Why do you racist white people try to bury history...

Why do you racist white people try to bury history? Seriously you kill us with police cause you know we're smarter and more powerful than you. Fuck fascist america

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its a democratic republic...but ok

You think you're so clever you racist in disguise you're gonna have to use better bait than that to start a flame war retard

Wait, so blacks had jew slaves who built the pyramids?


Here's something I always wondered about the "We Wuz Kangz" niggers. Do they not understand that in a kingdom there is ONE king, and the rest of the people are SLAVES to that king? It's pretty fucking comical.



Feel absolutely free to leave.

Egyptians weren't black.



Fuck off. History doesn't mean shit. Most of your race today is a bunch of thieves and crack heads and generally bad people.


Yeah buddy just stating facts is now trying to be a troll. Face it you racists dont want to see us rise to time of our ancestors




dindu nuffin

But it's a fact that Egyptians weren't black. Claiming that they were is literally stealing their culture.

Yeah you retard go ahead and laugh you know we're superior. Africa and the black community is down cause you whites dont want to see us succeed

But you're white.

You're not a thing that exists on Sup Forums you're baiting out racist memes because you have some deficiency

They were white and wore black wigs like hat's, shaved their hair. Also depicted themselves as tan. Read a book you stupid neegress

its actualy a constitutional republic but its not like its very different anyways

The 25th Dynasty were Nubians. Even Egypt buries this fact.


You took time out of your day to download black memes thinkin you're gonna trick everybody it's pretty pathetic

MFW you roodypoos actually got this idea from an Eddie Murphy video

Oh, you were kings, were you? All of you? Kings can only exist through parasitising the lower classes, so I guess turnabout is fair play, huh?


>Beyonce learning about her ancestors

you're white OP. fuck off back to stormfront faggot

If you nigs hate it here so much, feel free to swim your black asses back to Africa.

but seriously nigger, the reason homo sapiens were about to become the top dog is because our ancestors were smarter than the albeit stronger and faster neanderthal fucks we once inhabited afrinigger with

>being proud of enslaving millions and jews and other blacks in order to build some stupid ass shapes in a barren wasteland

stupid nigger shut off.

thats not an eddie murphy video. thats a Michael Jackson music video called "do you remember"

You think being white puts you in the same category as Mozart? He was 8 years old when he wrote his first symphony and what? You're like 26 posting nigger memes on 4 chan?


You got tricked

Well, if you were so weak, decadent and corrupt that whitey was able to dethrone you and give you a taste of your own medicine, why would we permit you power again? You were too weak and stupid to even hold onto it last time.

Isn't it you niggers who like to say: "Don't hate the playa, hate the game"? Well, you're not very good at the game, ape, if you've been losing for two thousand years straight.

Maybe you just need to make some more fortune ju-ju out of the body parts of murdered albinos.

A smart woke black person just intimidates you doesnt it? Lol youre pathetic. No wonder you cant believe your eyes.
Didnt debunk my pic cause he knows its true
Oh look another pathetic racist white person too afraid and scared when confronted so he results into "oh it must be a troll" how is any of this trolling. We live in a racist america that wants to kill us blacks. Fuck off idiot.
>hates the truth


...That's hundred year Dynasty, in history of civilization that's thousands of years old.
Yes, black rulers existed at some point in Egypt, but acting like they were wholly or even significantly representive of the rulers is fucking ridiculous. It's like saying Chinese are Mongolian because they conquered the country at one point.


>"you mean... we was... KANGS?"

From dickwashers, to dickwashers, to dickwashers.

And you got issues I don't think any therapist could resolve

bow down niggers

>You're like 26 posting nigger memes on 4 chan?
He's still able to read and write, presumably, putting him far above the average african

You enslaved us cause you broke our trust. We tought you literuture, science, math, and philosophy. Then you backstabbed us. Fuck off. Africa is in ruins cause of you whites. Why is it so hard to deny you dumbass.

new thread
new thread

This is from a Michael Jackson video, and even he didn't want to be black.



If you were smarter and more powerful you would stop being killed and actually be successful. Sounds like excuses

Whites traumatized him and now blacks suffer like this. Will we ever have peace from you whites?

