Playing the strokes while doing the dishes

>playing the strokes while doing the dishes
>my dad comes into the kitchen
>"is this the velvet underground?"

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes dad it's the Velvet Underground

Lou Reed came back from the dead and made a mid 2000s rock album.

>playing muse while sorting the laundry
>dad comes into room
>"user are you gay?"

is it just me or do they sound a LOT like the album marquee moon by television?

Lou reed died in 2013 senpai

I mean just listen to television man. Someone please confirm my sanity. The resemblance is uncanny. In terms of singing style and guitar and drumming.

yes it's a heavy influence

>have Grimes playing on my laptop
>dad comes in the room with a tire iron
>smashes in my skull with it
He did the right thing.

I've heard this comparison made a lot user, you're not crazy

Yeah, IMO this was around the time that Rock bands stopped creating new styles/sub-genres by combining various influences from the past and instead just started re-hashing one genre or even the sounds of just one or two bands from a certain genre. Bands that got big around that time like The Strokes, The White Stripes, The Vines and The Hives were all pretty much direct re-hashes of stuff that had been done.

have you ever seen lou reed and tom verlaine in the same room? didn't think so, user.....

Television is a heavy influence from the Strokes no doubt about it.

Your dad sounds fucking retarded.

found the /r/indiehead

>play Anyone Can Play Guitar in the car
> Dad goes "Is this Muse?"

idk. the strokes claim they never heard television, and i'm not totally sure i think there's a giant overlap in their sound.

the strokes were way way more rock and blues oriented than television. the only real similarities i can pick up are obviously the dual guitar interplay.

other than that television's sound was much more jazz influenced and "artsy" than the strokes. the drumming was less rock influenced. and they definitely didn't rely on strong vocal melodies in the same way the strokes did.

i hear much more of a TVU influence than television

He came back from the dead, went to the past and made a mid 2000s rock album

>listening to iron maiden while playing starcraft and jerking off
>dad walks in
>it will be a miracle if you ever get laid you fuckin idiot

yet the strokes claim to have never heard television before is this it came out.

what original band did the white stripes rehash/copy? i used to like their album "elephant" quite a lot. now i kind of cringe about my white stripes phase because i feel that they might not be as creative or interesting as i first found them a few years back.

quality post. you're right about each of the points you've made and explained how they're different. but i feel that there still are similarities: such as some idiosyncratic vocal stretches, guitar interplay, etc.

so he died in 2013, came back from the dead to go back in past to a time when he actually was alive to make a mid2000s rock album which his alive self didn't do?

>Dad walks in while I'm playing Twin Fantasy
>calls me a faggot and he didn't raise me to be like this

>but i feel that there still are similarities: such as some idiosyncratic vocal stretches, guitar interplay, etc.

yeah fair enough, i didn't say there were no similarities. i do think that people kind of go overboard comparing them though, i hear people say they sound exactly the same and shit

White Stripes are just boring bl00z rock m8. They're like early Led Zep or Cream with louder guitars and less talent. I guess there's maybe somewhat of a punk influence too but whatever

>playing rock music
>Johannes Sebastian Bach spawns behind me
>"is this absolute garbage?"