What do you hate the most about growing up?

What do you hate the most about growing up?


Winy bitches like you

Growing up.

and taxes

Innocence's disappearing.

Even though my childhood was not very exciting, looking back at silly memories makes me laugh sometimes.
I think that is important

having less time for playing games and watching series.

But I think I would prefer to keep going instead of going back in time, because I like my job and the company where I work.

that's great user, I'm also doing what I like at the moment. I always get nostalgic when December is around the corner, another year will pass us by just like that.

>Be me
>everyday I wake up struggling
>"home" is not what it used to be
>going out obligatory
>facing million of compulsive eyez on me
>every fucking morning all fucking people hurrying irritably
>the stress is everywhere
>during the day just a few people have an actual awareness of whatisgoingon.webm
>the other 99% are used to live their pathetic life everyday the same way pretending to be justanotherday.gif
>stop, please!
>All is loneliness

it doesn't have to be that way user. you may not change the world but you can choose how you think, be positive!
i know it sounds cheesy but it helps, just fake a smile every once in a while and the weight disappears. what do you do on a day to day basis anyways?

Being alive


joints, fucking joints one day youll just wake up and be like why does my back hurt and then you realize the pain is never going away and nothing caused it other then simply getting older

seeing my grandparents struggle day to day with simple tasks such as walking makes we wish I have loving grandchildren when I grow old. I guess physical pain is a reminder of your mortality

watching my parents get old

So far nothing, tbh. I'm smarter than I've ever been, have fuck you money available, can take care of my family financially and have no kids yet. I'm not scared of aging or dying either. I have a nice house and can walk naked anytime, can take days off work whenever I want. Being an adult is fucking awesome.

The difference with pains and aches is that most "grown up" problems can be solved with good people or a good jobs but pains and aches will be with you on a day to day basis always reminding you that you are getting old.

I can agree! Being an adult you have unprecedented freedom, if I could choose I'd rather keep growing old. There are things only time can teach.

I feel you, I used to sleep on a thin foam mattress for almost a year because a proper mattress was too expensive. Waking up every morning with a back ache really put everything into perspective. Now that I've purchased a nice thick spring mattress, sleeping was no longer a dread. Though I think the damage was done, my back gets sore really quickly for my age.

The people I've known for years disappearing and dying
I can't enjoy things as much as I want anymore
Having to deal with other adults
Too much responsibility at times
Feeling your age progressing and body changing

I make due with what I have I guess. I've learned so much since my childhood and teen years. I spent too much time not doing anything about it. I'm moving forward now. In a few years, I'll hopefully be in a better place.

>When you realize that you are going to out live some people and not other live others

This one time I went back to visit my grandma and she wanted to find her long lost relatives during her teenage years, where they would celebrate Chinese New Year with fireworks and enjoy festive treats together. When I drove her there, the house were torn down to be shop-lots, and the nearby temple was left in ruins.
She just shrugged and said to me "sorry for wasting your gas money, haha!"
It was heartwarming and sad at the same time

Realizing we all aren't real, romance isn't real, and that every moment is just a fleeting reoccurring dream of insanity.

I dont like paying bills. I work and i wish I could save my money to travel and eat good food.
See people suffer is what i hate the most about growing up. Because I see and understand the unnecessary suffering most people have.

I'm planning to partake in workaway programs but I'm stuck in a dilemma. If I were to go away for a month or two, I'm not sure if I can get a job again.
Where do you want to go user?
I think for your case, charity work would most definitely satisfy both your worries.

Realizing most people never do.

haha, I get what you mean.
I am quite envious though! To an extent, the ability to preserve the mind of a younger self. My mind is simply too malleable and vulnerable to the outside world.

>e ability to preserve the mind of a younger self
Yeah it sounds good in theory, but sadly it's the annoying childish bits they tend to keep, not the wondrous youthful open minds you seem to imply.

