Is this a normal father and daughter relationship?

is this a normal father and daughter relationship?


Her hands are curiously positioned

agreed. they seem VERY close. boyfriend/girlfriend type photos


Ive caught my gf walking around in panties in the kitchen on numerous occasions. I've also caught her clearly giving him up skirts while sitting down.

just a girl i know who seems sexily close to her daddy. i always thought he molested her or they fuck on the reg

thats pretty hot. you should double team her with the old man

Maybe when the mum dies



thats why i voted for him

They're banging, no doubt.


you know what's funny about these his face says
>i'm a boring suburban dad, cuck me
but his clothing and body say
>i'm trying to stay relevant to youth and i've done some shady shit in that attempt

if i'd have to guess, he still does coke in the right company and drives a flashy car


Which one is the wife..?

>Those legs


I second that

Look how happy he is holding his true love.


happy guy


A father cant be a lovely guy with his own daughter in america. Fuch that shit.


no you don't understand i want them to be fucking eachother

Happy guy looks like he's getting rubbed well


its love photos mate ... when a boyfriend and girlfirend fight and are mad at eachother its the same as a father and daughter fighting

what you are seeing is love, happiness and desire to be close

now a kiss on the lips and some extra grouping then be worried. but it daddies little girl and he hold her close to protect her from the uglies of the world that have no parents that cared for them and have no love like you

i mean the reason you say its very "boyfirend" like is becuase you are ignorant. Your father/mother was not in your home. Youll never have closeness like this in your life. Not with anyone else beucase you never known what its like to how to achieve it and what it means

you have no idea what love is , no doubt

its beautiful to think about

"I remember how tight she was when she was my little girl."

foster child

Stop making these threads. You must have some sort of daddy daughter fetish or something.

When daddy's hand knows just what feels good

We need to see those Chelsea in Bill's lap pics now

Where is the wife?

so your parents fucked you?



She was too ugly for Bill...but now Ivanka....


an honest man

>what love is , no doubt

You have no idea that there ought to be no space before a comma.



Apparently for some. My cousin was always sitting on her father or brother's lap, tickling them, and generally being too touchy in my opinion. Weirded me out even as a kid.

But they were always a strange bunch. Lived in a forest.

here she is with her bro

oh fuck she's so hot! more!

It's gettin weirder

That bitch is in heat.

some slob i can only assume is also related. you say close family i say molestation ring

brother again

here you are no family

Here I am what?

He's got that fat molester uncle vibe

yep. his hand is close to that ass as he can get.

fat guys with hairy chests and gold chains gross me out