

when portsugal win next year, will it be six?

Why do brazilians pretend to be white?

In every soccer thread related to Brazil some american comes and says something about Brazil and white

Fuck off

Since when cafu is that white

Even the darkest Brazilian looks white when your neighbours look like pic related

none of them look white except maybe dunga

poolé BTFO

>has British flag
Filho, estou desapontado


Just like you and the Argentiniggers, I understand

don't talk to your father like that

Shut up, my bastard nephew!

Bad Portugal! go to your peninsula

someone shop the penaldo statue in here im at work

>Carlos Alberto is whiter than Bellini

Bad Nigger! Go back to Tierra del Fuego

>oh, wait!

6 (seis)



Based Bellini

Portugal is like a small version of Chile, I thought they were a big country until highschool when I actually checked europe in the map.

A short hallway

>roleplaying as countries

That's because Isabel of Castille chose to marry the prince of aragon rather than portugal like everyone expected. Iberia could've been all one nation at some point if it wasn't for that.

>I thought they were a big country
para vos

Following a succession crisis, we were indeed spain's scotland from 1580 to 1640.

Things were okay at first with King Felipe II, he promised to kind of respect and keep our national identity and our internal affairs. And so he did.
But decades later, the spaniards started diverting our wealth to their war efforts. We weren't kept neutral from their wars with the dutchies and the anglos, and so our colonies were under constant attack by these two cunts.
These and other minor reasons led to a revolt from our side, restoring our independence.

>de Espanha nem bons ventos, nem bons casamentos
Alliances with the eternal c*stilian never again.

Portugal e Espanha percorreram o mesmo percurso histórico, tendo sido invadidos pelos romanos em 218 a.C. e posteriormente pelos muçulmanos no ano 711. Os Romanos começaram a conquista da Península Ibérica pelo ano 218 a. C., durante a Segunda Guerra Púnica, entre Roma e Cartago, em que as tropas comandadas por Cneu Cipião desembarcaram em Ampúrias. Durante vários anos lutaram contra o domínio dos Cartagineses, acabando por expulsá-los da Península em 206 a.C., com a conquista de Cádis, passando a dominar o litoral mediterrânico. Os muçulmanos, dominados pela mesma fé e oriundos dos vários territórios do médio oriente, aproveitaram o estado de decomposição da monarquia visigótica, atravessaram o Estreito, conquistaram e apoderaram-se da Península Ibérica em 711. Os exércitos atacaram de sul para norte e, agora chegados ao centro de Espanha, expandiram-se para o ocidente, tomando, assim, Portugal. Em 715, a ocupação estava praticamente concluída. No entanto, havia um pequeno grupo de cristãos nas Astúrias que resistia à ocupação muçulmana, que viria a dar início à Reconquista. A completa expulsão dos Árabes que se deu apenas em 1492 foi dominada por uma longa luta armada. Os cristãos venceram o mundo islâmico devido à divisão interna deste, patente na fragmentação politica que tornavam frequentes as guerras civis árabes.

Portugal was lucky because Catalonia was trying to secede from Spain at the same time and Spain chose to focus their efforts at the other side of their borders.


>Spain was lucky because Portugal had a dumb young king that compromised its country's sovereignty by embarking on a senseless war quest.

You faggots always have to see things negatively on our side. Even on this thread where we're supporting your hexa cause.
Desamparem-me a loja, caralho

>You faggots always have to see things negatively on our side. Even on this thread where we're supporting your hexa cause.
I was just stating facts, m8

>Desamparem-me a loja, caralho
You guys sound funny as hell with those sayings

Portugal is barely of the size of one our regions, europe is actually very small.