How do you guys read? like when you read a book, do you read aloud or in your head?

how do you guys read? like when you read a book, do you read aloud or in your head?


who the fuck would read out loud when he is alone?

>do you read aloud
Not since I was 5. How fucking old are you?

In my head.. I'm not 3 years old..

In my head, but I've been wondering if that's normal. I say the words in my head as I read but does everyone do that?

reading aloud helps me absorb what i'm reading, keeps me focused, plus it's enjoyable

yes, you are processing the information, if you didn't read them in your head, you would just be moving your eyes around not getting anything out of it.

so you have an extreme case of ADHD

Good :)

Now I have to experiment with trying to read without saying the words to myself.


>do you read aloud or in your head?
Do people actually read like this? I just glance at the page and understand. I'm a fast reader, maybe because i dont have to read at speaking speeds?

in my head
i can read faster than i can talk

>I say the words in my head as I read but does everyone do that?
No. I dont hear any words when i read, not even in my head. I also dont really process the sentences sequentially, i sort of glance down the page and after a few seconds i'm done and understand whst its saying, then i go to the next page. Reading speed for something light like a novel is around 20 pages per minute, unless its p.g. wodehouse or poetry or some such where the details of the word use are important. That stuff i do tend to read in my head. But thats the exception.

>I just glance at the page and understand.
you miss out on a lot of info by doing this, and if you don't forget any of it before turning the next page, you're wasting a fucktonne of memories on worthless information which would be better off regulated by your conscious anyway
tl;dr stop abusing your subconscious, fucker

This thread is fucking autistic

so you don't actually read?

>tl;dr stop abusing your subconscious, fucker


I can't read at all :( Completely illiterate.

Nigga is this Kindergarten? Do you keep your finger under every word also

>Be me
>Be reading posts on 4chans.
>Reading aloud as is natural.
>Post about sexy tyranny.
>Hear noise behind me.
>Mom is white as a sheet.
>Spaghetti starts streaming out of my pockets.
>Fuck my life.

i rid in de hed

Rid is gud fir brayn.


be nice

I only ever read aloud, except when I am completely alone. The more populated the space I am in, the louder I read, just in case anyone else wanted to read, too, but didn't have a book with them.

So you don't read just look at the page

That's so stupid! I'm able to understand what is written in a book just by touching it my penis.