Trump Deportation Squads

Whose going to join the millions that will be needed for mass deportations?

It doesn't matter. When a bigot like Trump is elected, all of them can come here. You're welcome.


Thanks for being the worlds appendix Sweden

When you rupture and kill us all at least we know you took one for the team

lol. There are no deportation squads needed. You simply build the wall.

They will leave beforehand

I'm in

You can call me the "beaner street cleaner"

Thank you Sven, You do us a great favour by taking in our wretched refuse. SWEDEN YES. Real bros take it for the team.

Anything for daddy, get me a gun and a flag, I'll take all 11 million back to spic central myself

Found one

>millions of jobs created to deport the people that originally stole your jobs

Like pottery

Yea, sons of serpents style!

No, we put them all in Detroit and in the South, once they kill all the niggers we can deport them.

Very very smart thinking. We can export the Los Angeles effect to cleanse entire states

I'll do my part!

LOL! People that disagree with that writer are so silly!

Kill two birds with one stone.

Kek has cursed me.

Goddamn, please let the military do it.

I would kill for the chance to roll in heavy in a shithole mexi ghetto, and fuck that place up.

Excellent, Sweden -- will you please also dispatch a taxpayer-funded team of "American Refugee Concierges" to key U.S. exit points in order to help transition them in comfort? There's likely to be quite a backlog, and they'll have sexual needs to attend to, etc.

