Dear Atheists/Agnostics

Dear Atheists/Agnostics

I'm a Christian but I'm not gonna be an asshole about it like many do on this site. I respect your intelligence to question things first.

I have also been doing that for years which lead me to videos like this one which really put a solid argument for the existence of God.

If you're as intelligent and mature as you think you are, you will listen to both sides of the story.
There are sources online, so many strong arguments for God and how everything fits together if you will only step out and look.

This video explains who exactly God is
Here is very personal message God has left for you whether you believe in him yet or not. All of what you hear comes directly from the bible as you see the bible verses referenced in yellow.

How to be saved

Other urls found in this thread:

The problem I see with videos like "Evidence for god" is, that it is misleading. Of course there are reasons to make you think, an intelligent design makes sense to you. But that is no evidence. Fact is there is no proof for, neither against god. Debating about god is not scientifically because you have no scientific arguments.
The really important thing is that you love your life and be kind to others. And never force your believe on others, theist or atheist.

Thing is, there is no 100% proof. I don't care to waste my time with something that may not exist nor want to worship an idol that sends people to hell who aren't faithful to him. It's honestly that simple. I see Christians as wolf in sheep clothing, or men to scared to face the truth, or just ignorant.

A lot of the fat fedora wearing retards seem to be converting to Christianity (TJ, Carl Benjamin etc) Guess it's to cool thing to do

> I'm a Christian
> not an asshole about it

Pick one, Bud.

They all have micro penis

I don't see this as "solid evidence" anyways. Either way i don't care. When i die if i go to heaven or hell i'll just laugh and realize i was wrong. For now i don't believe.

The video seems to talk a lot about how life is perfectly suited to living on earth, no shit it does it evolved on the earth to suit the environment. Also there are so many planets in the universe are you surprised there is one that can sustain life?

Not op, but you won't be laughing, stupid nigger.


Alright bro let me rephrase, i'll realize i'm wrong. For now i don't give a shit.

Op's painting has to be about the stupidest painting by a stupid bitch ever. A carpenter (dirtball carpenter at that) shows up at her door and she mistakes him for god. Gets on oprah for it. Mediocre painter at best. Looks like a carpenter begging for work painted by sill-less bitch who needs cock.




Of course!


>evidence for god
Good one
I remember back in 2007/8 when I used to enjoy seeing threads like this one, because debating religion was fun.





it's saying "i have blisters on my fingers" backwards as it starts.


"X-stian" on Sup Forums
Fucking keks
Your jeebus will send you to hell!

mixing up god and jesus, the post

there's no such thing as atheists, or theists for that matter.

You can't prove god exists
you can't prove god doesn't exist

until one of you guys can do that, you don't exist as what you label yourself because there is no logical way to come to a definite answer either which way. You are both making factual claims of which you have no factual information on.



This isn't a YLYL thread but man i lost

If you can't explain why your god exists in a few short paragraphs, why should I waste my time watching all these videos?

God is a computer programmer
we are artificial intelligence inside a simulation, which is why God seems to defy "Physics" because "physics" is just part of the computer simulation.



Yes, please fuck us. It feels good.

man I would love to fuck this one atheist bitch on Youtube, Angrylittlegiri or whatever. her real name was Jessica. So fuckable years ago

you're not atheist.

Ooops, sorry!


>which is why God seems to defy "Physics"
Your explanation seems to rely on circular logic.

I do not believe in gods, so I'm an atheist.


Yo Donny!
What do you expect from religious cucks?

we now are on the verge of creating our own artificial intelligence inside a computer, which makes it feasible and reasonable to assume that a being who has already evolved has created us inside a simulation.

I'm not religious, I believe solely in science and scientific theory, which is why I say God is a computer programmer and we are his simulation.


atheism is hands down the easiest religion to troll

Atheism doesn't exist. There is only Theism and Agnosticism, and a bunch of assholes who call them self Atheists but can't even define it.


So you're a theist/agnostic?
Same shit different name.
Have a bird


Pick one

There is a flaw in the video about the way planets spin

see what I mean?

9 seconds in and it's already heresy (no Firmament). 35 seconds in and it's total fallacy.
The scientific viewpoint is not that the universe came into existence from nothing, it's that the universe was, at one point, compressed into a singularity.
What, if anything, preceded/caused that singularity is beyond our ability to mathematically model. It's not "from nothing", it's "from [we don't know yet]".

With such a fundamental misunderstanding of scientific theory, I see no reason to waste a half hour of my life watching the rest of this.
Is that prejudicial of me? Sure.
But imagine someone tells you they're going to give you scientific evidence of something and they start with "Since we know that wood is composed of the four basic elements of earth, fire, air, and water...". That's how I feel here.

moar jebus memes

Inteligent design = god
theist logic lol

Share some faggot, I don't wanna waste my folder with fuck all in exchange!

I say nay!


>There are sources online
Why do idiots always reference this? I guess it convinced them so.....

It's like they don't know how the internet works

How can someone be a theist agnostic? no, I'm neither.


My internet research says this is our true God



I hope this is just another bait. People shouldn't be serious about this bullshit in the 21st century.

If there is a god, why is the Christian god the true God? If you believe a deity exists, why is it absurd to believe that others exist? Even the God of the Bible acknowledges other powers besides himself, and says to stay away from them. Sounds like the insecure and jealous Demiurge that the Gnostics talk about.

Because they say so!

Atheists are in denial that Atheism is literally a religion.

Who has the evidence that the Christian god is not the only true god? There may be an invisible pink unicorn behind you right now on another dimensional frequency, I can't prove it but you also can't disprove it.

