RIP: Heart Attack

RIP: Heart Attack

Is that fucking tumor on the surface of the earth actually dead yet?

We can meme it with dubs, trips, quads, quints, or more, maybe.

He died?!

takes literally 2 seconds to do a google search and prove this wrong. lame and boring trolling

nope still alive. prick.

A Google search for George Soros yields this information.


The conflict!

It’s bizarre how the conspiratorial right has latched onto this one rich liberal out of countless others, and have for decades.
And he pushes his agenda with MONEY. Literally the right’s MOST APPROVED METHOD of pushing an agenda. Yet when Soros plays by THEIR rules, they go apoplectic.


pick one.
Soros is no liberal, hes a socialist, big difference.

Most people in America have forgotten what liberal used to mean. The Founding Fathers were liberals of their generations. Being a conservative in the late 1700s meant probably being a monarchist, at the time of the Revolutions in America and France. Of course, nearly everyone was socially conservative, they wouldn't approve of the man-hating feminist and homosexual degenerate stuff that goes on so much now.

>It’s bizarre
Every movement needs villains. Someone on the right picked Soros, probably for his unusual name, and the herd fell in line.

Libertarians are the old school liberals, now. That's what most of them prefer to be called at this point, libertarians., to avoid being identified with the current class of leftist liberals that are really the progressives and socialists.

Soros is a very Star Wars/Sith Lord sounding name, isn't it?

Soros has earned every bit of bad press that he gets. Read an article from someplace other than CNN sometime, lemming.

conservatives closer to classical liberals nowadays than american "liberals".


The trips agree with your statement (I am the person you replied to, I didn't mean to suggest that today's liberals are really liberal in the classic sense).




rip George I will miss you

If i get quads he ded in 24h

You got dubs, which means that he might just choke on a cup of coffee or tea, at most.

Fucker didn't send me my check yet!
