Why can't Sup Forums admit that gender is a social construct?

Why can't Sup Forums admit that gender is a social construct?

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Because its not.


Oh yeah? Then why are some states allowing people to put non-binary on their driver's license now?

Why hasn't Sup Forums discovered who killed JFK? Huh?

Something something Jews

because faggots like you are really annoying and they don't want to deal with your shit

Somtimes the majority means all the idiots are on the same side.

I'd love to see you call me that to my face.

its not.
its fucking evolution and there will always be strong men with hightestosteron and weak females with a healthy hormone level.
and everything differating from that nature is just caused by your own bad habits, health or your shitty hormone levels

me too, but that's most likely to not happen

How to spot a retard: The post


Why can't OP admit most of people don't care about your life

>implying humans have lived in a state of nature anytime in the last 1,000+ years

because if we do, you'd be oppressing us.

White men just can't handle the fact that the world is progressing and their deep down racist subconscious is going crazy. Once white men have been rooted out of society, the better off our planet will be.

the thing is, you guys instead of doing the fuck you want with your lives without annoying anyone else try to impose your shit

do i need to explicitly address that op is fagott?

this guy deserves a beer.

Oh for fuck sake.

OP is a bassoon?

What's a matter sexist white male?

stupid niggers its fucking obvious the entire thread is a troll

most of those fuckers are white men and women idiot, niglets are way busy with more important things

it's fun anyways

i don't like beer

Like atealing bikes?

Physiological differences.
Phycological differences.
The list could go on.
Transgender is nothing more than body modification. Some trannies are hot, some trannies are ugly. It all depends upon the quality of the pills, shots, implants, and if you're actually girlish enough to convince me that you're worth fucking.



Indeed it is. John Money, hungry for attention, fame and legacy, invented the term and ruined the life of a young boy who killed himself by convince ng him he was actually a girl and encouraging him to live as one. Before John Money, there's was only sex. Rigid and based in fact. I agree, OP. Let's do away with gender and go back to sex only as an identifier of genitalia. Checkmate, dumbass.

The problem is, the people who put their body and brain through these treatments and body altering effects become mentally ill. The medicine they take and treatments fuck with their brain chemical balance. Trannies being mentally ill isn't a meme.

They become aggressive, hyper-sexual and angry all the time. It's not healthy for your mind or your body, what they do to themselves.

Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
Stupid, uninteresting

even that it's more important

Because that would be offensive to those who were born in the wrong gendered body :^)

Autocorrect mangled my post. Oh well. I'm sure you can get the jist.

then why the fuck are you here?

>checks genotype
>sex chromosomes still present


my god... that child is going to be so fucked up. There's no way that kid will ever be able to live a normal life.

>Hey there's the faggot who's dad used to breast feed him!
This is how psychopaths are born.

Because clinically insane people have managed to get voted into office, largely by other insane people.

>Terrible grammar
>who's dad
Seems like your parents never taught you correct grammar.

You mean most white men have better things to do than chop their own dicks off.5

Like the people in office give two fucks. They're just pandering to an audience and a demographic hoping they'll get re-elected. Gotta make sure you keep getting those nice government checks for doing... whatever it is that they do.

Something about millions of years of biology.

Aight. Drink of choice.

I only drink sperm.

>implying the mullahs or the chinks would put up with your shit
white men and their kindness is the only thing keeping you alive, retard.


Reminds me of when the Prince had their baby and feminists were outraged because they didn't let the one day old decide their gender.

What a time to be alive.

It is both things unfortunately.



This, I can't wait for the streets to be filled with niggers, and all the white bois will have no choice but to cowar back to their swat uniforms along with their mp5's like a bunch of privileged piss babies.

Exactly OP's point, isn't it?


Gender is a social construct. Sex is not.

Are you aware that not all white people are cops and many don't even like cops.
>I'm going to generalize an entire demographic, advocate for their demise and excuse it with what is best for the planet.
Does this make you a genocidal bigot? Well of course not, because you're acting this way to the group that it is socially acceptable to act like this towards.
Even if it is well nigh identical to how nazis treated jews, gay people and gypsies, it's simply not the same. Because you're a bigot to the right people.
Isn't that grand user?

Y'all don't like anybody other than white people tbh fam.


Bad false flag troll is bad.

Gender is what you think you are.
Sex is what you are.
If you use gender instead of sex you are a retard.

You don't even know me as an individual.
You're still generalizing because it gives you the role of the wronged and other people the roles of the wrongdoers.
This basically means that you can act like you want, because anything bad that happens in your life is because of the Hwhite people bringing you down. Now be aware I'm only analyzing you as the pocket layman shrink I am, not everyone who happens to look like you.
I've met black people who had agency and worked for what they wanted, who respected others and didn't expect all white people they met to be racist towards them. That is a sort of black guy that all sane white people I know would like and respect.
But lemme guess, since I'm mostly white(I actually 1/32 black myself) I'll be automatically racist in your mind, because anything bad that ever happens to you isn't your fault right?