nobody has yet considered that ice would melt during warm years
Surely you will win a Nobel Prize for this paradigm-shifting discovery, aussie user

Carbon dioxide does not magically come to earth from space, it existed on earth and in the air for the majority of earths history and was only relatively recently taken out of the air and trapped in the ground by plants
Its impossible to heat earth to a higher than natural tempertaure just by rereleasing gases that were previously in the air

Go back to America, Dolan.

Rolling coal is as healthy for you as it is the environment.

>written by ((((Alessandra Potenza))))

The atmosphere didn't exist back then so it was harder to fuck it up.

Your arguments are the dumbest I've ever heard in my life, so far removed from reality that either you are legitimately retarded or merely pretending to be.

t. coal industry shill

He is anglo, don't listen to them. Next thing he'll tell you that vaccines cause autism.
Edward Jenner would be rolling in his grave at the mere though of his countrymen this days.

You arw confused. The atmosphere did exist, there was just no oxygen and no ozone.
Plant life evolved and took co2 from the air giving them energy and releasing oxygen as a byproduct which a small part becomes ozone
Now for earth to even reach the natural temperature before plant life evolved we would need to burn every last bit of oil and coal then burn all the living plant matter and every bit of wood on earth and finally remove the oxygen and ozone from the air
Its unrealistic and makes no sense, the earth has naturally gone through climate cycles before humans existed and will continue regardless of what we as a species do
If anything we should be worried about the eventual lack of co2 since its a non renewable resource and without it plants cannot use photosynthesis

>I'm smarter than climatologists.

Are you only pretending to be retarded or are you actually retarded? The atmosphere of earth before the age of organic life was absolutely hostile. The reason life could even develop to the modern degree is because so much carbon got trapped underground and made for a stable, life-supporting climate.

t. jamal

t. trayvon

true. That's what I meant. the term man made climate change has become synonymous with regular climate change.

t. shlomo "krautman" goldstein

t. justin trudeaus gay room mate in college


I am not denying the earth has a changing climate, there is no direct evidence humans are causing it and there never will be, those few being paid to find the evidence just have to keep scaremongering until retirement
No, life evolved before the carbon was trapped underground it was life that did that.
Just tell me how all the previous ice ages ended before we added more co2 back into the air and prove me wrong

t. Trump

I didn't know Trump has a building in France.


CO2 levels have always varied, the difference is that in the past it's been a change of thousands to millions of years at a time, not half a century. The speed of the current change is unique to the current change, and virtually all research points to human involvement. What part of "CO2 traps sunlight, sunlight heats up planet, CO2 levels would be lower if we hadn't dug up so much carbon from the ground" does your pea brain not understand?

>hurr durr climate chang does not real
>hurr durr climate change will kill us all if we dont switch to solar RIGHT NOW

>That's like saying no one died in WW1 because people die naturally
i've never met anyone who died in ww1
have you?
>climate change is natural

Sad thing is, it could. Humans aren't the only things producing CO2, what we're doing is essentially wearing down our supply of functional atmosphere

So either we don't do anything and die in 2000 years. Or we don't do anything and one of those lakes in africa go *POP* and because the atmosphere was already so full of CO2 we all die next year.

I'd suggest building a bunker or a dome or some shit around those lakes but if retards can't grasp a concept as simple as global warming I don't see how that's going to happen

Humans have managed to punch a hole in the fucking ozone layer, you fucking moron. That shit doesn't occur due to natural weather cycles.

I'd rather switch to nuclear. Solar and wind are a meme in their current state.

Lucky nobody cared about freoner or whatever you call those free radicals in english.

On a related note, the "ozone hole" was a great name. We should rename "global warming" to "the giant fuck" so brainlets like don't get confused.


>it could therefore we should
a smart man

either way the reason to switch to nuclear is to avoid the political and economic consequences of oil scarcity in the future, not speculation about how climate change will affect us

>people still believe the global warmism hoax

Or we could live in another planet

So co2 levels are astonishing high but temperature is not shooting up at the same rate interesting. I hope we dont have one day thats too hot and all the heat cant get out ever again
Yes our ice age has been ending for the last 20.000 years or so. Or did humans start burning co2 and heating the atmosphere before civilisation was created its hard to keep up with the narrative
I thought the german logic was to shut down all your nuclear plants and buy energy from other countries

the global warming hoax was made to prevent developping countries's GDP to grow too fast, making an unbalance, the result is that only dumb white countries handicap themselves with it.

Explain how the dumbest white country is denying it while China is accepting it, then.

Or don't, people are losing IQ with every post you make.

