Motivational Thread. Right now

Motivational Thread. Right now.

Stop fucking fapping to instagram pictures and start to turn your life around.

No weakass shit here. Only powerfull stuff.

Other urls found in this thread:






Fuck. I forgot how awsome courage wolf is.








Im liking this thread. So different from the rest.



We used to have daily motivational threads. Sup Forums has changed.


Fuck, it came at the right time today. Trust me.

Good to hear brother


Thanks, man. Really appreciate it.




That's it, I'm doing it...

Whatever youre doing, good luck.

Thanks bro.
I think the guy in this video was super right.
Growth is spontaneous
0 is potential
1 is action
All you have to do is act and push yourself to the next level and life will hand you the rewards of those hard decisions

I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna read the chapters of my textbook and study for my test one Wednesday!

This is the kind of unity I like to see... we should bring back daily/weekly Moto threads