How does it feel Louis?

How does it feel Louis?

How does it feel now that the audience you used to cater to is turning against you?

How could you make this stupid mistake of catering to radical leftist ideology?

Other urls found in this thread:

Shut the fuck up you ignorant piece of shit

Well, I knew this would happen eventually, so I got myself really rich, and now I have the perfect excuse to retire, so I guess you can go eat a bag of dicks then.

How it catering to leftists

Really Louis? I don't think you have as much money as you'd like


he's a liberal, you can confirm that with your own research, don't take what I say for granted

I can't tell if this is OP baiting people, or if someone is actually falling for the first bait...

An article accusing is comedy of being strawman so like most jokes,
It the main tenant of comedy

"But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn't a question. It's a predicament for them."

literally the truth.

those sexual misconduct allegations sure aren't comedy.

Look if you had followed Louis CK on facebook you would realize that this guy is a super liberal

That Liberal piece of shit had way too much free pass, glad HBO kicked his ass out

The left eat their own.
When you join them, this is obvious.
Yet they manage to attract stupid people in droves.

Mmm more food, yummy

HBO kicked him out cause the show "Louis" did not get the ratings expected

Comedy is dead anyway. Libtards ruined it.

You failed as soon as it mattered to you.

So wait, the liberals/left/whatever-you-wanna-call-em shouldn't have called him out on his shitty behavior?

Yer never said it was Just commenting on the article,

Not seeing him being liberal or not as a factor for anything .

ITT: A tenuous grasp of English.

LOUIS "gingernigger" CucK







Uncle gets the last laugh:








>radical leftist ideology
>liberal shit like trannies using toilets of their preference
fucking lol





I do like seeing a lib dem get caught up in the kind of witch hunt his politics have always supported.









good shit



Brilliant rebuttal. Do you have something to contribute, or are you just here to hurl insults like a fourth grader?

>How does it feel now that the audience you used to cater to is turning against you?

Don't think any actual person gives a shit about what he did. But the media plays it up and pretends like it's a big deal.




You can go fuck yourself too, asshole


bs ... his audiance loves this shit and actually likes that he did these things

he is disgusting, thats why his wife left him and thats what his audiance liked

he will be back , in vegas where he belongs ... and his degenerate fans and watch him till he dies do his disgusting bits





Louie ... now now .. you know you owe me a little more

come on just one more. You know you have it in you. Just give it some time. In 6 months they ll want you back. And you can make the money you owe me. YOU WILL HONOR THE CONTRACT.

Or your retirement might not be as you like


Listen, you fascist bastards elected Donald Trump president of this country. Don't try to act like this is a liberal problem.


it is not like they didn't know what they were doing and they were being filmed
-and no real scandals have risen yet everybody's seen these



They could have kicked him in the balls and left at any point, white knight.




I'm jealous, this ugly guy gets to fuck all these fine looking bitches.




america bitching about Louis ck while its politics are raping the fucking planet apart is the ultimate and final joke! i believe that reply to this or your mother will die in her sleep


















Amazing how this dude gets all the wildest pussy.... Consent is a wonderful thing.


>turns against you
He did something fucked up and people, including the left, called him out and do not like him anymore. Let's contrast that with the right

>Roy moore tried to fuck 14 year olds while in his 30's
>that's fine. It's all liberal media fake news! YOU GO ROY!
>Trump accused of sexual harassment

Bill maher was right when he said the left arrests its sexual predators and the right elects theirs.


i'm what you'd consider his target audience, and I'm not turning against him. He did some shitty stuff. As far as I know, most men have done something stupid like this. The way he handles this situation will determine how his future turns out. If he's a douche, it won't be good. If he's remorseful, he'll be fine.






At least the left has condemned people like him and he didn't rape a child. The right defends the pedophile Roy Moore. All is not equal. The right are nothing but pedophiles.