I suppose it is only good to whomever that bears it, not everyone else!
A guy from my workplace is at least twice my age, but he just doesn't speak his age at times. I think it's kind of cute in a heterosexual way

Still being alive

>he just doesn't speak his age
That is also cringeworthy, but I'm talking more about infantile shit like bullying. There are people in elderly homes who still bully others. Can you imagine what a failure you have to be to still deal with your own insecurities by bullying people at that age? Not to mention Sup Forums level political debate of course, literally 'ur mom' level ""arguments"" flying back and forth. Truly my childhoods biggest deception, the idea that people grow up.

the chinese

Well I wouldn't call them a failure, more than one kind of man that walks the earth after all!
On a side note, that guy gets on my nerves sometimes as well. Giving dumb instructions and talking about me behind my back to my colleagues, pretty sly of him. Though I don't hold much against him, everyone has their reasons.


one day closer to death

>everyone has their reasons
How zen of you. I've been actively trying to consider this whenever I meet morons, sometimes it's nearly impossible.

Old friendships that fade away, and cannot be replaced

There are a few main points I don't like about growing up:

1. I am truly alone.
2. There is no one who loves me unconditionally.
3. I have no one to protect me.
4. Instead of fearing the irrational, I know the evil that one person can do upon another.

I just want someone to love me and make me feel safe again. But, eh...I'll just deal with life as I've been doing it. Get up, make money, go to bed. Repeat. Repeat until I die.

This too. This is so fucking bad. I hate this.

Nothing, my life as a kid and as a teenager was horrible.

I don't think death gets nearer nor does it get any further. Life is pretty dull when you think of it like a 200 meter dash race track, it's more like a open field, you know, like where we are right now.

It only takes a couple of deep breaths, or maybe your favorite music. Though sometimes you need to stand my ground, a Chinese proverb states too kind of a heart is akin to a horse too tame; easily manipulated by others.

Wage slavery. And people like this.

I feel you man, the struggle is real. Buddha rules can be of help

Honestly, nothing really. I couldn't wait to grow up and was even trying to act grown up even when I was a child. I was kinda forced to by circumstance but I regret nothing.

Honestly have you tried cutting all animal products for a few weeks?


Pick one fucktard

If anything those people hated growing up the most, so they keep acting like man children.

t. wageslave

My friends are getting caught up with their ambitions and life goals, maybe we're just bound to walk different paths. Thankful for the times that my friends and I spent together, to have something to look back onto is always a good thing.

Good on you, I'm sure with suffering came wisdom to you. Life is always fair in its own way.

Agree, it seems like their safety is not paramount as compared to their interests.

Not that user, but this is one of the best things I done in my life. I feel so at ease with myself for some reason.

Being a wage cuck.

I'm looking at this thread and each of you anons are almost depressing. I'm glad the only thing I hate about growing up is having responsibilities and not being able to just fuck around all day without a care.

>i hate money
try giving it to charity if you don't need it.

With a knife?

Ugh, my area is riddled with man-childs that own blaring motorbikes and terribly pimped out cars. Maybe they just really enjoy toys.

Being able to fuck around as an adult is actually an achievement for me, but family first, I want a loving family to see the world as I have seen it.

Same here, as do most people in the working class. Don't worry about it, life isn't about working for money, it's more about how you spend that money; regardless of the amount.

No self respecting man should ever refer to himself as an alpha male. That is about the most beta thing anyone can ever do.

100% true

To remember the time I was in high school and to think in the things I didn't do

>extra money

I don’t have the luxury.

Realizing I had been systematically lied to for years about stuff like:

- Drugs
- "Democracy"
- Consumerism
- Money
- Corporations
- Lobbyists

Switzerland is the only real democracy.
Drugs are peoples own choices to make.
Consumerism is toxic to everything
Money is a useless middleman
Corporations are world-puppeteers
Lobbyists solely stands for any possibility of change

Today I know better, although a large number are likely to stupid to ever have come to such a realization an equally large number knows and lies about it.