Because God is the white God, and if there is a deity, whites are clearly the chosen people. See literally all of the history of mankind.

Right, the commandment is "You shall have no other gods before ME" not "There are no other gods, ignore those silly fake religions." Nor is it absurd, but biblically backed up by the existence of Beelzebub and other non-Abrahamic gods.

>why is the Christian god the true God
When you get to the top of the ladder, you stop climbing.

I take too much lsd for God


Let's go for the full one!

niggers tongue my anus

>you will listen to both sides of the story
You are right

I just listened to both sides of the story, and decided Satan is where it is at

Thanks, OP

Hey, you've gotten at least one hooked.

Wow! You must be a special kind of stupid. Atheists aren't making a claim. They don't believe in god. They don't have to prove shit. If I don't believe in unicorns, I don't have to convince you that they don't exist.

Hey, stop samefagging nigger!


They make a claim every day when they say
"God is imaginary"
and every day they argue with theists about how they are wrong. Atheists indeed are making a claim you numbnuts



'I'm a Christian but I'm not gonna be an asshole about it...'
'If you're as intelligent and mature as you think you are..'
Even when you Christians try, you just can't come across as anything other than assholes. No video or argument will make what you believe likely or even plausible or anything other than medieval bullshit we should have left far behind us.
Spent my whole life listening to the 'other side' of the story and it amounts to 'believe something with absolutely no evidence or you must be stupid and are going to burn in hell.'
Fucking backwards.

>They make a claim every day
Claiming they are wrong is NOT claiming that god doesn't exist. They are wrong about their methodology. They are wrong about how they arrived at their conclusion. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that a "god" exists. If you said "hey buddy I say a unicorn", it would not make me believe that you saw one and I would say that you were mistaken about seeing one.
>God is imaginary
True, this is badly worded and some atheists do say this, but it's not the majority and it goes against the definition of "atheism".

No video will provide evidence or even a solid argument. With evidence or any kind of proof then it is no longer a faith, but a fact and as such anyone who didn't believe it would be stupid. That is why they ask for your faith. Because there is not, nor will there ever be any evidence to back it up. This goes for all 3000+ gods that have plagued human history, not just the one you think is right because it has been brainwashed into you since birth.

Is that Rod Stewart circa the 1980's?

Hey retard, have you ever considered that your exact argument also applies to atheism?
Look up Godel's Incompleteness Theorems, and you will see why you need an external God to create a universe.

Nicely put.

>just making shit up on the spot
good job user
keep up the good work
you're doing god's work my man

Excellent retort. Bravo!

Do you have proof that anyone else is a conscious aware being and that you aren't just experiencing a massive elaborate hallucination or dream?

no, you don't do you? You can't prove to anyone else also that you are a conscious being, no one can experience that, we can only assume it is true.

It wasn't a retort, I was congratulating you bro

of all the rocks in the enormous universe it's crazy to think there's a supreme being who cares so much about ours

even if you think there is, the idea that he had a son who wasn't really a son and then had to die for some reason but didn't die and there was also a spirit involved is so incoherent it's hard even to type.

then you have the actual Xn ritual with the cannibalism and the torture device and references to things like "bathing in the blood of the lamb" which is, quite frankly, disturbing.

having said all that, basic human morality (don't steal! don't lie! do nice things!) is perfectly nice whatever wrapper it comes in and there are many Ned Flanderses out there in the West who are nice (as there are, by the way, many nice Muslim Flanderses and Hindu Flanderses and Buddhist Flanderses).

But back to the beginning, God doesn't exist, and if there were a God he wouldn't give a crap about earth much, he'd be the God of radio waves and neutrons and supernovae because that's what mainly goes on.

or the God of algae given that single celled organisms were the only life on earth for 2 billion years and have been here for 6 vs humans, who have only been around for 100k.

we are monkeys living on a rock.

Except atheism is plausible. If I were to claim to be the son of god right now, you would have no less reason to believe me than you do that book.
And 'Hey retard'. Couldn't have proved my point anymore about what a bunch of assholes you lot are. Ridiculous things will always be questioned by intelligent people, and whether you like it or not, your religion is a joke from its very inception plagiarising from gods and prophets written about two thousand years before santa and telling exactly the same story, right up to the unchecked and systrematic abuse of children for centuries by santas representatives on earth.
Just out of curiosity where do you stand on fairies. They are as likely to exist as your god, but I'm assuming you apply some kind of logic to any thoughts on their existence.
And before you start name calling, remember santa is watching and that goes directly against his teachings choirboy.

I am not OP.
But when I create AMA threads as a Christian?
I like too debate what the bible does or does not say.

I don't like to get off in to does God or Christ exist.

It is a debate each of us has to answer for ourselves.
I am saddened when others reject the Bible because of poor translations and traditions.

But then I study the books for my own not to use to thrash others.

The bottom line for those of us with faith.
Is to share the law in simplicity and to be examples to others.
Sadly most of us fall very short as examples and worse fail to admit it.

I don't see Joel Osteen or Benny Hinn as very good Christian examples. I doubt that the Pope who leads the Church that crucified Peter has any real authority. Still too many view these as examples of what Christ taught and desired (Even though they most certainly are not.)

The Golden rule is all; those who try to share should share.
"Love God. Treat all men as brothers do unto them as you would have them do unto you."

May peace be with you.

good point here. once you see how much the imagination can create on acid you can go one of two ways: either believe that's somehow proof that other magic realms actually exist, or realize that it's all in the mind.
