Can we talk about lucid dreaming, Sup Forums?

Can we talk about lucid dreaming, Sup Forums?

No we can't

Maybe start the conversation then?

No we can't

>lucid dreaming
overrated meme

Only if we can talk about lsd

No we can't

No, we can't

No, I doubt we are able to.

why should we?

I dunno OP. Isn't lucid dreaming really hard to pull off?

I tried yesterday, wrote a long post with lots of different topics and the thread just 404'd, so didn't bother this time.

I believe all phsychadelic substances do the same thing, all they do is unlock the dreaming part of the brain, hence the "trip" as we call it.
I also believe schizophrenia, and psychosis is just the brain not being able to contain the dream visuals/audiotory sounds. That would also explain the confusion people with psychosis feel. I mean, you always feel foggy in a dream.

People often think of lucid dreaming as something "supernatural" or that its like "hacking" your brain.
Everyones brains (for the lack of a better word) already have the option to be lucid in dreams.
All you gotta do is actually put in the time and dedication over a period of time, and everyone will have lucid dreams.

I lucid dream on occasion, I know how to stabilise them and I can instigate them _fairly_ easily.

They're fun but honestly the lack of control is what I like about normal dreams. Lucid dreaming is more like an extension of my normal waking life, with the added ability to swoop down and rape someone.

>swoop down and rape someone
Oh the joy of the most basic human instincts
Flying and fucking.

>All you gotta do is actually put in the time and dedication over a period of time, and everyone will have lucid dreams.
So you are suggesting that some people aren't somehow blocked but just lazy?

Thats absolutely correct.
What 80% of people will do, is they don't stick with it. They'll write in their dream journals for a week, then start missing days, and then they just stop for a month, then they decide to write a few entries and stop again. Same with reality checks.
They get frustrated that they aren't seeing results.
But the whole damn point of lucid dreaming practise is to be consistent, and to make this a part of your life.

This so much. there is a reason people go to school for years to learn things, its weird that people think its somehow different with lucid dreaming practice. (not saying its gonna take years to lucid dream, istarted ld'ing about five or six weeks into it)

And that must mean that you can now go and see lucid dreams at will?

Lucid dreaming is detrimental to your health

No. It is possible, to achieve lucidity at every nights REM sleep, and there are people who can induce lucid dreams practically at will, at almost any night.
But these people have been delibirately living lucid and studied this state for several decades.
There are tibetan monks who do nothing but dedicate their life to mastering lucid dreaming.
But you don't need to induce lucid dreams every night. If you keep at this for a few years, you can easily have at least one lucid dream a week, that is stable, and that you have full control over, for up to 30 minutes.
You can have a lucid dream every month within a year.
But you have to dedicate yourself to this. And don't expect to have/be able to initiate lucid dreams on a nightly basis, although it is possible.

FOR ANYONE INTERESTED: - A reddit community with almost 180 000 lucid dreamers. Great place for discussions and Q&A amongst us. - The most popular lucid dreaming forum, and one of the longest running. Lots of admins are lucid dreaming teachers, and people with alot of experience. This community also tries to collect LD info from the participating users, helping further research on the subject. - A free, simple journal service. Makes it alot easier and faster to record your dreams neatly, and categorized. All the nessesary features are free, but if you buy a month, they will send you your whole journal to your email as a .pdf