Wow, you're still a child

Like what? I personally regret not being engaged in music, trying to pick up the drums and hopefully be able to play with some of my friends in the future.

That's politics, not your fault. I've been following American politics for the past 2 months and I'm tired of it, I'd rather be concerned with my health and well-being. Reading articles about lies by liars is pretty taxing.

I'm working as a municipal teacher at age 28.

Wow, your response is lacking.

I realized these things at age 15 when we had a school trip to Amsterdam to compare cultures. It was the most absurd thing I had ever experienced up to that point. Completely normal, all ages, people smoking cannabis or talking to prostitutes.

So naturally, I did what I could to understand these stark differences and asked my teachers and the things they told me were not only lies, but utter ignorance.

Today I do what I can to change the youth by educating them about the truth.

No, I don't teach languages lol.

I don't think it would be wise for a teacher to preach his personal beliefs on to the youth, especially about little things like weed and escorts.
I think mathematics or art would be much better of a use in their times ahead.

i miss listening to shitty music and it actually meaning something to me.

>friends suddenly become really distant and change completely
>I'm now considered immature for doing or liking certain things
>I have to go for girls my age or above or else I'll be considered a creep
>I have to have friends my age or above or else I'll be considered a creep
>I'm expected to have a job
>I'm expected to have a gf

but what I hate the most is the job part, not a job itself but how everyone suddenly seems to think that their life and my life now revolves around a having a job. Every single conversation always starts with something like "So, what do you do for a living" "Where do you work now" etc.
It's not that I can't be a mature and responsible adult but I'ts just that I'm constantly reminded and nagged about these "grown up things"
Just bring me back, please

I hate when
>people change their view on you
if you are

one more thing i miss is having the energy to jack off multiple times a day. i'm 36 now and simply don't have the libido nor the will power.

To be fair, occupation is one of the most common things a person can talk about to another. If you are frustrated by that, you can't blame others for something they're not aware of.
Expectations are usually set upon by yourself, just live your life the way you want to and dread will be a distant memory.

Nothing personal, just facts.

The facts that differences do occur in science, from their results to their angles on the end game.

School in general however, strongly preaches it beliefs into youths minds on a daily basis.

On monday, a religion teacher will tell you that the jews did nothing wrong.

On tuesday, a mathematics teacher will tell you that algebra is useful for everyone throughout their lives.

On wednesday, a socials teacher will tell you that Black Lifes matter are most important.

On thursday, a politics teacher will tell you that Trump is utter evil and that direct democracy never works.

On friday, a biology teacher will tell you that drugs are satans constructs to corrupt youth.

But why? You're body obviously doesn't need it.


>every sentence is a paragraph.
Like, are you tripping on mushrooms, or what, because you're not really coherent.

what? how old are you?

1. Drugs are bad for you and are bad for society.
2. Democracy is just a system of social organization. It's not an answer to anyone's problems.
3. Consumerism is just a reflection of our society.
4. Money is what you need to survive in the world. If it weren't money, it would be something else.
5. Corporations: a necessary evil.
6. Lobbyists? what the fuck? why do you care about lobbyists? Everyone is a lobbyist. Everyone is pushing their agenda.

All the niggers and spics I have to deal with on a daily basis.

What music do you listen to? I've switched from oldies, to punk rock, to rap, and now I'm listening to Japanese city pop.

And you as a just man, should refrain from doing what the other teachers do.
You are free to believe in whatever you want, but the word 'fact' is very vague when explained to another person. If it's your job then you would have no freedom in choosing, but I would feel pretty weirded out if my history teacher just started talking about current world politics and his/her views on it.

Having random thoughts of good times had with friends in elementary school only to read one of those friends obits a few hours later.


i didn't write the sentence correctly: I have the libido but don't have the will power. The urge is there, but just too much shit to deal with and no time to jack off.

I don't talk about my work outside of work, unless something was hilarious.