Nuclear is incredibly expensive and waste disposal is a real problem. If we as a species are going to fully embrace nuclear energy, there needs to be far more serious joint international research and development going into it.
Problem is, how do you make it attractive enough to corporations to pour that sort of money into it? They aren't going to take action until all of their available fossil fuel money making resources become too expensive to source, which could be a long time.
Entities like Shell are pushing further into the ocean and deeper into the frozen reaches looking for oil, where they could be using that money towards proper R&D for cleaner and safer nuclear energy.
While large amounts of nuclear waste are stored in more geographically secure locations, like in the middle of Australia, underground, all it would take is enough change in the water tables and weather conditions in the currently dry, stable regions, to potentially create a situation where the spent nuclear materials are no longer exactly isolated from the greater environment.
With rising sea levels, this can become a very real issue over time. While it may not seem like an issue now, these highly damaging waste products are going to be highly dangerous for thousands of years and unfortunately we operate on a relative timescale of the next financial year and decade long roadmaps, at best.

This, but normies are too easily scared by the occasional decades-old, poorly designed plant going belly up.

china is "accepting" it just to flood the world with their cheap shit solar panels

Of course they want you to believe in climate change, else they would lose all funding and go jobless.

China is just paying lip service, they don't do anything to stop the allegedly human caused climate change.

Its not a conspiracy, there are very few primary sources of climate records basically all done by a couple of groups taking ice cores in Antarctica
The amount of scientists using that data to come up with extrapolations and other secondary data is huge though, the more alarming their claims are the more they get published and the more funding they get
There is a very large potential for some nutjob government like sweden to start taking co2 out of the air and actually fucking something up, we need co2

Waste disposal is a problem easily solved by technology.

We're nowhere near there yet, but it would be pretty simple to just shoot it into space via mass driver

They should be, because those are exactly the kind of plants most emerging nuclear powers are building. They're cheaper than the safer versions so places like India is like "whatever, just watch your step"

Yes they are. They have to, the smog is literally killing them.

Except India is building far safer and far more cost efficient fast breeders that are set to use Thorium, being practically accident-proof.

>but it would be pretty simple to just shoot it into space via mass driver
Perhaps, but also prohibitively expensive, hence why we need proper funding. It also isn't just a simple matter of blasting things into space. If something goes wrong, for instance an explosion or leakage within the atmosphere or close enough to Earth, it could have massive widespread problems on the surface.
For such technology there needs to be stimulus; a sense of urgency and profit. That isn't going to happen without serious government intervention, in my opinion. We'd likely see oil fields set up in Antarctica before corporations push funding towards space.

>exterminate species
woups XD, cats killed them, wasn't me, natural selection
>disrupt natural reproduction cycles
Haha dumb lil turtles can't tell where the sea is.
>poison the great barrier reef
wuznt me, muh industy, fucking hippies
>make shitty pipes for oil that break and pollute the entire ecosystem
it's k, we'll just give the government some mon.. I mean pay a fine
>polar bears become smaller and smaller due to malnutrition
not part of muh country :^)
>change the carbon balance of the planet singlehandedly

Hey retards, anything shot into space would just get caught in our atmosphere. There's no way a rocket with a heavy load could break free, matter is still matter even with no gravity.

Are these people serious?

>anything shot into space would just get caught in our atmosphere
Are you fucking retarded?

it's the final stages of postmodernism
retards on the net arguing against scientific consensus
welcome to current year
There is no truth only interpretations.

B-But the telly told me only humans can change earths climate and if I didnt agree I was brainwashed by what other people told me

Fucking nu-Sup know you don't have to agree with EVERYTHING Trump says, right? It's okay to call him an idiot sometimes and still support him.

>trump invented climate change denialism

fuck off, jamal

t. EUlgarian

Before Trump brought all the Redditors to Sup Forums, there wasn't as much climate change denial. There still was plenty, but a lot of Sup Forumsacks believed in climate change but just didn't give a shit.

>nu/pol/ -reading comprehension

Are you going to blame humans for turning the sahara into a desert or the countless other examples of natural climate change prior to the industrial revolution?

are you even sure trump still denies climate change? afaik it was just a tweet he made in 2013 and he didn't say much about it during the campaign

Actually you do have a point there, he was talking during his campaign about how China's impact is far worse than ours, which does imply that he recognized there's an impact

So the era of pol believeing in chemtrails everyone accepted the human climate change myth without question
Yes i see your memory is in good working condition

Ignoring the fact we can barely launch tons in space, if the rocket explodes, you are creating a splendid dirty bomb.

>Be US
>build army bases under the ice sheet
>watch as they collapse and pollutes the environment
>do nothing about it