You see the king is the guy who lives in a big castle and wears a crown, while kangs are just smelly slaves who have to be whipped constantly to drag rocks up the pyramid until the sun sets and they can go home to smoke crack


And you apparently can't cuz clearly you missed the first part about how being white doesn't make you superior


No lol

Have you spent anytime around your own people? Come hang out in harlem for a few days....and tell me black people are more intelligent. Im disgusted everytime i go to the grocery store. No worries though....we are gentrifying the fuck out of it....soon black people wont even be able to afford it....


i find it funny that in every nigger nation you are looked upon more favorably if u have lighter skin.even niggers hate niggers .




We know it's you, Satan.

Shit, we knew you niggers were evil, but this is a surprise.

god i was waiting for that

put it on pol u nigger

Drumpf supporters have held us down for too long.

Native Americans got more shit on then niggers and still can be peaceful functioning members of society compared to you shit skins

Ancient Rome 2000 years ago > Africa today

we could've killed you, but you got saved by some northern cucks a while back


OP should go read up on the history of Liberia.

Long story made short: freed, lighter-skinned ex-slaves from America travelled back to Africa and founded a new country where they could live in freedom.

...and then promptly enslaved the local, darker-skinned blacks.

Oh, and chattel slavery still exists in essentially only one part of the world: sub-Saharan Africa. The only significant modern slave-holder are African blacks.

What a world.

lol nice spelling you stupid fucking dummy

This is even dumber.

Slaves are only of value alive. Enslavement and genocide are incompatible goals. Shit, these people are stupid.

The ideas of liberty, private property and democractic process are white inventions.

Blacks need a good fascist leader to respect their heritage and not gentrify it with white privledges like self-determination, personal liberty and a free society.


What? No one is denying that we didn't destroy Africa by mixing culture groups that are incapable of coexisting peacefully. And besides, unless you're typing that response from Africa, I don't see why you give a shit.


Egyptians were closer to white Europeans than black Africans, ethnically.


I dont see a nigger nose on any of the egyptian people

We apparently didn't try hard enough.

If there were any glimmer of truth to the "we wuz kangs!" thing then Africa should have colonies on Mars by now.


Whats funny about this is how hard they fight for the Egypt shit. Egypt was consistently cucked by its indo-euro neighbors before finally being shat on by a Macedonian whose friend built the best library in existence after retiring from world conquest. Some pharoahs couldn't even build a basic fucking pyramid right in their lifetimes lol



> smarter and ,ore powerful
Then why aren't you running this show?
Every time you monkeys were given a chance (Zimbabwe, SA, President of US, Laws that insure niggers get better chance to enter Universities) you just end up shitting on everything then blame others for your failure then beg whitey to comeback and fix shit for you.

You were never a fucking slave, and the guy you were replying to was never a fucking slave owner. You didn't teach him anything, and he didnt betray you. You two have never fucking met. Stop acting like YOU lived the lives of your ancestors. You fucking didn't, you unbelievable retard.


beeing white is a female thing. when you see a white female your protective instinct is coming.

among animals, the darker one is always the male version.

white humans are the minority. they are also not smarter compared to other humans. so they need a trick to survive: their pale skin is a sign of weakness. and signals: "protect me" which often got interpredet as "whites are something special" "we must worship them"

the real global players are the asians. they are many. they are smart.

we wuz kangz

lol this thread is full of racist retards all around. black and fucking white

both retarded racist as shit

It's all they have.

Pride in one's race is a pathetic thing in any case; it is clutched by failures with no achievements of their own, and so cling to the perceived power and acheivements of -- quite literally -- people who look like them.

A person's worth should not be predicated on his race, but if they really, really want to calculate it on such a basis, blacks come in at the very bottom of the hierarchy.

Sorry racist trump supporter. This is lies, blacks are the true diverse looking people

yup,didnt take a generation either.right away.

>Not Black
>Egypt in North Africa
>Had 10 year study prove that as of 2016, 68% of Egyptian population are descendant from north africa.
>African American
You could have done a google search before showing off your mental retardation.
Mental Retardation must run in your family.

Ever heard of DNA sufferring? Oppression gets passed down from bloodline i can dream my ancestors being tortured and hurt, its their memories being relived in my sleep. So yes i have technically been a slave