It's just that people spend 80% of their lives on a useless job, they have nothing else to talk about. So they start to despise anyone that HAS the time for hobbies and genuine fun.

If somebody asks me about my work on my free time, I tell them I don't want talk about work, it's a necessity, I'd much rather talk about my violin/guitar/pc gaming or just general fun/interesting ideas.

Just remember that they're also humans. They have their issues, same as you. They have to deal with your cracker ass on a daily basis.

So they hoot and hollar like retards and throw shit everywhere and vibrate the neighborhood with "music" to work through their issues like a civilized person. Gotcha.

>I don't talk about my work outside of work
I remember my high school teacher told us something like this "Never talk about work unless you're working, leave work at work"

How did it happen? Was he a close friend?

this guys is right >Racism will never stop, but your worries incited by another ethnicity can.

Glad I could help, user.

Basically anything 90s alt rock. That genre still holds a special place in my heart. But then I branched out to rock from the 80s, 70s, 60s. And later into techno, electronica, progressive rock... lately I've been into dream pop, shoegazing, lo-fi music, etc. The one band that really struck a chord with me lately was Beach House. Love their music.

I wish I could stop this new liberal version of helping.


I miss the days when I was young, stupid, tree-hugging, poor-people loving leftist.

Ignorance is truly bliss.

and this

life just becomes less fun and exciting everyday

I wish you man children would grow up. Guess we'll both be disappointed.

I think it's important to provide scepticism, or else we get Jesus vs Muhammad.


1. Drugs are a part of life, want to ban "bad" things? Go and ban every sport, especially fighting, they have loads of injuries.
2. Democracy is a vague excuse for elite dictatorship, direct democracy is the only way.
3. Consumerism is a 24/7 brainwash to make you buy shit you don't need.
4. Money is useless, land, food and a home is all you need. No money in the world can save you from a war when economics plummet.
5. Corps are not necessary, they are bending societies to their will by sheer economical force, they undermine societies.
6. Lobbyism is professional bribery, go on YT and follow the rise and victory of MPP (marijuana project), they had a good cause though. My point being, it's too easy to corrupt important infrastructure.

Did you know most schools are heavily funded by the tobacco industry? Did you know that the tobacco industry sponsors most large, societal important infrastructures to ensure their existance and legality?

Keep fapping to your interracial cuck porn and everything will be ok.

Same to you and your trap porn.

I believe it's a good rhetoric because it also leaves the work-related mind at work.

People talking about their work 24/7 are the ones getting "burned out"/depressed because they never let go off the stress.

cartilage stops growing when you're around 16.
when/if you eventually wear out the cartilage in your knees, knuckles, spine, etc, it will never, ever, heal.

I also heard that you only live once.

Like forever, once, then game over man. It calms me though, knowing that I can do everything I want to, except go into deep space.... but pretty much everything else. It's nice and soothing knowing that everyone will perish into nothing but nutritional soil.

Sports injury, eh?

Kay :^)

The fact that, as we speak, I'm missing out on teen love which is something I'll never have another chance of experiencing again.

only 2 weeks of vacation time. feels insulting honestly.

I'm jealous of the exposure to music the west has, I grew up in a time where my peers listened to cliche taiwanese pop music that I hated so much that my only escape, at the time, was a radio station that only played music from 80s to the 90s.
Dream pop sounds really relaxing, thanks for the intro.

That is up to you to decide! I'm planning on a 2-hour drive to a stargazing spot tomorrow night. The last time I went somewhere far alone was some casino when I was 18. The casino has a nice view over the city in the valley during off-peak seasons.

I see your point, you should do as you see fit. I have no control over you, after all. I respect your stamina to follow politics, I simply cannot keep up! The next generation needs to be concerned about politics, that's for sure.

I've heard that glucosamine supplements help, but I'm very skeptical about it. And it is also super pricey.

>except go into deep space
I hope Elon lazy Musk gets his shit together, and gets us there.