Keep the beard or ditch it?

keep the beard or ditch it?


Hold on

Not trying to be mean bro, but imo having it that long looks terrible. At least trim it down to chin level. It’s hard to make a 100% judgement tho with out seeing your whole face, but I understand the decision. Here’s some titties for your time.

from 1 bearded man to another, you will regret it the second you start cutting it off.

Go to bed joe


this is me.
upon further inspection you should not only NOT cut it off, you should grow your mustache out. will look better with a big 'stashe


op here. this morning that was a full beard and stache. i fucked up trimming and had to do a drastic measures. this is what i ended up with.


How long did it take to grow? I'm having a 7 month beard now and the girls love it and my wife too.

Let a barber fix it and continue growing

lock up the trimmers bud, it looks fine. I am like you, I trim the sides down to nothing but the main "goatee" area is long like yours. Mine is blonde though, and the side areas I trim are red. hate the red.

Can you please show it?

ill try take a decent pic, gimme a couple mins

Sure bro

op again.
this is the most recent pic i can find with full beard. from sept.

lmao anoncat

Looks better, bro. Definitely keep it maintained.

That looks bad ass bro. You fucked up trimming it but keep growing it

looks better now or looked better then?


how big is your head that you had to cover the whole thing?

Great beard! But go to a barber for finishing touch


ever seen American Dad? im Roger

bad advice bad advice bad advice

i’m kinda new here but i’ve posted a few times. do girls just post random titties in threads for attention or something?


there's almost zero percent chance that a girl posted that picture.

Unless your fucking your immediate family or vape...(dunno which is worse) then it should go.

im weary of other men touching my facial hair. the last one fucked it up, and then I trusted a woman to fix it and she fucked it up worse. If I cant cut it myself, its not happening.

You fucked up grooming it. Any guy with a real beard has done that before. Now you just have to suffer a few months of it looking stupid while you grow more of it out. Happened to me once, trimming it down to a goatee was the dumbest shit I could of done and not just shaving it all off and restarting. At that length though and with the other growth around you, you already put up with it for a while already another month or two and it should be fine. Just don't fuck it up again.

cut the head fag

dudes who can't grow facial hair.

dont worry guys, not everyone has these genes. its like short guys, not your fault.

The Lord Speaks

Beardanons, is it normal for your jaw not to cooperate entirely when growing your beard out the first time, or are genetics helping me to make a fool of myself for trying? My beard grows patchy on my middle-lower jaw and I am curious whether others have experienced this only to have it fill in eventually? I have quality mustache genes but my beard DNA is not well documented

its random man. if you see a dude with a glorious beard, he won the DNA lottery.

I'll have you know I grow facial hair daily and I have to shave it off!!

Take care of it. Beards are next level, cut it Gaelic like giroud, not like you live in a shack mainlining bud light.

ditch it mohummad


my work frowns upon beards but my buddy got me in and they hired me with one. i’d like to start over but i have a feeling if i went clean they’d hold me to it. as it stands they can’t say shit

My works policy is it has to be clean and groomed. as long as I trim some of it, its good to go. Helps that I work in a corporate office and not with food.

that’s fag shit

Yeah you're already in. Just find someone that's better at trimming, if you can find photos that look like you want it to turn out, don't be afraid to have a bit of it chopped off in the process.

i’m a teamster

Ain't nothing faggy about taking care of your appearance. Rather look good than like a hobo.

Here in Holland we have great barbers and I almost fall asleep when they're styling my beard.

there is a not so fine line between taking care of yourself and being a faggot metrosexual

lucky bastard. my company employs the testers that try out potential kids product/activities. we basically find the dumbest adults we can find and make sure these kits aren't difficult at all. the CEO asked my boss about my beard and why he didnt make me shave, he replied that I dont ever interact with clients and it would be a shame to shave such a glorious beard. CEO agreed.

can i come play with toys for free? i’d make it a point to get it caught in my beard so you’d have to make it more retard proof

shave it a bit unless you're a sysadmin

Ya for sure. You close to Texas?

no. chicago. but i’ve messed up games of risk reaching across a board. that shit can get violent

So apparently if you take care of yourself you're a metrosexual. Bet you think weight is all about genetics too.

i know why i’m a big fat fuck

taking a shower and being presentable is what regular people do.

being “stylish” wearing the cool new trendy shit and careing enough about what other people think for you to spend money on it makes you a faggot

Wotyagonnado OP?

if you ever want to get laid by a female, ditch it.

general consensus is i should keep it so i’ll do that i guess.

gf had no complaint but i could go full cave man and she wouldn’t say shit

i have a girlfriend of 3yrs


Trim the length so it doesn't look as scraggly and tidy it up. It's a good beard, make it look better.

braid it

Shave your eyebrow.

Because the sides are so short in comparison, it looks bad. With care, however, it could be a thing of beauty

Honestly don't lose it bruh, I had to clean shave for work and I fukin regret it man