How is it possible to have tits like this? god damn

how is it possible to have tits like this? god damn

and they are natural damn

be 14 apparently

genetics + skinny, it's magic. that or shoop

How do you know she's 14, they look fake

Fake tits and being young


That looks a whole lot like amandyxd from the weest videos

clearly fake

but she doesnt have scars so how u explain that?

Looks like cancer

I know what I'm talking about, I medicate hobos in Brooklyn

My gf has fake tits but the scars are barely visible. So it’s not out of the question. I think those are fake.

People with breast cancer have amazing tits?

Need more pics to validate

scars can be easily hidden/covered



btw she was 13 at those photos.

No natural tit can be so big and we'll shaped like those.
If there is a cancerous process ongoing the body doesn't produces skin for this kind of mass, so the tits become bulging

yes, they can... but this is not the case with this girl. I've met, had girls that were like this. The problem is, you're gonna see this girl's tits continue to grow to be droopy... you're just catching her mid-growth is all. Sad... but fun if you can catch her at this pristine moment in her life.

kys virgin