

Other urls found in this thread:




using the first digit in all of these, excluding the last, a quick google search turns up this address

1410 Fall River Road

Quick, user.

what do now? thats all i got

>This is hexadecimal

Bumb so thread doesn't die

Ministry | Fall River Chapel or Georges P Vanier Junior High School

hexadecimal to text says: Ptg


bumpty bump


i found converting all of that hexadecimal shit to text gives:
_�+��TA�K-�p �NGЋig�p$_�?RR�

Half of it converts to ( Nothing Perosonal )

thank you guys for not letting me be the only one here with no life lmao

they both seem to be called river road so theres a connection i think

33ea 463f f364 34da 2c88 b919 adb1 0d6b f281 e469 9b6e c800

No, that's not how this works at all.

oh? explain

false alarm guys, it's another kiddo reading up on Sup Forums history and thinking he can start a mystery
kys op

i would believe that but there was another thread earlier telling people not to go to times square in ny tomorrow...

>oh? explain

First of all you only used barely over 10% of the given data to reach that stupid conclusion; so it's cherry picking. Second of all this isn't how you decode hex.


fair enough. i havent done this shit before so im not trying to be an asshole, user. woops

To be fair, I don't know what it decodes to either. I'm just familiar enough to know that's not the answer.

alright. kinda wanna figure this out now. add me somewhere...?

converting the lines individually and googling them leads to climatological data

Do you have steam?




_�+��TA�K-�p �NGЋig�p$_�?RR�


Plugging that into a hex translator won't give you the answer. I did a bit more to encode that.



Look at the data a lot closely. Each line is 4 bytes, that should be enough of a clue. You guys are know/are smart enough to figure it out.

I might have it then.

Hmmm... nope, my idea didn't work.

B is for bump

I'm frantically trying to find out as much as I can. Not gonna lie, this is exciting and stimulating.

You should have been on the first and second cicada 3301 puzzle irc chats, those were a trip. I got the first three clues on the first one and only got tow on the second one and then I got so fucking lost.

Put me in the screen cap

Has this been run through some sort of hash? I keep getting a == at the end of the strings?

Nah, bruh. if it ends in == or =, it could be base64 encoded. But I highly doubt it. The information here is not to serve as a message.

Nevermind. Read something on stack exchange that says it's an artifact of converting some strings to base 64.

>The information here is not to serve as a message.

Oh, well in that case I'm not sure what to do with it. Guessing it's a location as implied in the image. I also tried looking through the image and I didn't see anything in it or its file, so I'm stumped.

I wish I had someone show this shit when I was a kid. BRB getting some beers for this. Could be long night. Hope the thread is still here.

The picture isn't related.

Or maybe it is. IDK yet.

The picture in mine isn't related either.

Funny. For some reason I did imagine a dog behind a computer screen. ;P

I was referring to this:

Too bad not motherless codes

Lol, I tried that too

Bump, about to sage tho...

Welp. I'm out for the night. Another one to add to the folder of unsolved things. Goodnight fags.

You guys are wasting your time with hexadecimal. They look to me like HTML color codes. I thought you guys were supposed to be smart.

That's what I thought

wow its just like cicada 3301!!!!!!!

If u look up the orignal numbers it links you to a reddit post

Anyone familiar with machine code care to take a crack at what ISA this is. I got it from another person on a G+ community. Some people have said it could possibly be MIPS but I'll let you all try it out. 04105FE2 082BB1EC 544102F3 044B2DED 700020E1 4E47D08B 69176790 70245FB5 3F5252E1

Very helpful

A l33t secret haxor wouldn't leave the filename like that



Bump negro

I've never said without some sense of irony, but here we go: you, sir, are an idiot. Html color are 3 bytes. Each line is four bytes. L2math.

They don't know what they're talking about.

Anyone else figure this out?

No matter what decode I put this through I get something that may resemble a url hash but otherwise it doesn't make sense.

If this is OP then this should be enough of a hint.

what i was saying is op probably copy and pasted this

ASRS R4, R0, #0x20
B #0x4C4
CMP R3, #8
LDC P1, C4, [R1], #0x150
SSAT FP, #5, R2, LSL #0x10
STC P0, C0, [SP, #-0x1C0]!
B #0x256
LDRH R0, [R2, #0x1E]
ASRS R1, R5, #0x1D
STR R0, [SP, #0x19C]
MOVS R4, #0x70
PUSH {R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R6, LR}
STRH R7, [R7, R0]
B #0x2CA

ARM hex dump

I'm not OP, but I love puzzles, and I found the clue he (or she) next step(s).

Fuck... fuck! That makes sense. Still I'll find out as much as I can. Not sure if anything will be relevant to... anything, really.


Yep. That's it.

Yeah, whatever
Can we sage this and the other tornado thread now pls

could be coordinates?

A quick Google search shows a Reddit user posted this 7 months ago, so i assume this has nothing to do with time square.


Link to the post

Whats the program do? I haven't learned ARM.

Stop samefaggin'. They're IP addresses, retards. Fuck it. This can't actually lead to something current if it's copypasta from half a year ago.

Here's the list:

Don't listen to that nonsense.

Thank you for surrendering the info. Tip submitted.

You've been watching too much tv, desu

thanks bud

Oh ya? Well explain THIS.

You pleb.



Do you retards think I'm OP? Wow. Idk why OP bother to leave clues when just about everyone on this board is retarded or knows nothing about computers. Alright. I wish you guys good luck with your lives, you guys are going to need it.


okay I did some digging and I found this? no idea what it's about



Stop bumping. There's no point.

Don't tell me how to live my life

Oh look an action replay code

somethin's goin' on here

Bringing out the Dead
